Memory Management

These settings allow you to optimize application RAM usage through Workspace Environment Management (WEM).

If these settings are enabled, WEM calculates how much RAM a process is using, and the minimum amount of RAM a process needs, without losing stability. WEM considers the difference asexcess RAM. When the process becomes idle, WEM releases the process’s excess RAM to the page file, and optimizes the process for subsequent launches. Usually, an application becomes idle when it is minimized to the task bar.

When applications are restored from the task bar, they initially run in their optimized state but can still go on to consume more RAM as needed.

WEM optimizesallapplications that a user is using during their desktop session in a similar way. If there are multiple processes over multiple user sessions, all RAMs that are freed up are available for other processes. This increases user density by supporting a greater number of users on the same server.

Enable Working Set Optimization. Forces applications which have been idle for a configurable time to release excess memory until they are no longer idle.

Idle Sample Time (min). Time for which an application must be idle before it is forced to release excess memory. During this time period, WEM calculates how much RAM a process is using, and the minimum amount of RAM a process needs, without losing stability. The default value is 120 min.

Idle State Limit (percent). The percentage of CPU usage under which a process is considered to be idle. The default value is 1%. Citrix do not recommend using a value above 5%: otherwise a process being actively used can be mistaken for an idle process, resulting in its memory being released.

Exclude Specified Processes. Allows you to exclude processes from memory management by name (for example, notepad.exe).

WEM does not optimize application RAM usage for the following system processes:

  • rdpshell
  • wfshell
  • rdpclip
  • wmiprvse
  • dllhost
  • audiodg
  • msdtc
  • mscorsvw
  • spoolsv
  • smss
  • winlogon
  • svchost
  • taskmgr
  • System Idle Process
  • System
  • wininit
  • msiexec
  • services
  • csrss
  • MsMpEng
  • NisSrv
  • Memory Compression
Memory Management