Citrix Provisioning

Target device properties

Note: A reboot is required if a target device is active when modifications are made to any of the following device properties:

  • Boot from
  • 米AC
  • Port
  • vDisks for this Device

The following tables define the properties associated with a target device.

General Tab

  • Name

    The name of the target device or the name of the person who uses the target device. The name can be up to 15 bytes in length. However, the target device name cannot be the same as the machine name being imaged.

    Note: If the target device is a domain member, use the same name as in the Windows domain, unless that name is the same as the machine name being imaged. When the target device boots from the vDisk, the name entered here becomes the target device machine name.

  • Description

    Provides a description to associate with this target device.

  • Type

    Select the access type for this target device from the drop-down list, which includes the following options:

    米aintenance select this option to use this target device as a Maintenance device which will to apply updates to a new maintenance version of a vDisk. A Maintenance device has exclusive read-write access to a maintenance version.

    测试选择这个选项使用这个目标设备to access versions that are in Test mode. Test devices have shared read-only access to the test versions of a vDisk in order to facilitate QA testing of a vDisk version in Standard Image mode, prior to the release of that version to production machines.

    Production select this option to allow the target device to stream an assigned vDisk that is currently in production. Production devices have shared, read-only access to production versions of a vDisk. Production devices do not have access to maintenance or test versions, which prevents updates that have not been tested from accidentally being deployed on production machines.

    The default Type for a new device is Maintenance. The default Type for an existing device is Maintenance.

  • Boot from

    The boot method this target device should use. Options include booting from a vDisk, hard disk, or floppy disk.

  • 米AC

    Enter the media access control (MAC) address of the network interface card that is installed in the target device.

  • Port

    Displays the UDP port value.

    In most instances, you do not have to change this value. However, if target device software conflicts with any other IP/UDP software (that is, they are sharing the same port), you must change this value.

  • Class

    Class used for matching new vDisks to target devices when using Automatic Disk Image Update in order to match new vDisks images to the appropriate target devices.

  • Disable this device

    Enable this option to prevent target devices from booting. Regardless if enabled or disabled, new target devices that are added using Auto-add, have records created in the database.

vDisk Tab

  • vDisks for this Device

    Displays the list of vDisk assigned to this target device.

    Click Add to open the Assign vDisks dialog. To filter the vDisks that display, select a specific store name and Provisioning Server or select All Stores and All Servers to list all vDisks available to this target device. Highlight the vDisks to assign, then click OK.

    Click Remove to remove vDisks from this device.

    Click Printers to open the Target Devices vDisk Printers dialog. This dialog allows you to choose the default printer and any network and local printers to enable or disable for this target device.

Personality Tab

  • Options

    Provides secondary boot options:

    • Include the local hard drive as a boot device.
    • Include one or more custom bootstraps as boot options.

    If enabling a custom bootstrap, click Add, to enter the bootstrap file name and the menu text to appear (optional), then click OK.

    If more than one vdisk is listed in the table or if either (or both) secondary boot options are enabled, the user is prompted with a disk menu at the target devices when it is booted. Enter a menu option name to display to the target device. The target device can select which boot options to use.

    Click Edit to edit an existing custom bootstrap’s file name or menu text.

    Click Remove to remove a custom bootstrap file from those available to this target device.

  • Name and String

    There is no fixed limit to the number of names you can add. However, the maximum name length is 250 characters and the maximum value length is 1000 characters.

    Use any name for the field Name, but do not repeat a field name in the same target device. Field names are not case sensitive. In other words, the system interprets “FIELDNAME” and “fieldname” as the same name. Blank spaces entered before or after the field name are automatically removed.

    A personality name cannot start with a $. This symbol is used for reserved values such as $DiskName and $WriteCacheType.

Authentication Tab

Password information entered in this dialog is for initial target device login only. It does not affect Windows account login.

  • Authentication

    If authenticating with a user name and password, enter the user name for the account. Follow your organization’s user name conventions.

    Note: Requires user names be at least two characters and no more than 40 characters in length. User names are NOT case sensitive.

    Authentication methods include:

    • None
    • Username and password
    • External verification (user supplied method)
  • Username

    If the account already exists, you cannot change the user name.

  • Password

    If authenticating with a user name and password:

    Click the Change button to open the Change Password dialog. To create a new password for a user account, type the old password, then type the new password in both the New password and Confirm new password text boxes. Click OK to change the password.

    Note: Follow your organization’s password conventions. Requires passwords be at least three characters and no more than 20 characters in length. Passwords ARE case sensitive. Re-enter the new password exactly as you entered it in the previous field to confirm it.

Status Tab

  • Target Device Status

    The following target device status information appears:

    • Status: current status of this device (active or inactive).
    • IP Address: provides the IP Address or ‘unknown’.
    • Server: the Provisioning Server that is communicating with this device.
    • Retries: the number of retries to permit when connecting to this device.
    • vDisk: provides the name of the vDisk or displays as ‘unknown’.
    • vDisk version: version of this vDisk currently being accessed.
    • vDisk full name: the full file name for the version currently being accessed.
    • vDisk access: identifies if the version is in Production, Maintenance, or Test.
    • License information; depending on the device vendor, displays product licensing information (including; n/a, Desktop License, Datacenter License, XenApp License, or XenDesktop License).

Logging tab

  • Logging level

    Select the logging level or select Off to disable logging:

    • Off – Logging is disabled for this Provisioning Server.
    • Fatal– logs information about an operation that the system could not recover from.
    • Error logs information about an operation that produces an error condition.
    • Warning– logs information about an operation that completes successfully, but there are issues with the operation.
    • Info – Default logging level. Logs information about workflow, which generally explains how operations occur.
    • Debug – logs details related to a specific operation and is the highest level of logging. If logging is set to DEBUG, all other levels of logging information are displayed in the log file.
    • Trace – logs all valid operations.
Target device properties