Citrix DaaS

Create a Citrix Hypervisor catalog

Create machine catalogsdescribes the wizards that create a machine catalog. The following information covers details specific to Citrix Hypervisor virtualization environments.


Before creating a Citrix Hypervisor catalog, you need to finish creating a connection to Citrix Hypervisor. SeeConnection to Citrix Hypervisor.

Create a machine catalog using a Citrix Hypervisor connection

GPU-capable machines require a dedicated master image. Those VMs require video card drivers that support GPUs. Configure GPU-capable machines to allow the VM to operate with software that uses the GPU for operations.

  1. In XenCenter, create a VM with standard VGA, networks, and vCPU.
  2. 更新虚拟机配置to enable GPU use (either Passthrough or vGPU).
  3. Install a supported operating system and enable RDP.
  4. Install Citrix VM Tools and NVIDIA drivers.
  5. Turn off the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Admin Console to optimize performance, and then restart the VM.
  6. You are prompted to use RDP. Using RDP, install the VDA and then restart the VM.
  7. Optionally, create a snapshot for the VM as a baseline template for other GPU master images.
  8. Using RDP, install customer-specific applications that are configured in XenCenter and use GPU capabilities.

Create a machine catalog using a machine profile

When you create a catalog to provision machines using MCS, you can use a machine profile to capture the hardware properties from a virtual machine and apply them to newly provisioned VMs in the catalog. If theMachineProfileparameter is not used, the hardware properties are captured from the master image VM or snapshot.


目前,您可以只使用一个VM教授作为一个机器ile input.

You can explicitly configure the following parameters to overwrite the values of the parameters in the machine profile input:

  • VMCpuCount
  • VMMemory
  • NetworkMapping

To create a catalog with a machine profile:

  1. Open the PowerShell window.
  2. Runasnp citrix*.
  3. Create an identity pool. The identity pool is a container for the Active Directory (AD) accounts for the VMs to be created. For example:

    New-AcctIdentityPool -Domain "citrix-xxxxxx.local" -IdentityPoolName "ExampleIdentityPool" -NamingScheme "abc1-##" -NamingSchemeType "Numeric" -Scope @() -ZoneUid "xxxxxxxx" 
  4. Create the required AD computer accounts in Active Directory.

    $password = "password123" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force New-AcctADAccount -IdentityPoolName "ExampleIdentityPool" -Count 10 -ADUserName "citrix-xxxxxx\admin1" -ADPassword $password Set-AcctAdAccountUserCert -IdentityPoolName "ExampleIdentityPool" -ADUserName "citrix-xxxxxx\admin1" -ADPassword $password 
  5. Run theNew-ProvSchemecommand to create a catalog. For example:

    New-ProvScheme -CleanOnBoot -HostingUnitName "ExampleHostingUnit" -IdentityPoolName "ExampleIdentityPool" -InitialBatchSizeHint 2 -CustomProperties '  ' -MasterImageVM "XDHyp:\HostingUnits\ExampleHostingUnit\ExampleVDA.vm\ExampleVDA.snapshot" -ProvisioningSchemeName "ExampleCatalog" -Scope @() -SecurityGroup @() -MachineProfile "XDHyp:\HostingUnits\ExampleHostingUnit\ExampleMachineProfile.vm" 
  6. Register provisioning scheme as a broker catalog. For example:

    $ConfigZone = Get-ConfigZone | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "xxxxxx" } New-BrokerCatalog -Name "MPLT1" -AllocationType Random -Description "Machine profile catalog" -ProvisioningSchemeId fe7df345-244e-4xxxx-xxxxxxxxx -ProvisioningType Mcs -SessionSupport MultiSession -PersistUserChanges Discard -ZoneUid ($ConfigZone.Uid) 
  7. Add VMs to the catalog.

To update a catalog with a new machine profile:

  1. Run theSet-ProvSchemecommand. For example:

    Set-ProvScheme -ProvisioningSchemeName "ExampleCatalog" -MachineProfile "XDHyp:\HostingUnits\ExampleHostingUnit\ExampleMachineProfileVm.vm\ExampleMachineProfileSnapshot.snapshot" 

    For more information on the Set-ProvScheme command, seeSet-ProvScheme.


  • TheSet-ProvSchemecommand in this case does not change the machine profile of the existing VMs in the catalog. Only the newly created VMs added to the catalog have the new machine profile.
  • You cannot convert a machine profile-based machine catalog to non-machine profile-based machine catalog.

Where to go next

More information

Create a Citrix Hypervisor catalog