Alerts and notifications

Alerts are displayed in Monitor on the dashboard and other high level views with warning and critical alert symbols. Alerts update automatically every minute; you can also update alerts on demand.


A warning alert (amber triangle) indicates that the warning threshold of a condition has been reached or exceeded.

A critical alert (red circle) shows that the critical threshold of a condition has been reached or exceeded.

You can view more detailed information on alerts by selecting an alert from the sidebar, clicking theGo to Alertslink at the bottom of the sidebar or by selectingAlertsfrom the top of the Monitor page.

In the Alerts view, you can filter and export alerts. For example, Failed Multi-session OS machines for a specific delivery group over the last month, or all alerts for a specific user. For more information, seeExport reports.

Filter alerts

Citrix alerts

Citrix alerts are the ones that originate from Citrix components. You can configure Citrix alerts within Monitor inAlerts>Citrix Alerts Policy. As part of the configuration, you can set notifications to be sent by email to individuals and groups when alerts exceed the thresholds you have set up. For more information on setting up Citrix Alerts, seeCreate alerts policies.

Smart alert policies

A set of built-in alert policies with predefined threshold values are available for delivery groups and Multi-session OS VDAs scope. You can modify the threshold parameters of the built-in alert policies inAlerts>Citrix Alerts Policy. These policies are created when there is at least one alert target -a delivery group or a Multi-session OS VDA defined in your site. Additionally, these built-in alerts are automatically added to a new delivery group or a Multi-session OS VDA.

Built-in alert policies are created only if no corresponding alert rules exist in the Monitor database.

For the threshold values of the built-in alert policies, see theAlerts policies conditionssection.

Built in alerts

Create alerts policies

Monitor Alerts Policies

To create a new alerts policy, for example, to generate an alert when a specific set of session count criteria are met:

  1. Go toAlerts>Citrix Alerts Policyand select, for example, Multi-session OS Policy.
  2. ClickCreate.
  3. Name and describe the policy, then set the conditions that have to be met for the alert to be triggered. For example, specify Warning and Critical counts for Peak Connected Sessions, Peak Disconnected Sessions, and Peak Concurrent Total Sessions. Warning values must not be greater than Critical values. For more information, seeAlerts policies conditions.
  4. 设置Re-alert间隔。如果t的条件he alert are still met, the alert is triggered again at this time interval and, if set up in the alert policy, an email notification is generated. A dismissed alert does not generate an email notification at the re-alert interval.
  5. Set the Scope. For example, set for a specific delivery group.
  6. In Notification preferences, specify who should be notified by email when the alert is triggered. Email notifications are sent via SendGrid. Ensure that the email address ‘’ is white-listed in your email setup.
  7. ClickSave.

Creating a policy with 20 or more delivery groups defined in the Scope might take approximately 30 seconds to complete the configuration. A spinner is displayed during this time.

Creating more than 50 policies for up to 20 unique delivery groups (1000 delivery group targets in total) might result in an increase in response time (over 5 seconds).

Moving a machine containing active sessions from one delivery group to another might trigger erroneous delivery group alerts that are defined using machine parameters.

Alerts policies conditions

Find below the alert categories, recommended actions to mitigate the alert, and built-in policy conditions if defined. The built-in alert policies are defined for alert and realert intervals of 60 minutes.

Peak Connected Sessions

  • Check Monitor Session Trends view for peak connected sessions.
  • Check to ensure that there is enough capacity to accommodate the session load.
  • Add new machines if needed

Peak Disconnected Sessions

  • Check Monitor Session Trends view for peak disconnected sessions.
  • Check to ensure that there is enough capacity to accommodate session load.
  • Add new machines if needed.
  • Log off disconnected sessions if needed

Peak Concurrent Total Sessions

  • Check Monitor Session Trends view in Monitor for peak concurrent sessions.
  • Check to ensure that there is enough capacity to accommodate session load.
  • Add new machines if needed.
  • Log off disconnected sessions if needed


Percentage of CPU usage indicates the overall CPU consumption on the VDA, including that of the processes. You can get more insight into the CPU utilization by individual processes from theMachine detailspage of the corresponding VDA.

  • Go toMachine Details > View Historical Utilization > Top 10 Processes, identify the processes consuming CPU. Ensure that process monitoring policy is enabled to initiate collection of process level resource usage statistics.
  • End the process if necessary.
  • Ending the process causes unsaved data to be lost.
  • If all is working as expected, add additional CPU resources in the future.


    The policy setting,Enable resource monitoringis allowed by default for the monitoring of CPU and memory performance counters on machines with VDAs. If this policy setting is disabled, alerts with CPU and memory conditions are not triggered. For more information, seeMonitoring policy settings.

    Smart policy conditions:

    • Scope:Delivery group, Multi-session OS scope
    • Threshold values:Warning - 80%, Critical - 90%


Percentage of Memory usage indicates the overall memory consumption on the VDA, including that of the processes. You can get more insight into the memory usage by individual processes from theMachine detailspage of the corresponding VDA.

  • Go toMachine Details > View Historical Utilization > Top 10 Processes, identify the processes consuming memory. Ensure that process monitoring policy is enabled to initiate collection of process level resource usage statistics.
  • End the process if necessary.
  • Ending the process causes unsaved data to be lost.
  • If all is working as expected, add additional memory in the future.


    The policy setting,Enable resource monitoring, is allowed by default for the monitoring of CPU and memory performance counters on machines with VDAs. If this policy setting is disabled, alerts with CPU and memory conditions are not triggered. For more information, seeMonitoring policy settings.

    Smart policy conditions:

    • Scope:Delivery group, Multi-session OS scope
    • Threshold values:Warning - 80%, Critical - 90%

Connection Failure Rate

Percentage of connection failures over the last hour.

  • Calculated based on the total failures to total connections attempted.
  • Check Monitor Connection Failures Trends view for events logged from the Configuration log.
  • Determine if applications or desktops are reachable.

Connection Failure Count

Number of connection failures over the last hour.

  • Check Monitor Connection Failures Trends view for events logged from the Configuration log.
  • Determine if applications or desktops are reachable.

ICA RTT (Average)

Average ICA round-trip time.

  • Check Citrix ADM for a breakdown of the ICA RTT to determine the root cause. For more information, seeCitrix ADMdocumentation.
  • If Citrix ADM is not available, check the Monitor User Details view for the ICA RTT and Latency, and determine if it is a network problem or an issue with applications or desktops.

ICA RTT (No. of Sessions)

Number of sessions that exceed the threshold ICA round-trip time.

  • Check Citrix ADM for the number of sessions with high ICA RTT. For more information, seeCitrix ADMdocumentation.
  • If Citrix ADM is not available, contact the network team to determine the root cause.

    Smart policy conditions:

    • Scope:Delivery group, Multi-session OS scope
    • Threshold values:Warning - 300 ms for 5 or more sessions, Critical - 400 ms for 10 or more sessions

ICA RTT (% of Sessions)

Percentage of sessions that exceed the average ICA round-trip time.

  • Check Citrix ADM for the number of sessions with high ICA RTT. For more information, seeCitrix ADMdocumentation.
  • If Citrix ADM is not available, contact the network team to determine the root cause.

ICA RTT (User)

ICA round-trip time that is applied to sessions launched by the specified user. The alert is triggered if ICA RTT is greater than the threshold in at least one session.

Failed Machines (Single session OS)

Number of failed Single session OS machines. Failures can occur for various reasons as shown in the Monitor Dashboard and Filters views.

  • Run Citrix Scout diagnostics to determine the root cause. For more information, seeTroubleshoot user issues.

    Smart policy conditions:

    • Scope:Delivery group scope
    • Threshold values:Warning - 1, Critical - 2

Failed Machines (Multi-session OS)

Number of failed Multi-session OS machines. Failures can occur for various reasons as shown in the Monitor Dashboard and Filters views.

  • Run Citrix Scout diagnostics to determine the root cause.

    Smart policy conditions:

    • Scope:Delivery group, Multi-session OS scope
    • Threshold values:Warning - 1, Critical - 2

Failed Machines (in %)

Percentage of failed single-session and multi-session OS machines in a delivery group calculated based on the number of failed machines. This alert condition allows you to configure alert thresholds as a percentage of failed machines in a delivery group and is calculated every 30 seconds. Failures can occur for various reasons as shown in the Director Dashboard and Filters views. Run Citrix Scout diagnostics to determine the root cause. For more information, seeTroubleshoot user issues.

Average Logon Duration

Average logon duration for logons that occurred over the last hour.

  • Check the Monitor Dashboard to get up-to-date metrics regarding the logon duration. A large number of users logging in during a short timeframe can increase the logon duration.
  • Check the baseline and break down of the logons to narrow down the cause. For more information, seeDiagnose user logon issues.

    Smart policy conditions:

    • Scope:Delivery group, Multi-session OS scope
    • Threshold values:Warning - 45 seconds, Critical - 60 seconds

Logon Duration (User)

Logon duration for logons for the specified user that occurred over the last hour.

Load Evaluator Index

Value of the Load Evaluator Index over the last 5 minutes.

  • Check Monitor for Multi-session OS Machines that might have a peak load (Max load). View both Dashboard (failures) and Trends Load Evaluator Index report.

    Smart policy conditions:

    • Scope:Delivery group, Multi-session OS scope
    • Threshold values:Warning - 80%, Critical - 90%

Hypervisor Alerts Monitoring

Monitor displays alerts to monitor hypervisor health. Alerts from Citrix Hypervisor and VMware vSphere help monitor hypervisor parameters and states. The connection status to the hypervisor is also monitored to provide an alert if the cluster or pool of hosts is rebooted or unavailable.

To receive hypervisor alerts, ensure that a hosting connection is created in the Manage tab. For more information, seeConnections and resources. Only these connections are monitored for hypervisor alerts. The following table describes the various parameters and states of Hypervisor alerts.

Alert 支持虚拟机监控程序 Triggered by Condition Configuration
CPU usage Citrix Hypervisor, VMware vSphere Hypervisor CPU usage alert threshold is reached or exceeded Alert thresholds must be configured in the Hypervisor.
Memory usage Citrix Hypervisor, VMware vSphere Hypervisor Memory usage alert threshold is reached or exceeded Alert thresholds must be configured in the Hypervisor.
Network usage Citrix Hypervisor, VMware vSphere Hypervisor Network usage alert threshold is reached or exceeded Alert thresholds must be configured in the Hypervisor.
Disk usage VMware vSphere Hypervisor Disk usage alert threshold is reached or exceeded Alert thresholds must be configured in the Hypervisor.
Host connection or power state VMware vSphere Hypervisor 虚拟机监控程序主机已经重启或unavailable Alerts are prebuilt in VMware vSphere. No additional configurations are needed.
Hypervisor connection unavailable Citrix Hypervisor, VMware vSphere Delivery Controller Connection to the hypervisor (pool or cluster) is lost or powered down or rebooted. This alert is generated every hour as long as the connection is unavailable. Alerts are prebuilt with the Delivery Controller. No additional configurations are needed.


For more information about configuring alerts, seeCitrix XenCenter Alertsor check the VMware vCenter Alerts documentation.

Email notification preference can be configured underCitrix Alerts Policy > Site Policy > Hypervisor Health. The threshold conditions for Hypervisor alert policies can be configured, edited, disabled, or deleted from the hypervisor only and not from Monitor. However, modifying email preferences and dismissing an alert can be done in Monitor.


  • All hypervisor alerts older than a day are automatically dismissed.
  • Alerts triggered by the Hypervisor are fetched and displayed in Monitor. However, changes in the life cycle/state of the Hypervisor alerts are not reflected in Monitor.
  • Alerts that are healthy or dismissed or disabled in the Hypervisor console will continue to appear in Monitor and have to be dismissed explicitly.
  • Alerts that are dismissed in Monitor are not dismissed automatically in the Hypervisor console.

Hypervisor Alerts filter

A new Alert category calledHypervisor Healthhas been added to enable filtering only the hypervisor alerts. These alerts are displayed once the thresholds are reached or exceeded. Hypervisor alerts can be:

  • Critical—critical threshold of the hypervisor alarm policy reached or exceeded
  • Warning—warning threshold of the hypervisor alarm policy reached or exceeded
  • Dismissed—alert no longer displayed as an active alert

Hypervisor Alerts Display

Alerts and notifications