
Benchmark partners and Radar community members who have deployed the Radar tag can optionally be given access to their Radar measurements. In the case of benchmark partners, we share measurements taken of that partner regardless of the page on which the Radar tag was deployed, or when the measurement was taken. Community members can see all measurements, taken by their web visitors, regardless of which benchmark partner is being measured.

Customer Radar Data Share

Radar Tag deployers can optionally access a subset of the fields we receive from the Radar client when a Radar measurement is taken on their website. User IP addresses are anonymized before reports are generated. For log descriptions, refer to the Netscope (NEM) documentation.

Raw Radar Measurements

Raw Radar Measurements contain a subset of the fields we receive from the Radar client when a Radar measurement is made. User IP addresses are anonymized before reports are generated.

The reports can be made available daily or in real-time that deliver measurement data in under 5 minutes.

The files can be TAB delimited, CSV, or JSON format. For log descriptions and reports, refer to the Netscope documentation.

Autonomous System Numbers


Community (Public) Provider IDs


Probe Types (Measurement Types)


Response Codes

Code Module Description Value
0 All Success Measurement Value
1 Remote Probing HTTP request timeout 0
2 Remote Probing RTMP connect failed 0
3 Remote Probing RTMP stream not found 0
4 Remote Probing HTTP invalid file 0
5 Navigation Timing Navigation Timing API not supported 0

Market Codes

Code Name ISO Abbreviation
0 Unknown XX
1 North America NA
2 Oceania OC
3 Europe EU
4 Asia AS
5 Africa AF
6 南美 SA

Country Codes

Based onISO 3166 -1 Alpha 2


Region Codes

There are no ISO standards for regions that we are aware of. Also, our GEO provider provides regions for only a small subset of countries. Per their docs, the goal of “regions” is to subdivide certain countries into areas larger than states. For example “US - Southwest”

To start, we are providing our own numeric “region IDs” and a mapping:https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/community-radar/ref/regions.json.gz

NOTE:We reserve the right to change the format of that file. Any code created to load in those mappings must be created with this in mind. Long term there will be an API call to download these mappings.

State Codes

There is an ISO standard for states3166-2. We are evaluating if this standard meets our needs. So start, we are using our own numeric to string mappings. Similar to region, the format may changehttps://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/community-radar/ref/states.json.gz

City Codes

We are using our own numeric to string mappings. Similar to region, the format may change and we may eventually provide these mappings as an API call.https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/community-radar/ref/cities.json.gz
