Sample cluster configurations

The following example can be used to configure a four-node cluster with ECMP, cluster LA, or Linksets.

  1. Create the cluster.

    • Log on to the first node.

    • Add the cluster instance.

      > add cluster instance 1
    • Add the first node to the cluster.

      > add cluster node 0 -backplane 0/1/1
    • Enable the cluster instance.

      > enable cluster instance 1
    • Add the cluster IP address.

      > add ns ip -type CLIP
    • Save the configurations.

      > save ns config
    • Warm reboot the appliance.

      > reboot -warm
  2. Add the other three nodes to the cluster.

    • Log on to cluster IP address.

    • Add the second node to the cluster.

      > add cluster node 1 -backplane 1/1/1
    • Add the third node to the cluster.

      > add cluster node 2 -backplane 2/1/1
    • Add the fourth node to the cluster.

      > add cluster node 3 -backplane 3/1/1
  3. Join the added nodes to the cluster. This step is not applicable for the first node.

    • Log on to each newly added node.

    • Join the node to the cluster.

      > join cluster -clip -password nsroot
    • Save the configuration.

      > save ns config
    • Warm reboot the appliance.

      > reboot -warm
  4. Configure the Citrix ADC cluster through the cluster IP address.

    // Enable load balancing feature

    > enable ns feature lb

    // Add a load balancing virtual server

    > add lb vserver first_lbvserver http .... ....
  5. Configure any one of the following (ECMP, cluster LA, or Linkset) traffic distribution mechanisms for the cluster.


    • Log on to the cluster IP address.

    • Enable the OSPF routing protocol.

      > enable ns feature ospf
    • Add a VLAN.

      > add vlan 97
    • Bind the interfaces of the cluster nodes to the VLAN.

      > bind vlan 97 -ifnum 0/1/4 1/1/4 2/1/4 3/1/4
    • Add a spotted SNIP on each node and enable dynamic routing on it.

      > add ns ip -ownerNode 0 -dynamicRouting ENABLED > add ns ip -ownerNode 1 -dynamicRouting ENABLED > add ns ip -ownerNode 2 -dynamicRouting ENABLED > add ns ip -ownerNode 3 -dynamicRouting ENABLED
    • Bind one of the SNIP addresses to the VLAN.

      > bind vlan 97 -ipAddress
    • Configure the routing protocol on ZebOS by using the VTYSH shell.

      Static cluster LA

      • Log on to the cluster IP address.

      • Add a cluster LA channel.

        > add channel CLA/1 -speed 1000
      • Bind the interfaces to the cluster LA channel.

        > bind channel CLA/1 0/1/5 1/1/5 2/1/5 3/1/5
      • 执行一个枚alent configuration on the switch.

        Dynamic cluster LA

        • Log on to the cluster IP address.

        • Add the interfaces to the cluster LA channel.

          > set interface 0/1/5 -lacpmode active -lacpkey 5 -lagtype cluster > set interface 1/1/5 -lacpmode active -lacpkey 5 -lagtype cluster > set interface 2/1/5 -lacpmode active -lacpkey 5 -lagtype cluster > set interface 3/1/5 -lacpmode active -lacpkey 5 -lagtype cluster
        • 执行一个枚alent configuration on the switch.

        Linksets.Assume that the node with nodeId 3 is not connected to the switch. You must configure a linkset so that the unconnected node can use the other node interfaces to communicate with the switch.

      1. Log on to the cluster IP address.

      2. Add a linkset.

        > add linkset LS/1
      3. Bind the connected interfaces to the linkset.

        > bind linkset LS/1 -ifnum 0/1/6 1/1/6 2/1/6
  6. Update the state of the cluster nodes to ACTIVE.

    > set cluster node 0 -state ACTIVE > set cluster node 1 -state ACTIVE > set cluster node 2 -state ACTIVE > set cluster node 3 -state ACTIVE
Sample cluster configurations