Install and configure

Install and setup sequence

  1. Install the Federated Authentication Service(FAS)
  2. Enable the FAS plug-in on StoreFront stores
  3. Configure the Delivery Controller
  4. Configure Group Policy
  5. Use the FAS administration console to:
    1. Deploy certificate templates
    2. Set up certificate authorities
    3. Authorize FAS to use your certificate authorities
    4. Configure rules
    5. Connect FAS to Citrix Cloud(optional)

Install the Federated Authentication Service

For security, Citrix recommends that the Federated Authentication Service (FAS) is installed on a dedicated server that is secured in a similar way to a domain controller or certificate authority. FAS can be installed from either:

  • the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops installer (from theFederated Authentication Servicebutton on the autorun splash screen when the ISO is inserted), or
  • the stand-alone FAS installer file (available as an MSI file onCitrix Downloads).

These install the following components:

Upgrading FAS

You can upgrade FAS to a newer version using an in-place upgrade. Before upgrading, consider the following:

  • All FAS server settings are preserved when you perform an in-place upgrade.
  • Ensure that the FAS administration console is closed before you upgrade FAS.
  • Ensure that at least one FAS server is available always. If no server is reachable by a Federation Authentication Service-enabled StoreFront server, users cannot log on or start applications.

To start an upgrade, install FAS from the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops installer or from the stand-alone FAS installer file.

Enable the FAS plug-in on StoreFront stores


This step is not needed if you are using FAS only with Citrix Cloud.

To enable FAS integration on a StoreFront Store, run the following PowerShell cmdlets as an Administrator account. If the store has a different name, modify$StoreVirtualPath.


To stop using FAS, use the following PowerShell script:


Configure the Delivery Controller


This step is not needed if you are using FAS only with Citrix Cloud.

To use FAS, configure the Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops Delivery Controller to trust the StoreFront servers that can connect to it: run theSet-BrokerSite -TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort $truePowerShell cmdlet. This only needs to be done once per site, regardless of the number of Delivery Controllers in the site.

Configure Group Policy

After you install FAS, you must specify the fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) of the FAS servers in Group Policy using the Group Policy templates provided in the installation.


Ensure that the StoreFront servers requesting tickets and the Virtual Delivery Agents (VDAs) redeeming tickets have an identical configuration of FQDNs, including the automatic server numbering applied by the Group Policy object.

For simplicity, the following examples configure a single policy at the domain level that applies to all machines. However, that is not required. FAS functions as long as the StoreFront servers, VDAs, and the machine running the FAS administration console see the same list of FQDNs. See Step 6.

Step 1.On the server where you installed FAS, locate the C:\Program Files\Citrix\Federated Authentication Service\PolicyDefinitions\CitrixFederatedAuthenticationService.admx and CitrixBase.admx files, and the en-US folder.

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Step 2.Copy these to your domain controllers and place them in the C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions and en-US subfolder.

Step 3.Run the Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe from the command line). From the menu bar, selectFile > Add/Remove Snap-in. Add the组策略管理编辑器.

When prompted for a Group Policy Object, selectBrowseand then selectDefault Domain Policy. Alternatively, you can create and select an appropriate policy object for your environment, using the tools of your choice. The policy must be applied to all machines running affected Citrix software (VDAs, StoreFront servers, administration tools).

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Step 4.Navigate to theFederated Authentication Servicepolicy located in Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Citrix Components/Authentication.

Authentication templates.


联合身份验证服务政策背景g is only available on the domain GPO when you add the CitrixBase.admx/CitrixBase.adml template file to the PolicyDefinitions folder. After Step 3, the Federated Authentication Service policy setting is listed in theAdministrative Templates > Citrix Components > Authenticationfolder.

Step 5.Open the Federated Authentication Service policy and selectEnabled. This allows you to select theShowbutton, where you configure the FQDNs of your FAS servers.


Step 6.Enter the FQDNs of the FAS servers.


If you enter multiple FQDNs, the order of the list must be consistent as seen by VDAs, StoreFront servers (if present), and FAS servers. SeeGroup Policy settings.

Step 7.ClickOKto exit the Group Policy wizard and apply the group policy changes. You may need to restart your machines (or rungpupdate /forcefrom the command line) for the change to take effect.

In-session Behavior

This policy activates an agent process in the user’s VDA session which supports in-session certificates, consent, and disconnect on lock. In-session certificates are only available if this policy is enabledandif the FAS rule used to create the certificate has in-session use allowed, seeConfigure rules.

In-session Behavior.

Enableenables this policy and allows a FAS agent process to run in the user’s VDA session.

Disabledisables the policy and stops the FAS agent process from running.

Prompt Scope

If this policy is enabled,Prompt Scopecontrols how users are prompted for consent to allow an application to use an in-session certificate. There are three options:

  • No consent required—This option disables the security prompt and private keys are used silently.
  • Per-process consent—Each running program individually prompts for consent.
  • Per-session consent—Once the user has clickedOK, this applies to all programs in the session.

If this policy is enabled,Consent Timeoutcontrols how long (in seconds) the consent lasts. For example, with 300 seconds users see a prompt every five minutes. A value of zero prompts users for every private key operation.

Disconnect on lock

If this policy is enabled the user’s session is automatically disconnected when they lock the screen. This functionality provides similar behavior to the “disconnect on smart card removal” policy, and is useful for situations where users do not have Active Directory logon credentials.


The disconnect on lock policy applies to all sessions on the VDA.

使用联邦Authentication Service administration console


Although the FAS administration console is suitable for most deployments, the PowerShell interface offers more advanced options. For information on FAS PowerShell cmdlets, seePowerShell cmdlets.

The FAS administration console is installed as part of FAS. An icon (Citrix Federated Authentication Service) is placed in the Start menu.

The first time the administration console is used, it guides you through a process that deploys certificate templates, sets up the certificate authority, and authorizes FAS to use the certificate authority. Some of the steps can alternatively be completed manually using OS configuration tools.

The FAS administration console connects to the local FAS service by default. If needed, you can connect to a remote service usingConnect to another serverin the top right of the console.

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Deploy certificate templates

To avoid interoperability issues with other software, FAS provides three Citrix certificate templates for its own use.

  • Citrix_RegistrationAuthority_ManualAuthorization
  • Citrix_RegistrationAuthority
  • Citrix_SmartcardLogon

These templates must be registered with Active Directory. Click theDeploybutton then clickOK.

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The configuration of the templates can be found in the XML files with extension .certificatetemplate that are installed with FAS in:

C:\Program Files\Citrix\Federated Authentication Service\CertificateTemplates

Certificate templates folder.

If you do not have permission to install these template files, give them to your Active Directory Administrator.

To manually install the templates, you can run the following PowerShell commands from the folder containing the templates:


Set up Active Directory Certificate Services

After installing the Citrix certificate templates, they must be published on one or more Microsoft Enterprise Certification Authority servers. Refer to the Microsoft documentation on how to deploy Active Directory Certificate Services.

If the templates are not published on at least one server, useSet Up Certificate Authorityto publish them. You must do this as a user that has permissions to administer the certificate authority.

(Certificate templates can also be published using the Microsoft Certification Authority console.)

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Authorize Federated Authentication Service

This step initiates the authorization of FAS. The administration console uses the Citrix_RegistrationAuthority_ManualAuthorization template to generate a certificate request, and then sends it to one of the certificate authorities that are publishing that template.

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After the request is sent, it appears in thePending Requestslist of the Microsoft Certification Authority console as a pending request from the FAS machine account. The certificate authority administrator must issue or deny the request before configuration of FAS can continue.

The FAS administration console displays a busy ‘spinner’ until the administrator choosesIssueorDeny.

In the Microsoft Certification Authority console, right-clickAll Tasksand then selectIssueorDenyfor the certificate request. If you chooseIssue,FAS administration console displays the authorization certificate. If you chooseDeny,console shows an error message.

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The FAS administration console automatically detects when this process completes. This can take a couple of minutes.

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Configure rules

FAS uses the rules to authorize the issuance of certificates for VDA logon and in-session use, as directed by StoreFront. Each rule specifies the StoreFront servers that are trusted to request certificates, the set of users for which they can be requested, and the set of VDA machines permitted to use them.

FAS needs at least one rule to be created and configured. We recommend that you create a rule named “default” because by default, StoreFront requests rule named “default” when contacting FAS.

You can create additional custom rules to reference different certificate templates and certificate authorities, and configure them to have different properties and permissions. These rules can be configured for use by different StoreFront servers or by Workspace. Configure StoreFront servers to request the custom rule by name using the Group Policy Configuration options.

ClickCreate(orCreate ruleon the “Rules” tab) to start the rule creation wizard which gathers the information to create the rule. The “Rules” tab shows a summary of each rule.

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The following information is gathered by the wizard:

Template: The certificate template that is used to issue user certificates. This should be the Citrix_SmartcardLogon template, or a modified copy of it (seeCertificate templates).

Certificate Authority: The certificate authority that issues user certificates. The template must be published by the certificate authority. FAS supports adding multiple certificate authorities for failover and load balancing. Make sure that the status shows “Template available” for the certificate authority you choose. SeeCertificate authority administration.

In-Session Use: TheAllow in-session useoption controls whether a certificate can be used after logon to the VDA.

  • Allow in-session usenot selected (default,recommended)—the certificate is used only for logon or reconnection, and users do not have access to the certificate after authenticating.
  • Allow in-session useselected—users have access to the certificate after authenticating. Most customers should not select this option. Resources accessed from within the VDA session, such as intranet websites or fileshares, can be accessed using Kerberos single sign-on, and therefore an in-session certificate is not required.

    If you selectAllow in-session use,In-session Behavior组策略还必须启用并应用于the VDA. Certificates are then placed in the user’s personal certificate store after logon for application use. For example, if you require TLS authentication to web servers within the VDA session, the certificate can be used by Internet Explorer.

Access control: The list of trusted StoreFront server machines that are authorized to request certificates for logon or reconnection of users. For all these permissions you can add individual AD objects or groups.


TheAccess controlsetting is security critical, and must be managed carefully.


If you are using the FAS server only with Citrix Cloud you do not need to configure Access control. When a rule is used by Citrix Cloud, the StoreFront access permissions are ignored. You can use the same rule with Citrix Cloud and with an on-premises StoreFront deployment. StoreFront access permissions are still applied when the rule is used by an on-premises StoreFront.

The default permission (“Assert Identity” allowed) denies everything. Therefore you must explicitly allow your StoreFront servers.

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Restrictions: VDA机器可以登录用户的列表sing FAS and the list of users who can be issued certificates through FAS.

  • Manage VDA permissionslets you specify which VDAs can use FAS to log the user on. The list of VDAs defaults to Domain Computers.

  • Manage user permissionslets you specify which users can use FAS to sign in to a VDA. The list of users defaults to Domain Users.


If the FAS server is in a different domain from that of the VDAs and users, default restrictions must be modified.

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Cloud rule: Indicates if the rule is applied when identity assertions are received from Citrix Workspace. When you connect to Citrix Cloud, you choose which rule to use for Citrix Cloud. You can also change the rule after connecting to Citrix Cloud from a link in theConnect to Citrix Cloudsection.

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Connect to Citrix Cloud

You can connect the FAS server to Citrix Cloud with Citrix Workspace. See thisCitrix Workspace article.

  1. In the Initial Setup tab, underConnect to Citrix CloudclickConnect.

    Initial setup

  2. Select the cloud that you want to connect to and clickNext.

    Choose Citrix Cloud


    OnlyCitrix Cloudis available in the preview.

  3. The window displays a unique registration code, which must be approved in Citrix Cloud. For more information, see the section Confirm product registration in Citrix Cloud.


  4. Once the registration code is validated, select the desiredResource locationfrom the drop-down list.

    Resource location

  5. Select the customer account, if applicable, and select the resource location where you want to connect the FAS server. ClickContinueand then close the confirmation window.

  6. In theChoose a rulesection, use an existing rule or create a rule. ClickNext.

    Choose a rule

  7. In theSummarysection, clickFinishto complete Citrix Cloud connection.

    Connect to Cloud Summary

Citrix Cloud registers the FAS server and displays it on the Resource Locations page in your Citrix Cloud account.

Disconnect from Citrix Cloud

After removing the FAS server from your Citrix Cloud resource location, as described in thisCitrix Workspace article, inConnect to Citrix CloudselectDisable.