Advanced policy expressions: working with dates, times, and numbers

Most numeric data that the Citrix ADC appliance processes consists of dates and times. In addition to working with dates and times, the appliance processes other numeric data, such as the lengths of HTTP requests and responses. To process this data, you can configure advanced policy expressions that process numbers.

A numeric expression consists of an expression prefix that returns a number and sometimes, but not always, an operator that can perform an operation on the number. Examples of expression prefixes that return numbers areSYS.TIME.DAY,HTTP.REQ.CONTENT_LENGTH, andHTTP.RES.BODY.LENGTH. Numericoperators can work with any prefix expression that returns data in numeric format. TheGT()operator, for example, can be used with any prefix expression, such as HTTP.REQ.CONTENT_LENGTH, that returns an integer.

Advanced policy expressions: working with dates, times, and numbers