
Deploy resources

Device configuration and management typically involve creating resources (policies, apps, and media) and actions in the XenMobile console and then packaging them using delivery groups. The order in which XenMobile pushes resources and actions in a delivery group to devices is called the deployment order. This article describes how:

  • 添加、人age, and deploy delivery groups
  • To change the deployment order of resources and actions in delivery groups
  • XenMobile决定当用户部署顺序is in multiple delivery groups that have duplicate or conflicting policies.

交付用户组指定类别的whose devices that you deploy combinations of policies, apps, media, and actions. Inclusion in a delivery group is typically based on user characteristics, such as company, country, department, office address, and title. Delivery groups give you greater control over who gets what resources and when they get them. You can deploy a delivery group to everyone or to a more narrowly defined group of users.

Deploying to a delivery group means to send a push notification to all users with supported iOS and Windows devices. Those users must belong to the delivery group to reconnect to XenMobile. You can reevaluate the devices and deploy policies, apps, media, and actions that are part of a delivery group.

For users with Android devices: If they are already connected, they receive the resources immediately. Otherwise, based on their scheduling policy, they receive resources the next time that they connect.

The default AllUsers delivery group is created when you install and configure XenMobile. It contains all local users and Active Directory users. You cannot delete the AllUsers group, but you can disable the group when you do not want to push resources to all users.

Deployment ordering

Deployment order is the sequence in which XenMobile pushes resources to devices. Deployment order applies only to devices in a delivery group with an enrollment profile configured for device management (MDM).

When determining deployment order, XenMobile applies filters and control criteria, such as deployment rules and deployment schedule, to resources. Resources include policies, apps, actions, and delivery groups. Before adding delivery groups, consider how the information in this section relates to your deployment goals.

Here’s a summary of the main concepts related to deployment order:

  • Deployment order:The sequence in which XenMobile pushes resources (policies. apps, and media) and actions to a device. Deployment order for some policies, such as Terms and Conditions and Software Inventory, has no effect on other resources. The order in which actions are deployed has no effect on other resources, so their position is ignored when XenMobile deploys the resources.
  • Deployment rules:XenMobile uses the deployment rules that you specify for device properties to filter policies, apps, media, actions, and delivery groups. For example, a deployment rule might specify to push the deployment package when a domain name matches a particular value.
  • Deployment schedule:XenMobile uses the deployment schedule that you specify for policies, apps, media, and actions to control deployment of those items. You can specify that a deployment occurs immediately, on a particular date and time, or according to deployment conditions.

The following table shows filter and control criteria for the various object and resource types. Deployment rules are based on device properties.

Object/Resource Device platform Deployment rule Deployment schedule User/groups
Device policy Y Y Y -
App Y Y Y -
Media Y Y Y -
Action - Y Y -
Delivery group - Y - Y

It is likely that, in a typical environment, multiple delivery groups become assigned to a single user, with the following possible results:

  • Duplicate objects exist within the delivery groups.
  • A specific policy is configured differently in more than one delivery group that is assigned to a user.

When either of those situations occur, XenMobile calculates a deployment order for all the objects that it must deliver to a device or act upon. The calculation steps are independent of the device platform.

Calculation steps

  1. Determine all the delivery groups for a specific user, based on the filters of users, groups, and deployment rules.

  2. Create an ordered list of all resources (policies, apps, media, and actions) within the selected delivery groups. The list is based on the filters of device platform, deployment rules, and deployment schedule. The ordering algorithm is as follows:

    1. Place resources from delivery groups that have a user-defined deployment order ahead of resources from delivery groups without one. The rationale for this placement is described after these steps.

    2. As a tie breaker among delivery groups, order resources from delivery groups by delivery group name. For example, place resources from delivery group A ahead of resources from delivery group B.

    3. While sorting, if a user-defined deployment order is specified for the resources of a delivery group, maintain that order. Otherwise, sort the resources within that delivery group by resource name.

    4. If the same resource appears more than once, then remove the duplicate resource.

Resources that have a user-defined order associated with them deploy before resources without a user-defined order. A resource can exist in multiple delivery groups assigned to a user. As indicated in the steps above, the calculation algorithm removes redundant resources and only delivers the first resource in this list. By removing duplicate resources in that way, XenMobile enforces the order defined by the XenMobile administrator.

For example, suppose that you have two delivery groups as follows:

  • Delivery group, Account Managers 1: Withunspecifiedorder for resources. Contains the policiesWiFiandPasscode.
  • Delivery group, Account Managers 2: Withspecifiedorder for resources. Contains the policiesConnection scheduling,Restrictions,Passcode, andWiFi. In this case, you want to deliver thePasscodepolicy before theWiFipolicy.

Delivery Group configuration screen

If the calculation algorithm ordered deployment groups only by name, XenMobile would perform the deployment in this order, starting with the delivery group Account Managers 1:WiFi,Passcode,Connection scheduling, andRestrictions. XenMobile would ignorePasscodeandWiFi, both duplicates, from the Account Managers 2 delivery group.

然而,帐户经理2组管理员-specified deployment order. Therefore, the calculation algorithm places resources from the Account Managers 2 delivery group higher in the list than the resources from the other delivery group. As a result, XenMobile deploys the policies in this order:Connection scheduling,Restrictions,Passcode, andWiFi. XenMobile ignores the policiesWiFiandPasscodefrom the Account Managers 1 delivery group, because they are duplicates. That algorithm therefore respects the order specified by the XenMobile administrator.

Deployment rules

Configure deployment rules to deliver resources only when specific conditions exist. You can configure base or advanced deployment rules.

When adding a deployment rule using the base editor, first select when to deploy the resource.

Deployment rules base configuration

  • All:Deliver the resource when the user or device meets all the conditions you configure.
  • Any:Deliver the resource when the user or device meets at least one of the conditions you configure.

ClickNew Rule添加一个condition. Rules vary based on the resource being deployed and the platform for which you configure the resource. Several types of rules exist. You can choose to deploy the resource:

  • Only when the selected property exists or except when the selected property exists.
  • When the property matches the text that you type exactly, the property contains the text you type, or the property doesn’t match the text you type.
  • When the device or user is compliant with the property that you select or isn’t compliant with the property you select.
  • When the device or user properties match the condition that you select from a predefined list.

Use the advanced editor to create more complex deployment rules. More rules exist to select and you can combine different Boolean logic operators when creating an advanced rule.

Deployment rules advanced configuration

To add a delivery group

Citrix recommends creating delivery groups before you create device policies and enrollment profiles.

  1. In the console, clickConfigure > Delivery Groups.

  2. From theDelivery Groupspage, clickAdd.

  3. In theDelivery Group Informationpage, type a name and description for the delivery group and then clickNext.

    如果一个用户属于多个组交付have different enrollment profiles, the name of the delivery group determines the enrollment profile used. XenMobile selects the delivery group that appears last in an alphabetized list of delivery groups. For more information, seeEnrollment profiles.

  4. On theUser Assignmentspage, specify how to manage the delivery group user assignments.

    Delivery Groups configuration screen


    You cannot change theManage user assignmentssetting after the user group is created.

    • Select domain:From the list, select the domain from which to choose users.
    • Include user groups:Do one of the following:
      • In the list of user groups, click the groups you want to add. The selected groups appear in theSelected user groupslist.
      • ClickSearchto see a list of all user groups in the selected domain.
      • Type a full or partial group name in the search box, and then clickSearchto limit the list of user groups.

      To remove a user group from theSelected user groupslist, do one of the following:

      • In theSelected user groupslist, click theXnext to each of the groups you want to remove.
      • ClickSearchto see a list of all user groups in the selected domain. Scroll through the list and clear the check box of each of the groups you want to remove.
      • Type a full or partial group name in the search box, and then clickSearchto limit the list of user groups. Scroll through the list and clear the check box of each of the groups you want to remove.
    • Or/And:Select whether users may be in any group (Or) or whether they must be in all groups (And) for the resource to be deployed to them.
    • Deploy to anonymous user:Select whether to deploy to unauthenticated users in the delivery group. Unauthenticated users are users whom you were not able to authenticate, but you allowed their devices to connect to XenMobile anyway.
  5. 配置部署规则。

  6. ClickNext. TheDelivery Group Resourcespage appears. You optionally add policies, apps, or actions for the delivery group here. To skip this step, underDelivery Group, clickSummaryto see a summary the delivery group configuration.

    To skip a resource, underResources (optional), click the resource you want to add and follow the steps for that resource.

To add policies

  1. For each policy you want to add, do the following:

    • Scroll through the list of available policies to find the policy you want to add.
    • Or, to limit the list of policies, type a full or partial policy name in the search box, and then clickSearch.
    • Click the policy that you want to add and drag it into the box on the right.

    To remove a policy, click theXnext to the policy name in the box on the right.

    Delivery Group configuration screen

  2. ClickNext. TheAppspage appears.

To add apps

  1. For each app you want to add, do the following:

    • Scroll through the list of available apps to find the app you want to add.
    • Or, to limit the list of apps, type a full or partial app name in the search box, and then clickSearch.
    • Click the app that you want to add and drag it into either theRequired Appsbox or theOptional Appsbox.

    For apps marked as required, users can promptly receive updates in situations such as:

    • You upload a new app and mark it as required.

    • You mark an existing app as required.

    • As a user deletes a required app.

    • A Secure Hub update is available.

    For information about forced deployment of required apps, including how to enable the feature, seeAbout required and optional apps.

    Delivery Group configuration screen

    To remove an app, click theXnext to the app name in the box on the right.

  2. ClickNext. TheMediapage appears.

To add media

  1. For each book you want to add, do the following:

    • Scroll through the list of available books to find the book you want to add.

    • Or, to limit the list of books, type a full or partial book name in the search box, and then clickSearch.

    • Click the book that you want to add and drag it into theRequired Booksbox.

    Delivery Group configuration screen

    For books marked as required, users promptly receive updates in situations such as:

    • You upload a new book and mark it as required.
    • You mark an existing book as required.
    • As a user deletes a required book.
    • A Secure Hub update is available.

    To remove a book, click theXnext to the book name in the box on the right.

  2. ClickNext. TheActionspage appears.

To add actions

  1. For each action you want to add, do the following:

    • Scroll through the list of available actions to find the action you want to add.
    • Or, to limit the list of actions, type a full or partial action name in the search box, and then clickSearch.
    • Click the action that you want to add and drag it into the box on the right.

    To remove an action, click theXnext to the action name in the box on the right.

    Delivery Group configuration screen

  2. ClickNext. TheShareFilepage appears.

To apply the Content Collaboration configuration

The Content Collaboration page differs depending on whether you configured XenMobile (Configure > ShareFile) for Enterprise accounts or for storage zone connectors.

If you configured Enterprise accounts for use with XenMobile: SetEnable ShareFiletoONto provide the delivery group single sign-on access to Content Collaboration content and data.

Delivery Group configuration screen

If you configured storage zone connectors for use with XenMobile, select the storage zone connectors to include in the delivery group.

Delivery Group configuration screen

To review configured options and change deployment order

Delivery Group configuration screen

On theSummarypage, you can review the options you have configured for the delivery group and change the deployment order of resources. The Summary page shows your resources by category. The Summary page doesn’t reflect the deployment order.

  1. ClickBackto return to previous pages to make any necessary adjustments to the configuration.

  2. Click部署顺序to view the deployment order or to reorder the deployment order. The部署顺序dialog box appears.

    Delivery Group configuration screen

  3. Click a resource and drag it to the location from which you want it deployed. After you change the deployment order, XenMobile deploys resources in the list from top to bottom.

  4. ClickSaveto save the deployment order.

  5. ClickSaveto save the delivery group.

To edit a delivery group

You can’t change the name of an existing delivery group. To update other settings: Go toConfigure > Delivery Groups, select the group you want to edit, and then clickEdit.

To enable and disable the AllUsers delivery group

AllUsers is the only delivery group that you can enable or disable.

From theDelivery Groupspage, choose the AllUsers delivery group by selecting the check box next toAllUsersor by clicking in the line containing AllUsers. Then do one of the following:

  • ClickDisableto disable the AllUsers delivery group. This command is only available if AllUsers is enabled (the default).Disabledappears under theDisabledheading in the delivery group table.
  • ClickEnableto enable the AllUsers delivery group. This command is only available if AllUsers is disabled.Disableddisappears from under theDisabledheading in the delivery group table.

To deploy to delivery groups

Deploying to a delivery group means to send a push notification to all users with iOS and Windows tablet devices. Those users must belong to the delivery group to reconnect to XenMobile. In that way, you can reevaluate the devices and deploy apps, policies, and actions.

For users with other platform devices: If those devices are already connected to XenMobile, they receive the resources immediately. Otherwise, based on their scheduling policy, they receive the resources the next time that they connect. Users on the Android Enterprise platform receive notifications from the Firebase Cloud Messaging notification system, then connect to XenMobile Server to retrieve resources.

For updated apps to appear in the Updated Available list in the XenMobile Store on Android devices: First deploy an App Inventory policy to the user devices.

  1. On theDelivery Groupspage, do one of the following:

    • To deploy to more than one delivery group at a time, select the check boxes next to the groups you want to deploy.
    • To deploy to a single delivery group, either select the check box next to its name or click the line containing its name.
  2. ClickDeploy.

    Depending on how you select a single delivery group, theDeploycommand appears above or to the right of the delivery group.

    Verify that the groups to which you want to deploy apps, policies, and actions are listed and then clickDeploy. The apps, policies, and actions are deployed to the selected groups based on device platform and scheduling policy.

    You can check deployment status on theDelivery Groupspage in one of these ways:

    • Look at the deployment icon under theStatusheading for the delivery group, which indicates any deployment failure.
    • Click the line containing the delivery group to display an overlay that indicatesInstalled,Pending, andFaileddeployments.

    Delivery Group configuration screen

To delete delivery groups

You cannot delete the AllUsers delivery group, but you can disable the group when you do not want to push resources to all users.

  1. On theDelivery Groupspage, do one of the following:

    • To delete more than one delivery group at a time, select the check boxes next to the groups you want to delete.
    • To delete a single delivery group, either select the check box next to its name or click the line containing its name.
  2. Click删除. The删除dialog box appears.

    Depending on how you select a single delivery group, the删除command appears above or to the right of the delivery group.


    You cannot undo a delete.

  3. Click删除.

To export the Delivery Groups table

  1. Click theExportbutton above theDelivery Groupstable. XenMobile extracts the information in theDelivery Groupstable and converts it to a .csv file.

  2. Open or save the .csv file by following the usual steps for your browser. You can also cancel the operation.