Troubleshoot user issues

Use the Monitor’sHelp Deskview (Activity Managerpage) to view information about the user or endpoint.

User details

ClickingView Detailsfrom the Activity Manager for User opens theUser Detailspage. ClickingView Detailsfrom the Activity Manager for Endpoint opens theEndpoint Detailspage.

User details drilldown

If the user had started more than one session, the session selector is displayed.

Session Selector

Choose a session to view the details.

  • Check details about the session, user’s logon experience, session startup, connection, and applications.
  • you can Shadow the user’s machine.
  • Troubleshoot the issue with the recommended actions in the following table, and, if needed, escalate the issue to the appropriate administrator.

Troubleshooting tips

User issue Suggestions
Logon takes a long time or fails intermittently or repeatedly Diagnose user logon issues
Session startup takes a long time or fails intermittently or repeatedly Diagnose session startup issues
Application is slow or won’t respond Resolve application failures
Connection failed Restore desktop connections
Session is slow or not responding Restore sessions
Video is slow or poor quality Run HDX channel system reports


To make sure that the machine is not in maintenance mode, from the User Details view, review the Machine Details panel.

Search tips

Search for username is conducted across all configured Active Directories.

When you type a multiuser machine name in a Search field, the Machine Details for the specified machine is displayed.

When you type an endpoint name in a Search field, the unauthenticated (anonymous) and authenticated sessions that are connected to a specific endpoint are listed. This enables troubleshooting unauthenticated sessions. Ensure that endpoint names are unique to enable troubleshooting of unauthenticated sessions.

The search results also include users who are not currently using or assigned to a machine.

  • Searches are not case-sensitive.
  • Partial entries produce a list of possible matches.
  • After you type a few letters of a two-part name (username, family name and first name, or display name), separated by a space, the results include matches for both strings. For example, if you type jo rob, the results might include strings such as “John Robertson” or Robert, Jones.

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Troubleshoot user issues