Citrix ADC

Admin Partition

Where can I get the Citrix ADC configuration file for a partition?

The configuration file (ns.conf) for the default partition is available in the/nsconfigdirectory. For admin partitions, the file is available in the/nsconfig/partitions/directory.

How can I configure integrated caching in a partitioned Citrix ADC appliance?


Integrated caching in admin partitions is supported from NetScaler 11.0 onwards.

To configure integrated caching (IC) on a partitioned Citrix ADC, after defining the IC memory on the default partition, the superuser can configure the IC memory on each admin partition such that the total IC memory allocated to all admin partitions does not exceed the IC memory defined on the default partition. The memory that is not configured for the admin partitions remains available for the default partition.

For example, if a Citrix ADC appliance with two admin partitions has 10 GB of IC memory allocated to the default partition, and the IC memory allocation for the two admin partitions is as follows:

  • Partition1: 4 GB
  • Partition2: 3 GB

Then, the default partition has 10 - (4 + 3) = 3 GB of IC memory available for use.


If all IC memory is used by the admin partitions, no IC memory is available for the default partition.

What is the scope for L2 and L3 parameters in admin partitions?


  • Applicable from NetScaler 11.0 onwards.

  • For ARP to work in non-default partition, you must enable the “proxyArp” parameter in the “set l2param” command.

On a partitioned Citrix ADC appliance, the scope of updating the L2 and L3 parameters is as follows:

  • For L2 parameters that are set by using the “set L2Param” command, the following parameters can be updated only from the default partition, and their values are applicable to all the admin partitions:

    maxBridgeCollision, bdgSetting, garpOnVridIntf, garpReply, proxyArp, resetInterfaceOnHAfailover, and skip_proxying_bsd_traffic.

    The other L2 parameters can be updated in specific admin partitions, and their values are local to those partitions.

  • For L3 parameters that are set by using the “set L3Param” command, all parameters can be updated in specific admin partitions, and their values are local to those partitions. Similarly, the values that are updated in the default partition are applicable only to the default partition.

How to enable dynamic routing in an admin partition?


Dynamic routing in admin partitions is supported from NetScaler 11.0 onwards.

While dynamic routing (OSPF, RIP, BGP, ISIS, BGP+) is by default enabled on the default partition, in an admin partition, it must be enabled by using the following command:

> set L3Param -dynamicRouting ENABLED


A maximum of 63 partitions can run dynamic routing (62 admin partitions and 1 default partition).

On enabling dynamic routing on an admin partition, a virtual router (VR) is created.

  • Each VR maintains its own vlan0 which will be displayed as vlan0_.
  • All unbound IP addresses that are exposed to ZebOS are bound to vlan0.
  • The default VR (of the default partition) shows all the VRs that are configured.
  • The default VR shows the VLANs that are bound to these VRs (except default VLANs).

Where can I find the logs for a partition?

Citrix ADC logs are not partition-specific. Log entries for all partitions must be stored in the/var/log/directory.

How can I get audit logs for an admin partition?

In a partitioned Citrix ADC, you cannot have specific log servers for a specific partition. The servers that are defined at the default partition are applicable across all admin partitions. Therefore, to view the audit logs for a specific partition, you have to use the “show audit messages” command.


The users of an admin partition do not have access to the shell and therefore are not able to access the log files.

How can I get web logs for an admin partition?

You can get the web logs for an admin partition as follows:

  • For NetScaler 11.0 and later versions

    The web logging feature must be enabled on each of the partitions that require web logging. Using the Citrix ADC Web Logging (NSWL) client, the Citrix ADC retrieves the web logs for all the partitions with which the user is associated.

  • For versions prior to NetScaler 11.0

    Web logs can be obtained only bynsrootand other superusers. Also, even though web logging is enabled on the default partition, the Citrix ADC Web Logging (NSWL) client fetches web logs for all the partitions.

To view the partition for each log entry, customize the log format to include the %P option. You can then filter the logs to view the logs for a specific partition.

How can I get the trace for an admin partition?

You can get the trace for an admin partition as follows:

  • For NetScaler 11.0 and later versions

    In a partitioned Citrix ADC appliance, thenstraceoperation can be performed on individual admin partitions. The trace files are stored in the/var/partitions//nstrace/directory.

    Note:You cannot get the trace of an admin partition by using the GUI. You must use the CLI.

  • For versions prior to NetScaler 11.0

    Thenstraceoperation can only be performed on the default partition. Therefore, packet captures are available for the entire Citrix ADC system. To get partition-specific packet captures, use VLAN-ID based filters.

How can I get the technical support bundle specific to an admin partition?

To get the tech support bundle for a specific partition, you must run the following command from the default partition:

> show techsupport -scope partition -partitionname

Note:This command also gives system-specific information.