Get started, install, and configure the License Server


  • We do not support running third party vendor daemons on the Citrix License Server, or the Citrix vendor daemon on third party license servers.

  • We recommend that you run the latest version of the License Server. We do not provide hotfixes for License Server components and don’t support older License Servers with newer products. The latest version of the License Server often contains resolutions to issues appearing in earlier versions. When you upgrade or install new Citrix products, upgrade the licensing components as well. New License Servers are backward compatible and support older products and license files. However, new products often require the newest License Server to check out licenses correctly. You can find the latest version from theCitrix Downloadssite.

    To see the new features in this release, go toWhat’s new.

  • We don’t support installing the License Server from a UNC path (\\\server\share). Install the License Server from a local copy.

Step 1 Review your prerequisites

Ensure you review thesystem requirementsbefore you install and configure your License Server.

Step 2 License your product

Licensing your product includes the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have the latest License Server version.
  2. Verify the system requirements.
  3. Install licensing.
  4. Obtain license files fromMy Accountor if you have a license code, use the Citrix Licensing Manager.
  5. Install your Citrix product (or, if already installed, restart the Citrix products for the new licenses to be recognized).
  6. Configure product-side licensing communication settings that were not set during the product installation, if applicable. This configuration includes setting the correct product-edition in the product. For more information, seeLicensing elementsandServices.

Ensure that the product-side edition setting correctly matches the licenses you have purchased. For example, if you purchased Premium edition licenses, ensure that the edition setting in the product indicates Premium and not Advanced.

For an overview of the licensing components and process, seeTechnical overviewandLicensing elements.


The License Server does not require domain membership. You can install the License Server in a workgroup and still perform all licensing functions on behalf of Citrix products. To manage Citrix Licensing Manager users having Active Directory users or groups, the users must be part of a domain. Otherwise, use local Windows users and groups.

Step 3 Check your security and firewall

Security considerations

We recommend that you upgrade the License Server to the latest version when you upgrade or install new Citrix products. The new License Servers are backward compatible and support older products and license files. Each time a new License Server is released, it might contain better security features than in previous versions. We also recommend the following security considerations when you configure your environment.

  • Configure the License Server environment so that only authorized administrators on a trusted network can access the Citrix Licensing Manager. You achieve this outcome by using an appropriately configured network or host-based firewall.
  • When using the Citrix Licensing Manager, avoid visiting untrusted websites or clicking untrusted URLs.


Citrix License Server uses Microsoft Active Directory for authentication. Citrix strongly recommends that you implement good security practices in Microsoft Active Directory (like account lockout and password management) to securely deploy Citrix License Server. For more information, see theAccount lockout thresholdandPassword must meet complexity requirementsarticles.

Firewall considerations

Determine if you require a firewall between the License Server and any product servers before installing licensing. Firewall considerations can impact where you install the License Server.

If you have hardware firewalls in your environment, you must create the necessary rules manually.

If there is a firewall between your product and the License Server, configure port numbers. This configuration process entails:

  • Determining which port numbers to change. You can change port numbers during the installation process or afterward.
  • Opening up the firewall ports. Open any ports on the firewall that you changed so that traffic can flow. Current releases configure the built-in firewall automatically.
  • Changing the product-side settings. Configure your Citrix product to use the same port numbers as in the Citrix Licensing Manager. If you do not change the port number referenced in the product, the product cannot contact the License Server. You can change the product-side settings during and after installation of the product. See your product documentation for information about these settings.

For more information about allowing required URLs and ports through the firewall and a list of open URLs, seeRegister and remove registration with Citrix Cloud.

For more information about allowing telemetry data upload, seeReporting options.

Step 4 Install licensing components, server, and certificate


During installation, localized characters in the installation path can cause the installation to fail. Accept the default installation path or type only ASCII alphabetic letter characters for the installation directory.

You can install licensing components on a separate, dedicated server or on a server they share with another application. Alternatively, you can use a web or application server. However, the locations mentioned later in this article are less resource intensive. If you are running fewer than 50 servers or 10,000 licenses, you can install the License Server on the same server as your product. To determine if relocation of the License Server to another system is necessary, monitor CPU and memory load (lmgrd.exeandCITRIX.exe).


Use theCitrixLicensing.exefile for all future installations, except for Active Directory deployments. In that case, use the .msi. Ensure that both.exeand.msifiles are present for the installation.

Install the License Server and console using the graphical interface

  1. Download the License Server fromCitrix downloadsand start the License Server installer,CitrixLicensing.exe, as an administrator or a member of the administrators group.
  2. Follow the installer on the GUI to accept the destination folder. Licensing components are installed inC:\Program Files\Citrix\Licensingon a 32-bit computer andC:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Licensingon a 64-bit computer.
  3. On theConfigurepage, accept, or change the default port numbers used by licensing components. Choose whether to allow the installer to configure the Windows Firewall exception. If needed, you can change the port numbers after the installation. If you choose to finish the installation without configuring the License Server, restart theCitrixLicensing.exeinstaller. You can also use the License Server Configuration tool to configure the settings after the installation. Open the configuration tool from:C:\Program Files\Citrix\Licensing\LS\resource\Licensing.Configuration.Tool.exe.
    • License server port number is 27000
    • Vendor daemon port number is 7279
    • Citrix Web Services for Licensing port number is 8083
  4. The License Server adds the default administrator for the Citrix Licensing Manager based on how you are logged on. If you are in a domain, the License Server adds the installing user (domain\user) as a default License Server or a Citrix Licensing Manager administrator. If you are a local Windows user, the License Server adds the installing user (computer\user) as a default administrator account. The BUILTIN\administrator group, which allows any administrator to manage licensing, is added by default. You can remove BUILTIN\administrators to restrict licensing to specified users.
  5. Choose to start the Citrix Licensing Manager and whether to join the Citrix Customer Experience Improvement Program.

Install licensing using the Windows command line


Citrix服务提供者程序需要成本的mer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) and Call Home. If you are a Citrix Service Provider, you cannot disable CEIP or Call Home. Citrix collects basic licensing data as necessary for its legitimate interests, including license compliance. For more information, seeCitrix Licensing Compliance.

When using theCitrixLicensing.execommand to install licensing, set properties by addingProperty=value在命令行上除了之间选择ion and its argument.

Ensure that you run the command line with administrator privileges. To start the command prompt with elevated privileges, chooseStart, right-clickCommand Prompt, and chooseRun as administrator. The following sample command line installs licensing in silent mode. Add the properties you want to set. Type the command in one line without returns. The following example is in multiple lines because of space limitations.

CitrixLicensing.exe /quiet /l install.log INSTALLDIR=installdirectory WSLPORT=port_number LSPORT=port_number VDPORT=*port_number CEIPOPTIN=value


  • /quietspecifies a silent (quiet) installation.
  • /lspecifies the log file location
  • INSTALLDIRis the location where the License Server executable is stored. Optional parameter. The default isc: \专业gram files\citrix\licensingorc: \专业gram files (x86)\citrix\licensing.
  • WSLPORTis the port number used for Citrix Web Services for Licensing. Optional parameter. The default is 8083.
  • LSPORTis the port number used for the License Server. Optional parameter. The default is 27000.
  • VDPORTis the port number used for the vendor daemon. Optional parameter. The default is 7279.
  • CEIPOPTINspecifies whether, or how, to opt in to the Citrix Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) or Call Home. Optional parameter. The default isNONE.

    • DIAGNOSTIC- Call Home
    • Unidentified- CEIP
    • NONE

You can change the CEIP and Call Home choice using the Citrix Licensing Manager.

Using the command line to install licensing for an Active Directory deployment

When using the msiexec command to install licensing, set properties by adding Property=”value” on the command line anywhere except between an option and its argument. Clustering is not supported in the .msi.


Ensure that you run the command line with administrator privileges. To start the command prompt with elevated privileges, chooseStart, right-clickCommand Prompt, and chooseRun as administrator.

The following sample command line installs licensing in silent mode and creates a log file to capture any information about this operation. Add the properties you want to set after the switches.

Type the command in one line without returns. The following example is in multiple lines because of space limitations.

msiexec /I ctx_licensing.msi /l*v install.log /qn INSTALLDIR=installdirectory LICSERVERPORT=port_number VENDORDAEMONPORT=port_number MNGMTCONSOLEWEBPORT=port_number WEBSERVICESLICENSINGPORT=port_number CEIPOPTIN=value


  • /l*v is the location of the setup log. Optional parameter.
  • /qn specifies a silent (quiet) installation.
  • INSTALLDIR is the location where the License Server executable is stored. Optional parameter. The default isc: \专业gram files\citrix\licensingorc: \专业gram files (x86)\citrix\licensing.
  • LICSERVERPORT is the port number used for the License Server. Optional parameter. The default is 27000.
  • VENDORDAEMONPORT is the port number used for the vendor daemon. Optional parameter. The default is 7279.
  • WEBSERVICESLICENSINGPORT is the port number used for the Citrix Web Services for Licensing. Optional parameter. The default is 8083.
  • CEIPOPTIN specifies whether, or how, to opt in to the Citrix Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) or Call Home. Optional parameter. The default isNONE.

    • DIAGNOSTIC - Call Home
    • 不明——CEIP
    • NONE

You can change the CEIP and Call Home choice using the Citrix Licensing Manager.

Using the command line to enable or disable the License Management Service

The License Management Service operates automatically within the License Server and allows for electronic reporting of basic licensing data. You can opt for manual reporting after installation by disabling License Management Service. For information on manual reporting, seeReporting options.


ctx_license_management_service.exe (-enable | -disable | -query)


  • -enableenables electronic reporting of basic licensing data. The first upload to Citrix occurs seven days after you install the License Server.
  • -disabledisables electronic license reporting of basic licensing data. If you disable electronic license reporting, you agree to manual reporting.
  • -querydisplays the current configuration.

手动安装Citrix所使用的证书Licensing Manager and Web Services for Licensing


Use this procedure if you don’t want to use the self-signed certificate that is generated during installation.

To install a certificate, there are three steps:

  1. Obtain a .pfx file, which contains the certificate and private key. You can use one of two methods to obtain the .pfx file.
  2. Extract the certificate and private key from the .pfx file.
  3. Install the certificate and private key on to the License Server.

How to obtain the .pfx file using a domain certificate - Method 1

Log on to a server in the domain, open theMMC, and follow these steps:

  1. Create a directoryc:\ls_certto hold the exported .pfx file.
  2. Add the Certificate snap-in by selectingFile > Add/Remove Snap-in > Certificates > Computer account > Local computer.
  3. In the left pane underCertificates, right-clickPersonaland chooseAll Tasks > Request New Certificate, and thenNext.
  4. In theCertificate Enrollment Policywizard, chooseActive Directory Enrollment Policy, and thenNext. Select the check box next toComputer, and selectDetailsto the right.
  5. 选择Propertiesand on theGeneraltab, type a friendly name and description.
  6. On theSubjecttab, underSubject Type, chooseCommon namefrom theTypemenu. Type a friendly name in the text box, chooseAdd, and thenApply.
  7. On theExtensionstab, chooseKey usagefrom the menu. AddDigital signature and Key enciphermentto the选择edoptions box.
  8. On theExtended Key Usagemenu, addServer AuthenticationandClient Authenticationto the选择edoptions box.
  9. On thePrivate Keytab and under the Key options menu, ensure that the Key size is 4096. Select theKey Exportablecheck box, and thenApply.
  10. On theCertification Authoritytab, ensure that the CA check box is selected, and thenOK > Enroll > Finish.
  11. In theCertificatesconsole, selectPersonal > Certificates, choose the certificate you built. SelectAll Tasks > Export > Next, and select theYes, Export the Private Keyradio button, and thenNext.
  12. UnderPersonal Information Exchange - PKCS #12(.PFX), select the check box to include all certificates, chooseNext, create a password, and chooseNext.
  13. ClickBrowse, navigate toC:\ls_certand typeserver.PFX, and then follow the wizard to finish.

How to obtain the .pfx file sending a request to a certificate authority (CA) – Method 2

These steps might vary based on your Certificate Authority.

  1. Log on to the License Server, open the MMC, and follow these steps:

    1. Add the Certificate snap-in by selectingFile > Add/Remove Snap-in > Certificates > Computer account > Local computer.
    2. In the left pane underCertificates, right-clickPersonaland chooseAll Tasks > Advance Operations > Create Custom Request, and thenNext.
    3. In theCertificate Enrollment Policywizard, chooseProceed without enrollment policyunderCustom Request, and thenNext.
    4. On theCustom requestscreen, choose(No template) CNG keyfrom the menu andPKCS#10for the Request format, and thenNext.
    5. On theCertificate Informationscreen, chooseDetailsand thenProperties.
    6. On theGeneraltab, type a friendly name and description.
    7. On theSubjecttab, under Subject name, choose Common name, and type a value in the text box.
    8. On theExtensionstab, chooseKey usagefrom the menu, addDigital signatureandKey encipherment.
    9. On theExtensionstab, chooseExtended Key usagefrom the menu, addServer AuthenticationandClient Authentication.
    10. On thePrivate Keytab, underCryptographic Service Provider, chooseRSA, Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider(the default). From theKeyoptions menu, ensure that the key size is 4096, select theKey Exportablecheck box, and thenApply.
    11. Save the file to a.reqfile, submit the.reqfile to a Certificate Authority (CA), and save the.cerfile.
  2. In theMMC, underCertificates, right-click Personal and chooseAll Tasks > Import. In the Import wizard, select the .cer file.
  3. Create a directoryc:\ls_certto hold the exported .pfx file.
  4. In theCertificatesconsole, choosePersonal > Certificates, and choose the certificate you imported. SelectAll Tasks > Export > Next, and select theYes, Export the Private Keyradio button andNext.
  5. UnderPersonal Information Exchange - PKCS #12(.PFX), select the check box to include all certificates, chooseNext, create a password, and then chooseNext.
  6. ChooseBrowse, navigate toC:\ls_certand typeserver.PFX, and then follow the wizard to finish.

How to extract the certificate and private key

这一步需要OpenSSL或另一个工具lows you to extract the certificate and private key from a .pfx file. The version of OpenSSL shipped with the License Server does not support extracting certificates and private keys. For information about downloading OpenSSL, go Citrix recommends installing OpenSSL on a separate workstation to perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the\binfolder.
  2. Runopenssl pkcs12 -in C:\ls_cert\server.pfx -out server.crt -nokeys


    The License Server uses only the .crt certificate format.

  3. Type the password created during the export process (password).
  4. Runopenssl pkcs12 -in C:\ls_cert\server.pfx -out server.key -nocerts -nodes
  5. Type the password created during the export process (password).

How to install the.crtand.keyfiles on the License Server

Windows - Web Services for Licensing:

  1. Stop the Citrix Web Services for Licensing service.
  2. Copy the server.crt and server.key created earlier in this procedure toc: \专业gram files (x86)\citrix\licensing\WebServicesForLicensing\Apache\conf\.
  3. Start the Citrix Web Services for Licensing service.

Windows - License Administration Console:


  • License Administration Console was removed from Windows License Server v11.16.6.0 build 31000 and onwards. For more information, seeWhat’s new.
  • License Server VPX still uses the License Administration Console.
  1. Stop the Citrix licensing service.
  2. Copy the server.crt and server.key created earlier in this procedure toc:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Licensing\LS\conf.
  3. Start the Citrix licensing service.

Step 5 Configure a proxy server

You can use a proxy with the Citrix Licensing Manager, CEIP, and Call Home. When you configure a proxy server, requests to download licenses and upload telemetry data are sent through a proxy server. If the automatic upload of data fails, check the firewall setting or configure a proxy. For more information, seeCitrix Licensing Telemetrydocumentation.

Starting with License Server version build 43000, you can view and configure proxy server settings from the Citrix Licensing Manager UI. For more information, seeConfigure a proxy server within Citrix Licensing Manager.


Citrix Licensing components requiring outward bound web communications can inherit network proxy settings using Windows automatic proxy detection. We do not support authenticated proxies. For more information about Windows automatic proxy detection, seeWinHTTP AutoProxy Functions.

How to configure a proxy server manually

  1. Edit the SimpleLicenseServiceConfig.xml file, which is in the\WebServicesForLicensingdirectory.
  2. 添加一行的xml文件格式proxy server name:port number


The .xml tags are case-sensitive.

  15 180 true  

Next steps