Citrix DaaS

Migrate workloads to public cloud

Image Portability Service simplifies the management of images across platforms. This feature is useful when you manage images between an on-premises Resource Location and a public cloud. The Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops REST APIs can be used to automate the administration of resources within a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site.

The Image Portability workflow begins when you use Citrix Cloud to start the migration of an image from your on-premises location to your public cloud subscription. After preparing your image, Image Portability Service helps you transfer the image to your public cloud subscription and prepare it to run. Finally, Citrix Provisioning or Machine Creation Services provisions the image in your public cloud subscription.


Image Portability Service components include:

  • Citrix Cloud services
  • Citrix Credential Wallet
  • Citrix Connector Appliance
  • Compositing Engine VM
  • PowerShell Example Scripts

Citrix Cloud services

The Citrix Cloud Services API is a REST API service that interacts with the Image Portability Service. Using the REST API service, you can create and monitor Image Portability jobs. For example, you make an API call to start an Image Portability job, such as to export a disk, and then make calls to get the status of the job.

Citrix Credentials Wallet

The Citrix Credentials Wallet service securely manages system credentials, allowing the Image Portability Service to interact with your assets. For example, when exporting a disk from vSphere to an SMB share, Image Portability Service requires credentials to open a connection to the SMB share to write the disk. If the credentials are stored in the Credential Wallet, then the Image Portability Service can retrieve and use those credentials.

This service gives you the ability to fully manage your credentials. The Cloud Services API acts as an access point, giving you the ability to create, update, and delete credentials.

Compositing Engine

The Compositing Engine is the workhorse of the Image Portability Service. The Compositing Engine (CE) is a single VM created at the start of an Image Portability export or prepare job. These VMs are created in the same environment where the job is taking place. For example, when exporting a disk from vSphere, the CE is created on the vSphere server. Likewise, when running a prepare job in Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud, the CE is created in Azure, AWS, or Google respectively. The CE mounts your disk to itself, and then does the necessary manipulations to the disk. Upon completion of the prepare or export job, the CE VM and all of its components are deleted.

Connector Appliance

连接器设备,运行软件提供商to manage IPS resources, runs in your environment (both on-premises and in your Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud subscription) and acts as a controller for individual jobs. It receives job instructions from the cloud service, and creates and manages the Compositing Engine VMs. The Connector Appliance VM acts as a single, secure point of communication between the Cloud Services and your environments. Deploy one or more Connector Appliances in each of your Resource Locations (on-premises, Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud). A Connector Appliance is deployed to each Resource Location for security. By co-locating the Connector Appliance and the Compositing Engine, the deployment’s security posture increases greatly, as all components and communications are kept within your Resource Location.

PowerShell modules

We provide a collection of PowerShell modules for use within scripts as a starting point to develop your own custom automation. The supplied modules are supported as is, but you can modify them if necessary for your deployment.

The PowerShell automation uses supplied configuration parameters to compose a REST call to the Citrix Cloud API service to start the job and then provide you with periodic updates as the job progresses.

If you want to develop your own automation solution, you can make calls to the cloud service directly using your preferred programming language. See the API portal for detailed information about configuring and using the Image Portability ServiceREST endpoints and PowerShell modules.


The Image Portability Service uses a multi-phase workflow to prepare a master catalog image from an on-premises resource location for your public cloud subscription. The service exports the image from the on-premises hypervisor platform and you upload it to your public cloud subscription (our provided PowerShell upload utility can help automate this). Then, Image Portability prepares the image to be compatible with your public cloud platform. Finally, the image is published and ready to be deployed as a new machine catalog within your cloud resource location.

Image Portability Workflow

These high-level workflows are based on the image’s source and target provisioning configuration (Machine Creation or Citrix Provisioning). The chosen workflow determines which Image Portability Job Steps are required.

Refer to the following table to understand which jobs are required for each of the supported IPS workflows.

Workflow (Source to Target) Export Upload Prepare Publish
PVS to PVS on Azure/Google Cloud* N Y Y Y
MCS to PVS on Azure/Google Cloud Y Y Y Y

*Assumes you have the original image as a Citrix Provisioning vDisk and do not need to export it directly out of the source platform hypervisor.


To get started with Image Portability, you must meet the following requirements.

A Citrix Machine Catalog image

IPS requires using images that have one of the following tested configurations:

  • Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022H2

  • Windows 10 or 11

  • Provisioned using Machine Creation Services or Citrix Provisioning

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops VDA version 1912CU6, 1912CU7, 2203CU1, 2203CU2, 2212, 2303, or 2305

  • Remote Desktop Services enabled for console access in Azure

Image portability service supports the following hypervisors and cloud platforms:

Source platforms:

  • VMware vSphere 7.0 and 8.0

  • Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer 8.2

  • Nutanix Prism Element 3.x

  • Microsoft Azure

  • AWS

  • Google Cloud Platform

Destination platforms:

  • VMware vSphere 8.0

  • Microsoft Azure

  • AWS

  • Google Cloud Platform

A Citrix Connector Appliance

You need a Citrix Connector Appliance installed and configured in each Resource Location where you plan to use Image Portability. For example, if you use image portability to move an image from vSphere to Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud, you need at least four Citrix Connector Appliances:

SeeDeploy Connector Appliancesfor detailed instructions.

An SMB (Windows) file share

You need a WindowsSMB file sharefor temporary storage of data during export jobs hosted in the on-premises Resource Location where you’re using the Image Portability Service. Make sure that the available free space on the share is at least twice the configured size of your image’s file system.

A machine for running PowerShell scripts

Make sure your machine running the PowerShell scripts has the following:

  • PowerShell version 5.1.

  • A fast network connection to the SMB file share. It can be the same machine that is hosting the file share.

  • A fast network connection to the public cloud platforms where you plan to use the Image Portability feature. For example, Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud.

    See the section准备PowerShell的机器for details about how to download and configure the Image Portability modules from the PowerShell Gallery.

Your Citrix Cloud Customer ID

Make sure you have a validCitrix DaaS subscription.

To continue, you need access to Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service). If you don’t have access, contact your Citrix representative.

Refer to theAPI Getting Starteddocumentation for instructions to create and configure an API client to use with image portability.

Azure required permissions and configuration

For the Image Portability Service to perform actions on your Azure resource, you need to grant permissions to certain Azure capabilities to the Azure service principal used by the Image Portability Service. For the detailed list, seeMicrosoft Azure required permissions.

You can assign theContributorrole to the service principal in the associated resource. Or, to assign the minimum permissions required, you can create custom roles with the required permissions, and assign them to the service principal scoped to the appropriate resources.

Refer to the Azure documentation forconfiguring security roles for your Azure service principaland forcreating custom roles.

Google Cloud required permissions and configuration

For the Image Portability Service to perform actions in your Google Cloud project, you grant permissions to certain capabilities to the Google Cloud service principal used by the Image Portability Service.

For the detailed list, seeGoogle Cloud required permissions.

You can assign these permissions using the following roles:

  • Cloud Build Editor
  • Compute Admin
  • Storage Admin
  • Service Account User

See the Google Cloud documentation for more information on configuring service account permissions.

Amazon Web Services required permissions and configuration

To perform image portability service workflows with an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, the respective Identity and Access Management (IAM) user must have the correct permissions.

For the detailed list, seeAWS required permissions.

Set up the Image Portability Service

To set up the Image Portability Service you:

Deploy Connector Appliances

Image Portability requires Citrix Connector Appliances to create Image Portability jobs. Connector Appliances help secure interactions with your on-premises and public cloud environments. The Connector Appliances communicate back to the Image Portability Service to report on job status and overall service health.

To deploy and configure Connector Appliance in your environment, follow the steps inConnector Appliance for Cloud Services.

Note the requiredhardware configurationandnetwork port accessfor the appliance when planning your deployment.

When your appliance is deployed and registered, the components needed to enable Image Portability are automatically installed.


To assist you in getting up and running with Image Portability, we have created PowerShell modules you can customize and use with the service.

The following sections describe how to prepare a machine to run the PowerShell scripts. These scripts are just a few examples. Modify or enhance them to suit your needs.


After the initial installation, useUpdate-Moduleto update the PowerShell module.

PowerShell requirements

To use the PowerShell scripts, you need the following:

  • A Windows machine to run the PowerShell scripts that drive image portability jobs. The machine:

    • Has the latest version of PowerShell.

    • Has a 10-Gbs or better network connection to the on-premises SMB file share and a fast connection to your public cloud (Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud, for example).

    • Can be the same machine hosting the file share.

    • Is a machine running Windows 10, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022, with the latest Microsoft patches.

    • Can connect to the Microsoft PowerShell Gallery to download the required PowerShell libraries.

Depending on your version of Windows, you may need to disable TLS 1.0/1.1 support. Refer toMicrosoft PowerShell Gallery TLS support documentationfor more information.

By default, PowerShell does not automatically authenticate through a proxy server. Make sure you’ve configured your PowerShell session to use your proxy server, per Microsoft, and your proxy vendor best practices.

If you see errors when running the PowerShell scripts relating to a missing or old version of PowerShellGet, you need to install the latest version as follows:

Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber 

Install libraries and modules

Image Portability Service draws on libraries from the Microsoft PowerShell Gallery to drive portability operations.


After the initial installation, useUpdate-Moduleto install new versions.

  1. Run the following PowerShell command to download the latest modules:

    Install-Module -Name "Citrix.Workloads.Portability","Citrix.Image.Uploader" -Scope CurrentUser 
    • To change the PATH Environment Variable:

      PressYandEnterto accept.

    • To install the NuGet provider:

      PressYandEnterto accept.

    • If informed about an untrusted repository:

      PressA(Yes to All) andEnterto continue.

  2. Confirm that all necessary modules were downloaded by running the command:

    Get-InstalledModule -Name Citrix.* 

    This command returns output similar to the following:

    Name Repository Description
    Citrix.Image.Uploader PSGallery Commands to Upload a VHD(x) to an Azure Storage Account, AWS, or GCP and Get information about a VHD(x)
    Citrix.Workloads.Portability PSGallery Standalone Cmdlet for the Image Job of Citrix Image Portability Service

Update modules to the latest version

Run the following command to update the scripts to the latest version.

Update-Module -Name "Citrix.Workloads.Portability","Citrix.Image.Uploader" -Force 

Install the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Remote PowerShell SDK

Image Portability Service requires the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Remote PowerShell SDK to create and manage portability jobs within Citrix Cloud.

Download and install theRemote PowerShell SDKon your machine.

Install platform-specific third-party components

The Image Portability Service PowerShell module does not install third-party dependencies. Hence, you can limit installation to only the platforms you are targeting. If you are using one of the following platforms, follow the relevant instructions for the installation of platform dependencies:


If you are creating Image Portability jobs that communicate with your VMware environment, run the following command to install the required VMware PowerShell modules.

Install-Module -Name VMWare.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -Force -SkipPublisherCheck 
Amazon Web Services

If you’re creating Image Portability jobs in AWS, download and install theAWS Command Line Interface, then run these commands to install the required AWS PowerShell modules:

Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer Install-AWSToolsModule AWS.Tools.EC2,AWS.Tools.S3 

If you’re creating Image Portability jobs in Azure, download and install theAzure command-line utilities, then run these commands to install the required Azure PowerShell modules:

Install-Module -Name Az.Accounts -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -Force Install-Module -Name Az.Compute -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -Force 
Google Cloud

If you’re creating Image Portability jobs in Google Cloud, download and install theGoogle Cloud SDKon your machine.

Uninstall scripts and modules

Run the following commands to uninstall modules used by the Image Portability software.


Third-party scripts and components aren’t automatically removed when uninstalling IPS modules.

To uninstall modules:

Get-InstalledModule -Name "Citrix.Workloads.Portability","Citrix.Images.Uploader" | Uninstall-Module 

Add credentials to Credential Wallet

For end-to-end automation scenarios, you can configure the Image Portability Service to authenticate non-interactively with Citrix Cloud, your public cloud, and on-premises resources. Also, the Image Portability Service uses credentials stored in the Citrix Credential Wallet anytime our APIs are directly authenticating with your on-premises and public cloud resources. Setting credentials as described in this section is a required step for running export, prepare, and publish jobs.

When running jobs, the Image Portability Service requires access to resources you can control. For example, for the Image Portability Service to export a disk from a vSphere server to an SMB share, the service needs login access to both systems. To secure this account information, the Image Portability Service uses the Citrix Credential Wallet service. This service stores your credentials in the wallet with a user-defined name. When you want to run a job, provide the name of the credential to use. Also, these credentials can be updated or deleted from the wallet at any time.

Credentials are often stored for these platforms:

  • Microsoft Azure
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • SMB Share
  • VMware vSphere
  • Nutanix AHV
  • XenServer

To manage credentials, refer to theImage Portability Service APIsand Credentials Management section of theDeveloper API Portal.

Use the Image Portability Service

Preparing images in your on-premises Resource Locations to your public cloud subscription requires creating Image Portability jobs within Citrix Cloud. You can create a job to make direct API calls to the service within your script or program, or by using the example PowerShell modules we have developed to automate API calls. Refer to theImage Portability Service Developer API Portalfor information about using REST APIs and PowerShell modules to create IPS jobs.

Publish machine catalogs using Citrix Provisioning

The Image Portability Service (IPS) is used with Machine Creation Services (MCS) in Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud, or with Citrix Provisioning (PVS) in Azure or Google Cloud. You can combine the PowerShell and REST solutions described in this guide with your platform’s tools, your platform’s APIs, or Citrix DaaS SDKs to create a seamless and automated end-to-end workflow for creating a machine catalog based on the prepared image. Depending on your chosen cloud platform, there can be intermediate steps required between the completion of an IPS prepare job and the creation of a catalog or assignment to a PVS target.


IPS prepare jobs on AWS produce a volume. Machine Creation Services require an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) during catalog creation. To generate an AMI from your migrated image, you first need to create an image snapshot from the resulting volume, and then create an AMI based on that snapshot. This can be done with the AWS command line interface (CLI):

> aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id  > aws ec2 register-image --name  --architecture 'x86_64' --root-device-name '/dev/sda1 --boot-mode uefi --ena-support --virtualization-type 'hvm' --block-device-mappings 'DeviceName=/dev/sda1,Ebs={SnapshotId=}' 

Theis the output from the IPS prepare job. The resulting AMI can be used as an MCS master image.

A PowerShell example script for automating this portion of the workflow is provided in the Citrix.Workloads.Portability module as a script namedNew-ImsAwsImage.ps1.


On Azure, IPS produces managed disks that are directly usable as MCS master images. To assign the resulting image to PVS targets, IPS provides a ‘publish’ operation for copying the managed disk into a VHD(x) file in your PVS store.

Google Cloud

IPS prepare jobs on Google Cloud produce a disk. MCS requires a Google Cloud instance template. The process for creating an MCS instance template from a disk is covered in detail inPrepare a master VM instance and a persistent disk.

For PVS targets on Google Cloud, IPS provides a ‘publish’ operation for copying the disk into a VHD(x) file in your PVS store.

Automate VDA configuration

When preparing a Citrix-managed image that originated on-premises, you can reconfigure the VDA within the image to support the target environment for which the image is being prepared. Image Portability Service can apply VDA configuration changes on the fly during the preparation phase of the workflow. There are three configuration parameters that define how the VDA operates in the migrated image:InstallMisa,InstallPvs, andXdReconfigure. Define these parameters when creating IPS jobs as follows:

InstallMisa = $true 

ConfiguringInstallMisatotrueenables the Image Portability Service to install any missing VDA components which would be required to provision the image using MCS.

ConfiguringInstallMisatotruealso requires configuringCloudProvisioningTypetoMcs.

InstallPvs = 'version of Pvs e.g. 7.31.0' 

ConfigureInstallPvsto set it to the version of PVS with which you are deploying the image. WhenInstallPvsis set, the Image Portability Service automatically installs the specified version of the PVS target device software in the image during prepare jobs.

ConfiguringInstallPvsalso requiresCloudProvisioningTypebe configured toPvs.

For bothInstallMisaandInstallPvs, note the following:

  • Only recent LTSR and CR releases of the VDA support this feature.

  • If the necessary components are already present for the installed VDA, no changes are made, even if the parameters are configured.

  • For supported versions of the VDA, Image Portability installs the appropriate version of the required components, even if the necessary VDA components aren’t present.

  • For unsupported versions of the VDA, reconfiguration fails and a message is logged if the necessary VDA components aren’t present. The preparation job completes even if the VDA reconfiguration does not.

XdReconfigurerequires one of the following values:controllersorsite_guid. Here are example configuration parameters using each value:


XdReconfigure = @( [pscustomobject]@{ ParameterName = 'controllers' ParameterValue = 'comma-separated-list-of-your-cloud-connectors-fqdns' } ) 

where theParameterValueis the list of FQDNs of the new DDCs where you want to point the VDA. Multiple DDCs can be specified in comma-separated format.


XdReconfigure = @( [pscustomobject]@{ ParameterName = 'site_guid' ParameterValue = 'active-directory-site-guid' } ) 

XdReconfigurealso accepts values that are supported when running the VDA command-line installer with the/reconfigureinstall switch, for example,XenDesktopVdaSetup.exe /reconfigure). Some examples of these values includewem_agent_port,wem_cached_data_sync_port,wem_cloud_connectors, orwem_server. For a complete list of VDA reconfigure command-line options, refer to theCitrix DaaS VDA documentation.


You can use-DryRunwhile running your commands to validate your configuration and your connector appliance’s network settings.


This section details technical reference information, based on your needs.

Permissions required by the Image Portability Services

This section details the permissions required by the Image Portability Service on each of the supported on-premises and Cloud platforms.

Connector Appliance required permissions

The Connector Appliance needs access to the following URLs to prepare images in the Image Portability Service:

* * 

VMware vCenter required permissions

The following vCenter permissions are necessary to run the IPS export disk job in a VMware environment. These permissions can be found underRolesin theAccess Controlsection of the vCenter administration panel.

- Cryptographic operations - Direct Access - Datastore - Allocate space - Browse datastore - Low level file operations - Remove file - Folder - Create folder - Delete folder - Network - Assign network - Resource - Assign virtual machine to resource pool - Virtual machine - Change Configuration - Add existing disk - Add new disk - Remove disk - Edit Inventory - Create from existing - Create new - Remove - Interaction - Power off - Power on 

Microsoft Azure required permissions

Image Portability requires your Azure service account to have the following permissions.

When the resource group to use for the Compositing Engine is specified (that is, in theresourceGroupproperty in a REST request or in the-AzureVmResourceGroupparameter when using the Citrix.Workloads.Portability PowerShell commands) the following permissions are required at the scope of the resource group.

Microsoft.Compute/disks/beginGetAccess/action Microsoft.Compute/disks/endGetAccess/action Microsoft.Compute/disks/delete Microsoft.Compute/disks/read Microsoft.Compute/disks/write Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/delete Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/powerOff/action Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/delete Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/join/action Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/read Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/write Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/delete Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/join/action Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/read Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/write Microsoft.Resources/deployments/operationStatuses/read Microsoft.Resources/deployments/read Microsoft.Resources/deployments/write Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/read 

When the resource group to use for the Compositing Engine is left unspecified the following permissions are required at the scope of the subscription.

Microsoft.Compute/disks/beginGetAccess/action Microsoft.Compute/disks/endGetAccess/action Microsoft.Compute/disks/read Microsoft.Compute/disks/write Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/powerOff/action Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/join/action Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/read Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/write Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/join/action Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/read Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/write Microsoft.Resources/deployments/operationStatuses/read Microsoft.Resources/deployments/read Microsoft.Resources/deployments/write Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/delete Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/write Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/read 

The following permissions are required at the scope of the specified target resource group (that is, the resource group specified in thetargetDiskResourceGroupNameproperty in a REST request or in the-TargetResourceGroupparameter when using PowerShell).

Microsoft.Compute/disks/beginGetAccess/action Microsoft.Compute/disks/delete Microsoft.Compute/disks/read Microsoft.Compute/disks/write Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/delete Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/read Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/write 

The following permissions are required at the scope of the specified virtual network resource group (that is, the resource group specified in thevirtualNetworkResourceGroupNameproperty in a REST request or in the-AzureVirtualNetworkResourceGroupNameparameter when using PowerShell).

Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/read Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action 


TheceVmSkuoption for ‘prepare’ and ‘prepareAndPublish’ jobs controls the type of Azure VM that the resulting managed disk is suitable for. You must select a ceVmSku with the same family and version as the VMs you intend to provision from the output image. The default value ofStandard_D2S_v3is suitable to run on all v3 D family machines. With v4 and newer VM SKUs, Microsoft has made the temporary resource disk attached to VMs optional. This affects proper pagefile placement. If you intend to use a VM SKUwithouta temporary resource disk for the machines you provision using the output image, you must ensure that your ceVmSku also doesn’t have a temporary resource disk. If the ceVmSku is a type with a temporary resource disk, IPS moves the Windows pagefile to that disk. You receive a warning dialog on every login if you use a disk prepared this way on a SKU that does not have a temporary resource disk. If the ceVmSku doesn’t have a temporary disk, the pagefile is configured on the system root volume. This might result in unintended I/O charges if you use an image prepared this way on a SKU that includes a temporary resource disk.

Google Cloud required permissions

可移植性要求您的谷歌云就是形象ce account to have the following permissions:

cloudbuild.builds.create cloudbuild.builds.get cloudbuild.builds.list compute.disks.create compute.disks.delete compute.disks.get compute.disks.list compute.disks.setLabels compute.disks.use compute.globalOperations.get compute.images.create compute.images.delete compute.images.get compute.images.list compute.images.setLabels compute.images.useReadOnly compute.instances.create compute.instances.delete compute.instances.get compute.instances.setLabels compute.instances.setMetadata compute.instances.setServiceAccount compute.instances.setTags compute.instances.stop compute.instances.updateDisplayDevice compute.networks.get compute.subnetworks.use compute.subnetworks.useExternalIp compute.zoneOperations.get compute.zones.list iam.serviceAccounts.actAs iam.serviceAccounts.get iam.serviceAccounts.list resourcemanager.projects.get storage.buckets.create storage.buckets.delete storage.buckets.get storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete storage.objects.get storage.objects.list 

AWS required permissions

Image Portability requires that you attach a JSON policy document with the following configuration to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) user:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ebs:StartSnapshot", "ebs:PutSnapshotBlock", "ebs:CompleteSnapshot", "ec2:CreateTags", "ec2:CreateImage", "ec2:DeleteSnapshot", "ec2:DeleteVolume", "ec2:DeregisterImage", "ec2:DescribeImages", "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeRegions", "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups", "ec2:DescribeSnapshots", "ec2:DescribeSubnets", "ec2:RebootInstances", "ec2:RegisterImage", "ec2:RunInstances", "ec2:TerminateInstances", ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] } 


You may want to further reduce the scope of the Resource as needed.

Nutanix AHV required permissions

Image Portability requires you to be a Cluster Admin in your Nutanix AHV configuration.

XenServer required permissions

Image Portability requires you to have at a minimum the ‘VM Admin’ role for the pool the XenServer host is in.


The Image Portability Service (IPS) creates a worker VM called the compositing engine (CE) to perform image operations. All of the connector appliances in the associated resource location must be able to communicate via HTTPS with the CE. All communication between a connector appliance (CA) and the CE is initiated by the CA except for a single exception in the case of vSphere where there is bi-directional HTTPS communication between the CE and CA.

In cloud environments (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud) the CE is created with a private IP address. Hence the CE must be on the same virtual network as the CA or on a virtual network reachable from the CA.

Furthermore, for jobs which involve files on a SMB share (e.g. export jobs), the CE must be on a network with connectivity to the SMB share.

See theImage Portability Service API documentationfor details on how to specify the network to use for the CE in each supported platform.

For ‘prepare’ jobs, the operating system contained in the image is booted (on the CE) to perform specialization and other tasks. If the image contains management or security agents that phone-in to a control server, these processes can interfere with the preparation process.

If the domain unjoin option is specified, network connectivity can affect the results. If the compositing engine VM can reach the Active Directory domain controller over the network, unjoin removes the computer account from the domain. This breaks the domain membership for the source VM from which the image was extracted.

Therefore, we recommend isolating the network provided for the operation from other network resources. This can be done by subnet isolation or with firewall rules. SeeNetwork isolationfor details.

In some on-premise hypervisor environments the hypervisor may be configured with a TLS server certificate, which is either not trusted by the CA’s set of trusted root certificate authorities, or doesn’t match the server’s hostname. For such situations, IPS provides job request properties which can be used to workaround the problem. SeeTLS certificatesfor details.

Network proxies

If the network traffic between the CA and the internet traverses a proxy which performs TLS introspection, then it may be necessary to add to the proxy’s Root Certificate Authority (i.e. the certificate the proxy uses to sign the TLS certificates it generates) to the CA’s set of root certificate authorities. SeeRegister your Connector Appliance with Citrix Cloudfor further information.

Network isolation
  • Azure

    In Azure the CE is by default created with a network security group (NSG) attached to its NIC if the Azure service principal used in the operation has the necessary Azure permissions1.

    This NSG is configured to block all traffic in/out of the CE except for:

    • SMB (port 445) outbound
    • HTTPS (port 443) inbound
    • that required for internal Azure services

    The use of the NSG can be forced by setting thenetworkIsolationproperty in the job request totrue. In this case the job will fail if service principal used in the operation doesn’t have the necessary permissions. Use of the NSG can be disabled by setting thenetworkIsolationproperty tofalse.

  • AWS

In AWS to achieve network isolation of the CE, you can create a network security group or groups which block all undesired traffic and then in the job request, assign the security groups to the CE instance using thesecurityGroupIdsrequest parameter which takes a list of security group Ids as value.

  • Google Cloud

In Google Cloud to achieve network isolation of the CE, you can create firewall rules which block all undesired traffic and then apply those rules to the CE via network tags. IPS creates the CE with the network tagcompositing-engine你可以指定额外的网络标签强g thenetworkTagsjob request parameter which takes a list of tags as value.

TLS certificates

If the hypervisor’s server certificate is signed by an authority not trusted by the CA there are two alternate approaches that can be used to resolve the problem.

  1. Specify in the job request an additional Root Certificate Authority certificate to use in certificate verification. This certificate should be the Root Certificate Authority used to sign the hypervisor’s server certificate.
  2. 指定的工作请求sha - 1指纹of the hypervisor’s server certificate. In this case certificate validation is done by verifying that the SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate returned by the hypervisor matches that provided in the job request. Note that this method may not work if there is a TLS intercepting proxy between the CE and the hypervisor.

The job requests parameters for the above, given respectively below for each platform, are:

  • vSphere
    1. vCenterSslCaCertificate
    2. vCenterSslFingerprint
  • Nutanix
    1. prismSslCaCertificate
    2. prismSslFingerprint
  • XenServer
    1. xenSslCaCertificate
    2. xenSslFingerprint

See theImage Portability Service API documentationfor further details.

Certificate validation errors can also occur when there is a mismatch between the hypervisor servers’ hostname and the hostname in its certificate. In this case hostname matching can be disabled by setting the following parameter totruein the job request:

  • vSphere
    • vCenterSslNoCheckHostname
  • Nutanix
    • prismSslNoCheckHostname
  • XenServer
    • xenSslNoCheckHostname
  1. 如果使用一个显式的资源组the operation then the following permissions at the scope of the resource group:

    • Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/join/action
    • Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/read
    • Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/write

    Otherwise the following permissions at the scope of the subscription if no explicit resource group is being used:

    • Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/delete
    • Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/join/action
    • Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/read
    • Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/write

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