Application acceleration features

  • AppCompress

    Uses the gzip compression protocol to provide transparent compression for HTML and text files. The typical 4:1 compression ratio yields up to 50% reduction in bandwidth requirements out of the data center. It also results in significantly improved end-user response time, because it reduces the amount of data that must be delivered to the user’s browser.

  • Cache Redirection

    Manages the flow of traffic to a reverse proxy, transparent proxy, or forward proxy cache farm. Inspects all requests, and identifies non-cacheable requests and sends them directly to the origin servers over persistent connections. By intelligently redirecting non-cacheable requests back to the origin web servers, the Citrix ADC appliance frees cache resources and increases cache hit rates while reducing overall bandwidth consumption and response delays for these requests.

    For more information, seeCache Redirection.

  • AppCache

    Helps optimize web content and application data delivery by providing a fast in-memory HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 compliant web caching for both static and dynamic content. This on-board cache stores the results of incoming application requests even when an incoming request is secured or the data compressed, and then reuses the data to fulfill subsequent requests for the same information. By serving data directly from the on-board cache, the appliance can reduce page regeneration times by eliminating the need to funnel static and dynamic content requests to the server.

    For more information, seeIntegrated Caching.

  • TCP Buffering

    Buffers the server’s response and delivers it to the client at the client’s speed, thus offloading the server faster and thereby improving the performance of web sites.

Application acceleration features