Citrix DaaS

Bidirectional content redirection

Bidirectional content redirection allows HTTP or HTTPS URLs in web browsers, or embedded into applications, to be forwarded between the Citrix VDA session and the client endpoint in both directions. A URL entered in a browser running in the Citrix session can be opened using the client’s default browser. Conversely, a URL entered in a browser running on the client can be opened in a Citrix session, either with a published application or desktop. Some common use cases for bidirectional content redirection include:

  • Redirection of web URLs in cases where the starting browser does not have network access to the source.
  • Redirection of web URLs for browser compatibility and security reasons.
  • Redirection of web URLs embedded in applications when running a web browser on the Citrix session or the client isn’t wanted.

System requirements

  • Single-session or multi-session OS VDAs
  • Citrix Workspace app for Windows


  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Google Chrome with Citrix Browser Redirection Extension (available on the Google Chrome Web Store)
  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium) with Citrix Browser Redirection Extension (available on the Google Chrome Web Store)


Bidirectional content redirection must be enabled using the Citrix policy on both the VDA and client for redirection to work. Bidirectional content redirection is disabled by default.

For VDA configuration, seeBidirectional content redirectionin the ICA policy settings.

For client configuration, seeBidirectional content redirectionin the Citrix Workspace app for Windows documentation.

Browser extensions must be registered using the commands shown. Run the commands as needed on the VDA and client based on the browser in use.

To register the browser extensions on the VDA, open a command prompt. Then, run%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\HDX\bin\vdaredirector.exewith the required browser option as shown in the examples shown:

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\HDX\bin\vdaredirector.exe /regIE

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\HDX\bin\vdaredirector.exe /regChrome

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\HDX\bin\vdaredirector.exe /regEdge

To register the extension on all available browsers run:

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\HDX\bin\vdaredirector.exe /regall

To unregister a browser extension use the/unregoption as in the example shown:

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\HDX\bin\vdaredirector.exe /unregIE

注册客户端的浏览器扩展open a command prompt and run%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\ICA Client\redirector.exewith the same options as the examples shown.


The register command causes Chrome and Edge browsers to prompt users to enable the Citrix Browser Redirection Extension during first launch. The browser extension can also be installed manually from the Google Chrome Web Store.

Wildcard redirection from Citrix VDA to client

Bidirectional content redirection supports the use of wildcards when defining the URLs to be redirected. To configure bidirectional content redirection, see theconfigurationinstructions.

In Citrix Studio, set the wildcard URL inAllowed URLs to be redirected to Client. The asterisk (*) is the wildcard character.


  • Don’t set theAllowed URLs to be redirected to VDAin the client policy. Ensure that the sites set theAllowed URLs to be redirected to VDAto avoid infinite redirection loops.
  • Top-level domains are not supported. For example,https://www.citrix.*or*is not redirected.

Custom protocol redirection from VDA to client

Bidirectional content redirection supports redirecting custom protocols from the Citrix VDA to the client. Protocols other than HTTP or HTTPS are supported. To configure bidirectional content redirection, see theconfigurationinstructions.

In Citrix Studio, set the custom protocol inAllowed URLs to be redirected to Client.


  • The client must have an application registered to handle the protocol. Otherwise, the URL redirects to the client and fails to launch.
  • Custom protocol URLs that you enter or launch in the Chrome and Edge browsers are not supported and not redirected.
  • The following protocols are not supported:rtsp://, rtspu://, pnm://, mms://.

Other considerations

  • Browser requirements and configurations are only applicable to the browser starting the redirection. The destination browser, where the URL opens after redirection is successful, isn’t considered for support. When redirecting URLs from the VDA to a client, a supported browser configuration is only required on the VDA. Conversely, when redirecting URLs from the client to a VDA, a supported browser configuration is only required on the client. Redirected URLs are handed off to the default browser configured on the destination machine, either the client or the VDA, depending on direction. Using the same browser type on the VDA and the client is NOT required.
  • Check that redirection rules do not result in a looping configuration. For example, a VDA policy is set to redirect//, and the client policy is set to redirect the same URL, resulting in infinite looping.
  • Only HTTP/HTTPS protocol URLs are supported. URL shorteners aren’t supported.
  • Client to VDA redirection requires the Windows client to be installed with administrator rights.
  • If the destination browser is already open, the redirected URL opens in a new tab. Otherwise the URL opens in a new browser window.
  • Bidirectional content redirection does not work when Local App Access (LAA) is enabled.
Bidirectional content redirection