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How to Configure Device Certificate on Citrix Gateway for Authentication

Applicable Products

  • Citrix Gateway


A device certificate verifies that a user device is allowed to connect to the internal network. NetScaler Gateway supports device certificates that enable you to bind the device identity to a public key.


  • You must install NetScaler Gateway 10.1, Build 120.1316.e or later or 10.5.e.x or 10.5.x to configure device certificates.

  • When users log on, you can require only the device certification as part of the authentication process. You can also require the device certificate when using pre-authentication or advanced endpoint analysis policies.

  • NetScaler Gateway needs to verify the device certificate before the endpoint analysis scan runs or before the logon page appears. If you configure endpoint analysis, the endpoint scan runs to verify the user device. When the device passes the scan and after NetScaler Gateway verifies the device certificate, users can then log on to the NetScaler Gateway.

  • If you install two or more device certificates on the client machines, users need to select the correct certificate when they start to log on to NetScaler Gateway or before the endpoint analysis scan runs.

  • When you create the device certificate, it must be an X.509 certificate.

  • If you have a device certificate issued by an intermediate CA, then both intermediate and root CA certificates need to be bound.

  • The EPA client needs the user to have local administrator rights to be able to access the machine certificate store. This is rarely the case, so a workaround is to install the full NetScaler Gateway plug-in which can access the local store.


To configure Device Certificate, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate on the NetScaler Gateway

  2. Bind the Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate to the NetScaler Gateway Virtual Server and Enable OCSP Check

  3. Create/Bind OCSP (Responder) on Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate

  4. Enable Device Certificate Check on the Virtual Server and Add Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate to the Device Certificate Checklist
  5. Client-Side Configuration and Verification of Device Certificate on Windows Machine

Note: All the Client intended to avail the Device Certificate EPA check should have the device certificate installed in the system certificate store of the machine.

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Install the Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate on the NetScaler Gateway

  1. Ensure that you have the Device Certificate issuer’s CA certificate.

  2. Upload the Device Certificate issuer’s certificate to the NetScaler Gateway to/flash/nsconfig/ssl/or any custom location using SCP or NetScaler Gateway portal.

    Uploading Through SCP:

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    Uploading Through NetScaler Gateway Portal:

    Navigate toTraffic Management>SSLClickManage Certificatesand upload the Device Certificate issuer’s CA certificate.

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  3. Navigate toTraffic Management>SSL>Certificates > Install

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  4. Enter the relevant information and select the location of the certificate file and clickInstall.

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  5. 如果证书安装相关系数ectly then it will be listed under theTraffic Management>SSL>Certificatespage.

Binding the Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate on the NetScaler Gateway Virtual Server

  1. Binding the CA certificate from CLI:
    bind ssl vserver TestClient -CertkeyName -CA -ocspCheck Mandatory
    Note: oscpCheck is optional if OCSP check is not required for Device Certificate.

  2. Binding using NetScaler Gateway Admin Portal:

    1. In the configuration utility, in the navigation pane, expand NetScaler Gateway and then click Virtual Servers.
    2. In the details pane, click a virtual server and then click Edit.
    3. In the main VPN Virtual Server details pane, click the pencil icon then expand More.
    4. In the selection dialog that appears, select Add then click a device certificate to enable. Click the plus icon next to the chosen device certificate and then click OK.

Create/Bind OCSP (Responder) on Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate

  1. To create OCSP responder using CLI:

    添加ssl ocspResponder ocsp_responder1 url " http: //" -cache ENABLED -cacheTimeout 30 -batchingDepth 8 -batchingDelay 100 -resptimeout 100 -responderCert responder_cert -producedAtTimeSkew 300 -signingCert sign_cert -insertClientCert YES bind ssl certKey ca_cert -ocspResponder ocsp_responder1 -priority 1 sh ocspResponder ocsp_responder1 1)Name: ocsp_responder1 URL:, IP: Caching: Enabled Timeout: 30 minutes Batching: 8 Timeout: 100 mS HTTP Request Timeout: 100mS Request Signing Certificate: sign_cert Response Verification: Full, Certificate: responder_cert ProducedAt Time Skew: 300 s Nonce Extension: Enabled Client Cert Insertion: Enabled Done show certkey ca_cert Name: ca_cert Status: Valid, Days to expiration:8907 Version: 3 … 1) VServer name: vs1 CA Certificate 1) OCSP Responder name: ocsp_responder1 Priority: 1 Done sh ssl vs vs1 Advanced SSL configuration for VServer vs1: DH: DISABLED … 1) CertKey Name: ca_cert CA Certificate OCSPCheck: Mandatory 1) Cipher Name: DEFAULT Description: Predefined Cipher Alias

    Note: Insert Certificate is optional.

  2. To create OCSP Responder using NetScaler Gateway Portal, navigate toTraffic Management>SSL>OCSP Responder>Add.

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  3. Bind the OCSP responder to the Device Certificate issuer’s CA certificate.

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Enable Device Certificate Check on the Virtual Server and Add Device Certificate Issuer’s Certificate Authority Certificate to the Device Certificate Checklist

To enable the Device Certificate feature and add the Device Certificate issuer’s CA Certificate name to the list, use the following command:
set vpn vserver TestClient -deviceCert on -certkeyNames DeviceCertCA1, DeviceCertCA2
Note: For multiple CAs add commas. Only max 10 CA certificates are supported.

To enable the device certificate feature on the NetScaler Gateway virtual server from Admin portal:

  1. Navigate toNetScaler Gateway>Virtual Server>Basic setting>More>Device Certificate Option.

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  2. ClickAddto add the available Device Certificate CA certificate name.

Client-Side Configuration and Verification of Device Certificate on Windows Machine

There are multiple ways to configure the Device Certificate on a Windows machine:

  1. Device Certificate install using Windows Certificate Web Enrollment.

  2. Device Certificate install using Active Directory GPO.

  3. Device Certificate install using Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP).

Note: Ensure that the logon user has privileges to read the Device Certificate key. It is recommended that NetScaler Gateway plug-in is installed on device for Device Certificate EPA Check to work smoothly.

Certificate System Store on Windows

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Verification of Device Certificate on a Windows Machine

  1. Open a browser and access the NetScaler Gateway FQDN.

  2. Allow the Citrix End Point Analysis (EPA) client to run. If not already installed then install EPA.

  3. Citrix EPA runs and validates the Device Certificate and redirects to the authentication page if the Device Certificate EPA check passes, else it redirects you to EPA error page. In case you have other EPA checks, then the EPA scan results depend on the configured EPA checks.

For further debugging on the client, examine the following EPA logs on client:

Note: Device certificate verification with CRL is not supported.

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