Citrix RightSignature is an all-in-one, easy-to-use solution to help you get important documents signed electronically. Citrix RightSignature offers help at every step of the way, giving you a straightforward process to create, share, sign, and return electronic contracts and documents — no scanning or faxing required.

Use RightSignature to simplify complicated tasks, such as documents with multiple signers or mass-distributed documents requiring signatures, such as benefits enrollment forms. Bank-level encryption and security features support your data security and industry compliance efforts.

Why Choose Citrix RightSignature?

Compliance, Security, and Nonrepudiation

RightSignature incorporates the mostadvanced security solutions, giving the same level of data protection and redundancy as an online bank. E-mail transfers from RightSignature use security policies that protect users against phishing attempts. Utilizing up to 256-bit EV SSL encryption by DigiCert and the world-class server infrastructure of Amazon Web Services (AWS), RightSignature ensures the privacy of our users’ data.

通过Citrix平台收集的电子签名htSignature are legally binding, requiring no downloaded or installed software. Citrix RightSignature’s technology is in full compliance with the 2000 U.S. Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), and the European Directive (EC/1999/93). These acts reinforce the validity of e-signatures and are intended to encourage their adoption. Learn more aboutthe legality of Citrix RightSignature.

Extensible Integration Framework

You can easily integrate e-signature capability into existing line of business applications using the rich public API. Citrix RightSignature’s REST public API provides for simple oAuth token-based authentication to establish secure connections with the line of business application. What does this mean? Every day, your current business processes can be completed in the apps you’re using now, without having to switch to RightSignature. Less context switching keeps work flowing with greater efficiency and productivity.

Custom Branding

Your customers and clients are used to signing documents directly with your business. To maintain that experience, Citrix RightSignature has a variety of options to keep your brand at the forefront:

  • Embed the link to request signatures directly on your website. Your logo will appear on the RightSignature signing screen where documents will be completed by the designated parties.
  • Include your logo in the emails you send with the signing links.
  • Set a custom greeting in the body of the email used to deliver the document signing links. Each account user will be able to set a custom greeting.

Think of Citrix RIghtSignature as a silent partner helping you behind-the-scenes. It’s your business, after all, and it’s your brand your customers should see.

Price Point

Find the best fit for your business needs. Access essential features for e-signature, and meet your compliance and security requirements, all available at a competitiveprice. You can alsotry it for free for 30 days.

Citrix ShareFile and RightSignature Integration

Citrix ShareFilelets you share and store large files conveniently and securely. In just a few clicks prepare your documents for signature quickly and easily. Recipients are instantly notified when sent a document, and, once completed and returned, files are automatically saved back to the same folder in your ShareFile account. It’s perfect for getting contracts, purchase orders, and partner agreements signed. Watch the video below to see the ShareFile and RightSignature integration.

Try it out for yourself today!

Sign up for afree trialto discover how Citrix RightSignature accelerate your agreement processes while giving your business back time and money.