
Samsung Knox bulk enrollment

To enroll multiple Samsung Knox devices into XenMobile (or any mobile device manager) without manually configuring each device, use Knox Mobile Enrollment. The enrollment occurs upon first-time use or after a factory reset. Admins can also pass user names and passwords directly to the device, so users don’t need to enter any information upon enrollment.


The setup for Knox Mobile Enrollment is not related to the XenMobile Knox container. For more information on Knox Mobile Enrollment, see theKnox Mobile Enrollment Admin Guide.

Prerequisites for Knox Mobile Enrollment

  • XenMobile must be configured (including licenses and certificates) and running.
  • Secure Hub APK file. You upload the file when setting up Knox Mobile Enrollment.
  • For a list of KME requirements, see theKnox Mobile Enrollment Introduction.
  • Samsung Knox Platform for Enterprise (PKE) license, required to apply device policies. Provide the license key in the XenMobile device policy, Knox Platform for Enterprise.

To download the Secure Hub APK file

Go to the Google Play store to download the Citrix Secure Hub for Android file.

Configure firewall exceptions

To access Knox Mobile Enrollment, configure the following firewall exceptions. Some of these firewall exceptions are required for all devices and some are specific the device’s geographical region.

Device Region URL Port Destination
All https://gslb.secb2b.com 443 Global load balancer for Knox Mobile Enrollment initiation
All https://gslb.secb2b.com 80 Global load balancer for Knox Mobile Enrollment initiation on some limited legacy devices
All umc-cdn.secb2b.com 443 Samsung agent update servers
All bulkenrollment.s3.amazonaws.com 80 Knox Mobile Enrollment customer EULAs
All eula.secb2b.com 443 Knox Mobile Enrollment customer EULAs
All us-be-api-mssl.samsungknox.com 443 Samsung servers for IMEI verification
United States https://us-segd-api.secb2b.com 443 Samsung Enterprise Gateway for US region
Europe https://eu-segd-api.secb2b.com 443 Samsung Enterprise Gateway for European region
China https://china-segd-api.secb2b.com 443 Samsung Enterprise Gateway for China region


You can find a full list of firewall exceptions in theKnox Mobile Enrollment Admin Guide.

Getting access to Knox Mobile Enrollment

Follow Samsung documentation to get access to Knox Mobile Enrollment atGet started with KME.

Setting up Knox Mobile Enrollment

After you get access to Knox Mobile Enrollment, log in to the Knox portal.

The enrollment process follows these general steps.

  1. Create an MDM profile with your MDM console information and settings.

    The MDM profile indicates to your devices how to connect to your MDM.

  2. Add devices to your MDM profile.

    You can either upload a CSV file with device information or install and use the Knox deployment app from Google Play.

  3. Samsung alerts you when device ownership is verified.

  4. Provide users with MDM credentials. Instruct them to connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi and to accept the prompt to enroll their device.

To create an MDM profile

Follow the steps outlined in Samsung documentation onProfile Configuration.

When you encounter the following fields or steps, configure them as described:

  • Pick your MDM:SelectCitrixfrom the menu. Only for device owner profiles.
  • MDM Agent APK:Only for device owner profiles. Type the Secure Hub APK download URL:https://play.google.com/managed/downloadManagingApp?identifier=xenmobile.

    The APK file can reside on any server that the devices can access during enrollment. During enrollment, a device:

    • Downloads Secure Hub from APK download URL
    • Installs Secure Hub
    • Then opens Secure Hub with the custom JSON data described next.

    The capitalization of the .apk file name must match the URL you enter. For example, if the file name is all lowercase, it must also be all lowercase in the URL.

  • MDM Server URI:Do not specify an MDM server URI. XenMobile does not use the Samsung MDM protocol.
  • Custom JSON Data:Secure Hub needs the XenMobile server address plus the user name and password for enrollment. You can provide that data in JSON so that Secure Hub doesn’t prompt users for it. Secure Hub prompts users for server address, user name, or password only if the field is omitted from the JSON.

    The format for custom JSON data is:

    {"serverURL": "URL", "xm_username":"Username", "xm_password":"Password"}

    In this example, typical for bulk enrollment, Secure Hub doesn’t prompt users for the server address or their credentials during enrollment:

    {"serverURL":"https://example.com/zdm", "xm_username":"userN", "xm_password":"password1234"}{"serverURL":"https://pmdm.mycorp-inc.net/zdm", "xm_username":"userN2", "xm_password":"password7890"}

    In this example, typical for kiosk-based devices, Secure Hub prompts users for their credentials:


    You can also enter custom JSON for zero-touch enrollment for Android Enterprise.

    { "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_ADMIN_EXTRAS_BUNDLE": { "serverURL":"URL","xm_username":"username","xm_password":"password" } } 

When a device starts enrollment, the device downloads Secure Hub from the given URL, installs Secure Hub, and opens Secure Hub.

Further configuration

See the following Samsung documentation pages for more information on configuration:

To enroll devices running a Knox API earlier than version 2.4

On devices that have Knox API earlier than version 2.4, bulk enrollment doesn’t start during the initial device setup. Instead, users must initiate enrollment. To do that, users go to a Samsung site to download the new Mobile Enrollment client and start the enrollment.

The downloaded enrollment client uses the same MDM profile and APKs configured in the Knox Bulk enrollment portal for the Knox 2.4/2.4.1 devices.

Users typically follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the device and connect to Wi-Fi. If the Mobile Enrollment doesn’t start or Wi-Fi is not available, do the following:

    1. Go toSamsung Knox Mobile Enrollment.

    2. Tap theNextbutton to enroll devices with mobile data.

  2. When the promptEnroll with Knoxappears, tapContinue.

  3. Read the EULAs (if available). TapNext.

  4. If prompted, enter theUser IDandPasswordprovided by the IT administrator.

At this point, the user credentials are validated and their device is enrolled in your organization’s enterprise IT environment.

启用和disable biometric authentication for Samsung devices

XenMobile supports fingerprint and iris scan authentication, also known as biometric authentication. You can enable and disable biometric authentication for Samsung devices without requiring any action from users. If you disable biometric authentication in XenMobile, users and third-party apps cannot enable the feature.

  1. In the XenMobile console, clickConfigure>Device Policies. TheDevice Policiespage appears.

  2. ClickAdd. TheAdd New Policypage appears.

  3. ClickPasscode. The密码策略信息page appears.

  4. In thePolicy Informationpane, enter the following information:

    • Policy Name:Type a descriptive name for the policy.
    • Description:Optionally, type a description of the policy.
  5. ClickNext. ThePlatformspage appears.

  6. UnderPlatforms, selectAndroidorSamsung Knox.

  7. SetConfigure biometric authenticationtoON.

  8. If you selectedAndroid, underSamsung SAFE, selectAllow fingerprint,Allow Iris, or both.

    The Configure biometric authentication option

Samsung Knox bulk enrollment