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Citrix Cloud Service Level Agreement Violation

Applicable Products

  • Citrix Cloud


Citrix’ service commitment is to maintain at least 99.9% monthly up-time. This article is intended to assist Customers requesting a review of SLA compliancy for possible violations of the Citrix Cloud SLA policy.



  • Must be an active Citrix Cloud customer
  • Minimum one year term of service
  • Minimum 100 users (1000 users for CSP)
  • An SLA violation must have occurred 3 times within a 5 consecutive month period -(see SLA policy)

Monthly Uptime percentage measurements exclude downtime resulting from:

  • Regularly scheduled maintenance windows.
  • Customer’s failure to follow configuration requirements for the Service as documented on, or abusive behavior, or faulty input.
  • Customer’s use of a Service after Citrix advised Customer to modify Customer’s use of the Service, if Customer did not modify use. Caused by any component not managed by Citrix including, but not limited to, Customer controlled physical and virtual machines, Customer installed and maintained operating systems, Customer installed and controlled software, networking equipment or other hardware; Customer defined and controlled security settings, group policies and other configuration policies; public cloud provider failures, Internet Service Provider failures; or other Customer support factors external to Citrix’ control.
  • Customer’s employees, agents, contractors, or vendors, or anyone gaining access by means of Customer’s passwords or equipment, or otherwise resulting from Customer’s failure to follow appropriate security practices.
  • Customer’s attempts to perform operations that exceed Service entitlements.
  • 服务中断因不可抗力,包括, but not limited to, natural disasters, war or acts of terrorism, or government actions.
  • No Service Commitment is offered for any Citrix trial, tech preview, Labs or Beta service.
  • Note:Citrix Service Providersmust contact the Channel team via withSLA Claimin the subject line to submit a possible violation of the SLA. CSPs can expect an initial response within one business day confirming receipt of claim. Customers of Citrix Service Providers (CSPs) should contact their CSP directly. The CSP Program Guide may contain additional terms that supersede those as set forth on this SLA link.
  1. Customers will create a case requesting a review of potential Citrix Cloud Service Level Agreement policy violations by utilizing the Customer Service online web form.
  2. To submit a case for review, complete all required (*) fields on the web form:
  3. Ensure that theSubjectreflect the following:Citrix Cloud SLA Violation
  4. Fill in the information below for your organization and copy/paste into theDescriptionfield.
    • Account Org Id:
    • Cloud Service Impacted:
    • Dates of occurrences:
    • Period of Breach (5 month period in question):
  5. ClickSubmitto receive a case number for tracking the request.
  6. Please allow 15 business days for the review.
  7. A Citrix Representative will contact you with an update, once the review has been completed.