Citrix Provisioning


The Citrix Provisioning console view provides a method that allows you to quickly manage a group of devices. Views are typically created according to business needs. For example, a view can represent a physical location, such as a building or user type. Unlike device collections, a target device can be a member of any number of views.

Farm administrators create and manage views in the console tree’sFarm > Viewsfolder. Farm views include any target device that exists in this farm. Site administrators can create and manage views in the console tree’sFarm > Sites > YourSite > Viewsfolder. Site views can only include target devices that exist within that site,YourSite.

View properties

To display or edit the properties of an existing view, right-click on the view in the console, then select thePropertiesmenu option. TheView Propertiesdialog displays.

Image of the View Properties dialog box

View properties are described in the tables that follow.

General tab

Field Description
Name The name given to this view.
Description Describes the purpose of this view.

Members tab

Field Description
Member of this view Lists target device members that belong to this view.
Add Opens theSelect Devicesdialog, from which target devices to add to this view are selected.
Remove Removes highlighted target devices from this view.
Remove all Removes all target devices from this view.

Manage views in the Citrix Provisioning console

Use the information in this section to manage views.

Create a view

  1. In the console, right-click on theViewsfolder where the new view exists, then select theCreate viewmenu option. TheView Propertiesdialog appears.
  2. On theGeneraltab, type a name for this new view in theNametext box. Optionally include a description, then click theMemberstab.
  3. Click theAddbutton to add new target device members to this view. TheSelect Devicesdialog appears.
  4. From the menus, select the site, then the device collection that you want to add target devices from. All members of that device collection appear in the list of available target devices.
  5. Highlight one of more target devices in this collection, then clickAddto add them to the new view. To add more target devices from other device collections, repeat steps 4 and 5.
  6. ClickOKto close the dialog. All selected target devices now display on theMemberstab.

Paste device properties

To copy and paste device properties to members in a view:

  1. In the console details pane, right-click on the target device that you want to copy properties from, then selectCopy device properties. TheCopy Device Propertiesdialog appears.
  2. Select the check box next to the properties that you want to copy, then clickCopy. The properties are copied to the clipboard and the dialog closes.
  3. Right-click on the view containing the target devices that inherit the copied properties, then select thePaste device propertiesmenu option. ThePaste Device Propertiesdialog appears to display the name and properties of the target device that were copied.
  4. Under thePaste to tableheading, highlight the target devices that inherit these properties, then clickPaste.
  5. ClickClose.

删除a view

If a view becomes obsolete, you can delete the view. Deleting a view does not delete the target device from the collection.

  1. In the console’s tree, right-click on the view folder that you want to delete, then select the删除menu option. A confirmation message appears.
  2. ClickOKto delete this view. The view no longer displays in the console tree.


After modifying a view, refresh the view before those changes appear in the console. To refresh the view, right-click on the view in the tree, then select theRefreshmenu option.

Start devices within a view

  1. Right-click on the view in the console tree, then select theBoot devicesmenu option. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with the Boot devices menu option selected in theSettingsmenu. By default, all devices are highlighted in theDevicetable.
  2. Click theBoot devicesbutton to boot target devices. TheStatuscolumn displays theBoot Signal statusuntil the target device boots. As each target device successfully boots, the status changes toSuccess.

Restart devices within a view

  1. Right-click on the view in the console tree, then select theRestartdevices menu option. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with theRestart devicesmenu option selected in theSettingsmenu. By default, all devices are highlighted in theDevicetable.
  2. Type the number of seconds to wait before restarting target devices in theDelaytext box.
  3. Type a message to display on target devices in theMessagetext box.
  4. Click theRestart devicesbutton to restart target devices. TheStatuscolumn displays theRestart Signal statusuntil the target device restarts. As each target device successfully restarts, the status changes toSuccess.

Shut down devices within a view

  1. Right-click on the view in the console tree, then select theShutdown devicesmenu option. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with theShutdown devicesmenu option selected in theSettingsmenu. By default, all devices are highlighted in theDevicetable.
  2. Type the number of seconds to wait before shutting down target devices in theDelaytext box.
  3. Type a message to display on target devices in theMessagetext box.
  4. Click theShutdown devicesbutton to shut down target devices. TheStatuscolumn displays theShutdown Signal statusuntil the target device shuts down. As each target device successfully shuts down, the status changes toSuccess.

Send messages to target devices within a view

To send a message to target devices members within a view

  1. Right-click on the view in the console tree, then select theSend message menuoption. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with theMessage to devicesmenu option selected in theSettingsmenu. By default, all devices are highlighted in theDevicetable.
  2. Type a message to display on target devices in theMessagetext box.
  3. Click theSend messagebutton. TheStatuscolumn displays theMessage Signalstatus until target devices receive the message. As each target device successfully receives the message, the status changes toSuccess.