
Language support

Mobile productivity apps and the XenMobile console are adapted for use in languages other than English. The support includes non-English characters and keyboard input even when the app is not localized in the preferred language of a user. For more information about globalization support for all Citrix products, seehttps://support.citrix.com/article/CTX119253.

This article lists the supported languages in the latest release of XenMobile.

XenMobile console and the Self Help Portal

  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Simplified Chinese

Mobile productivity apps

An X indicates that the app is available in that particular language.

iOSand Android

Language Secure Hub Secure Mail Secure Web QuickEdit
Japanese X X X X
Simplified Chinese X X X X
Traditional Chinese X X X X
French X X X X
German X X X X
Spanish X X X X
Korean X X X X
Portuguese X X X X
Dutch X X X X
Italian X X X X
Danish X X X X
Swedish X X X X
Hebrew X X X iOSonly
Arabic X X X X
Russian X X X X
Turkish X X Android only -
Polish X X X -


Language Secure Hub Secure Mail Secure Web
French X X X
German X X X
Spanish X X X
Italian X X X
Danish X X X
Swedish X X X

Right-to-left language support

The following table summarizes support for text in Middle Eastern languages for each app. An X indicates that the feature is available for that platform. Right-to-left language support is not available for Windows devices.

App iOS Android
Secure Hub X X
Secure Mail X X
Secure Web X X
QuickEdit X X
Language support