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Creating Full Clones of Server OS in MCS

Applicable Products

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Symptoms or Error

Inside the GUI for Studio when cloning machines for Server OS, the option to use full clone instead of fast clone (default) is not available.


In order to implement this need, the catalog must be created in Powershell versus the GUI.

After the 'New-BrokerCatalog' step and 'New-AcctIdentityPool' steps of creating a catalog are completed and on the New-ProvScheme step of creating a catalog, the parameter "-UseFullDiskCloneProvisoning" must be included on the string.

For example:
New-ProvScheme -AdminAddress 'address:80' -CleanOnBoot -HostingUnitName 'SharedNFS' -IdentityPoolName 'ExampleMachines' -LoggingId
-MasterImageVM 'XDHyp:\hostingunits\SharedNFS\BaseVM.vm\Base OS,
domain joined and activated.snapshot \Pre-reqs installed.snapshot\\Updates Applied.snapshot\example.snapshot\Updated Agent.snapshot'
-NetworkMapping @{0='xdhyp:\hostingunits\SharedNFS\'} -ProvisioningSchemeName 'ExampleMachines'-RunAsynchronously -Scope @() -UsePersonalVDiskStorage -VMCpuCount -VMMemoryMB -UseFullDiskCloneProvisoning

Problem Cause

特点re limitation inside Studio GUI

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