Citrix DaaS

Time zone setup

TheDate and timesetting underSettingsin the management console lets you customize the date and time format to suit your preferences.

ClickEditto configure the following options:

  • Time format:

    • Select to display the time using a 12-hour clock (09:00pm, for example) or a 24-hour clock (21:00, for example).


    Select theSame as localoption if you want the format to align with your browser’s time zone.

  • Date format:

    • Configure the date format to match your preferences, such as yyyy/MM/dd.


    Select theSame as localoption if you want the format to align with your browser’s time zone.

  • Time zone:

    • UTC:Display the date and time in UTC throughout the user interface. Mousing over the date and time displays that information in your local time zone.

    • Local time zone:Display the date and time in your local time zone throughout the user interface. Mousing over the date and time displays that information in UTC.

Time zone setup

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