Citrix DaaS

Images in Quick Deploy

When you create a catalog to deliver desktops or apps, an image is used (with other settings) as a template for creating the machines.

Quick Deploy provides a set of prepared images that you can choose from to build and customize an image in Quick Deploy. You can also import (add) images from your own Azure subscription.

Citrix prepared images

Quick Deploy provides several Citrix prepared images:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise (single-session)
  • Windows 10 Enterprise Virtual Desktop (multi-session)
  • Windows 10 Enterprise Virtual Desktop (multi-session) with Office 365 ProPlus
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Linux Ubuntu (single-session and multi-session)

Citrix准备图像有一个当前Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) and troubleshooting tools installed. The VDA is the communication mechanism between your users’ machines and the Citrix Cloud infrastructure that manages Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service). Images provided by Citrix have aCITRIXnotation.

Citrix prepared images are not available in Citrix DaaS’s Full Configuration interface.

You can also import and use your own image from Azure.

Ways to use images in Quick Deploy

You can:

  • Use a Citrix prepared image when creating a catalog.This choice is recommended only for proof of concept deployments.
  • Use a Citrix prepared image to create another image.After the new image created, you customize it by adding applications and other software that your users need. Then, you can use that customized image when creating a catalog.
  • Import an image from Azure.After you import an image from Azure, you can then use that image when creating a catalog.

    Or, you can use that image to create a new image, and then customize it by adding apps. Then, you can use that customized image when creating a catalog.

When you create a catalog, Citrix DaaS verifies that the image uses a valid operating system, and has a Citrix VDA and troubleshooting tools installed (along with other checks).

Display image information

  1. FromManage > Quick Deploy, expandMaster Imageson the right. The display lists the Citrix prepared images, and any images you imported.

    Images display in Quick Deploy

  2. Select an image to display its details.

    Image details display

    From the details card, you can:

    • Change (edit) the image’s name.
    • Add and edit notes (available only for images you prepared or imported, not Citrix prepared images).
    • Delete the image.

Prepare a new image

Preparing a new image includes creating the image and then customizing it. When you create an image, a new VM is created to load the new image.


  • Know the performance characteristics that the machines need. For example, running CAD apps might require different CPU, RAM, and storage than other office apps.
  • If you plan to use a connection to your on-premises resources, set up that connection before creating the image and the catalog. For details, seeNetwork connections

When using a Citrix prepared Ubuntu image to build a new image, a root password is created for the new image. You can change that root password, but only during the image creation and customization process. (You cannot change the root password after the image is used in a catalog.)

  • When the image is created, the administrator account that you specified (Login details for image building machine) is added to thesudoersgroup.
  • After you RDP to the machine containing the new image, launch the terminal application and typesudo passwd root.When prompted, provide the password you specified when creating the image. After verification, you’re prompted to enter a new password for the root user.

To create an image:

  1. FromManage > Quick Deploy, expandMaster Imageson the right.
  2. SelectBuild Image

    Build image fields

  3. Enter values in the following fields:

    • Name:Enter a name for the new image.
    • Master image:Select an existing image. This is the base image that is used to create the new image.
    • Subscription:Select an Azure subscription.
    • Network connection:

      • If using a Citrix Managed Azure subscription, selectNo connectivityor a previously created connection.
      • If using your own customer-managed Azure subscription, select your resource group, virtual network, and subnet. Then add domain details: FQDN, OU, Citrix DaaS account name, and credentials.
    • Region:(Available only forNo connectivity.) Select a region where you want the machine containing the image to be created.
    • Logon credentials for image machine:You’ll use these credentials later when you connect (RDP) to the machine containing the new image, so that you can install apps and other software.
    • Machine performance:This is CPU, RAM, and storage information for the machine that runs the image. Select a machine performance that meets your apps’ requirements.
    • Restricted IP access:If you want to restrict access to specific addresses, selectAdd IP addressesand then enter one or more addresses. After adding the addresses, selectDoneto return to theBuild imagecard.
    • Notes:Optionally add up to 1024 characters of notes. After the image is created, you can update the notes from the image’s details display.
    • Local domain join:Indicate whether you want to join the local Active Directory domain.
      • If you selectYes, enter the FQDN, OU, Citrix DaaS account name, and credentials.
      • If you selectNo, enter the credentials for the host machine.
  4. When you’re done, selectBuild Image

An image can take up to 30 minutes to build. FromManage > Quick Deploy, expandMaster Imageson the right to see the current state (such asBuilding imageorReady to customize).

What to do next:Connect to a new image and customize it

Connect to a new image and customize it

After a new image is created, its name is added to the images list, with a status ofReady to customize(or similar wording). To customize that image, you first download an RDP file. When you use that file to connect to the image, you can then add applications and other software to the image.

  1. FromManage > Quick Deploy, expandMaster Imageson the right. Select the image you want to connect to.
  2. SelectDownload RDP file.An RDP client downloads.

    The image machine might power off if you do not RDP to it shortly after it’s created. This saves costs. When that happens, selectPower On

  3. Start the downloaded RDP client. It automatically attempts to connect to the address of the machine containing the new image. When prompted, enter the credentials you specified when creating the image.
  4. After you connect to the machine, add or remove apps, install updates, and finish any other customization work.

    DoNOTSysprep the image.

  5. When you’re done customizing the new image, return to theMaster Imagesbox and selectFinish build.The new image automatically undergoes validation testing.

Later, when you create a catalog, the new image is included in the list of images you can select.

FromManage > Quick Deploy, the image display on the right indicates how many catalogs and machines use each image.


After you finalize an image, you cannot edit it. You must create a new image (optionally using the previous image as a starting point), and then update the new image.

Import an image from Azure

When you import an image from Azure that has a Citrix VDA and applications your users need, you can use it to create a catalog or replace the image in an existing catalog.

Imported image requirements


Citrix DaaS does not support importing disks that are associated with Azure generation 2 VMs.

Citrix runs validation tests on the imported image. Ensure that the following requirements are met when you prepare the image that you’ll import into Citrix DaaS.

  • Supported OS:The image must be asupported OS.To check a Windows OS version, runGet-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
  • Supported generation:Only generation 1 VMs are supported.
  • Not generalized:The image must not be generalized.
  • No configured Delivery Controllers:Ensure that no Citrix Delivery Controllers are configured in the image. Ensure that the following registry keys are cleared.
    • HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\ListOfDDCs
    • HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\ListOfDDCs
    • HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\FarmGUID
    • HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\FarmGUID
  • Personality.ini file:Thepersonality.inifile must exist on the system drive.
  • Valid VDA:The image must have a Citrix VDA newer than 7.11 installed.

    • Windows: To check, useGet HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent.For installation guidance, seeInstall a Windows VDA on an image
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu: For installation guidance, see theproduct documentation
  • Azure Virtual Machine Agent:Before importing an image, make sure that the Azure Virtual Machine Agent is installed on the image. For more information, see the Microsoft articleAzure Virtual Machine Agent overview

Import the image using Quick Deploy

  1. FromManage > Quick Deploy, expandMaster Imageson the right.

    Images display in Quick Deploy

  2. SelectImport Image

    Import image

  3. Choose how to import the image.

    • For managed disks, use the export feature to generate a SAS URL. Set the expiration time to 7200 seconds or more.
    • For VHDs in a storage account, choose one of the following:
      • Generate a SAS URL for the VHD file.
      • Update the access level of a block storage container to blob or container. Then, get the file’s URL.
  4. If you selectedBrowse storage account:

    1. Sequentially select a subscription > resource group > storage account > image.
    2. Name the image.
  5. If you selectedAzure public URL:

    1. Enter the Azure-generated URL for the VHD. For guidance, select the link to the Microsoft documentDownload a Windows VHD from Azure
    2. Select a subscription. (A Linux image can be imported only if you select a customer-managed subscription.)
    3. Name the image.
  6. When you’re done, selectImport Image

Update a Quick Deploy catalog with a new image

The catalog type determines which machines are updated when you update the catalog.

  • For a random catalog, all the machines currently in the catalog are updated with the latest image. If you add more desktops to that catalog, they are based on the latest image.
  • For a static catalog, the machines currently in the catalog are not updated with the latest image. Machines currently in the catalog continue to use the image they were created from. However, if you add more machines to that catalog, they are based on the latest image.

You can update a catalog containing machines with gen1 images with a gen2 image, if the catalog’s machines support gen2. Similarly, you can update a catalog containing gen2 machines with a gen1 image, if the catalog’s machines support gen1.

To update a catalog with a new image:

  1. FromManage > Quick Deploy, click anywhere in the catalog’s entry.
  2. On theDetailstab, selectUpdate Image

    Update an image in a catalog

  3. Select an image.
  4. For random or multi-session catalogs: Select a logoff interval. After Citrix DaaS completes the initial image processing, subscribers receive a warning to save their work and log off from their desktops. The logoff interval indicates how long subscribers have after receiving the message until the session ends automatically.
  5. SelectUpdate Image

Delete an image from Quick Deploy

  1. FromManage > Quick Deploy, expandMaster Imageson the right.
  2. Select the image you want to delete.
  3. SelectDelete Imageat the bottom of the card. Confirm the deletion.

Install a Windows VDA on an image

Use the following procedure when preparing a Windows image that you plan to import into Citrix DaaS.

For Linux VDA installation guidance, see theLinux VDA product documentation

  1. In your Azure environment, connect to the image VM (if you’re not already connected).
  2. You can download a VDA by using theDownloads链接Citrix云导航栏。或者,使用一个browser to navigate to Citrix DaaSdownloadpage.

    Download a VDA onto the VM. There are separate VDA download packages for a desktop (single-session) OS and a server (multi-session) OS.

  3. Launch the VDA installer by double-clicking the downloaded file. The installation wizard launches.
  4. On theEnvironmentpage, select the option to create an image using MCS, and then selectNext
  5. On theCore Componentspage, selectNext
  6. On theDelivery Controllerpage, selectLet Machine Creation Services do it automaticallyand then selectNext.如果提示,确认您的选择。
  7. Leave the default settings on theAdditional Components,Features, andFirewallpages, unless Citrix instructs you otherwise. SelectNexton each page.
  8. On theSummarypage, selectInstall.Prerequisites begin to install. When prompted to restart, agree.
  9. The VDA installation resumes automatically. Prerequisite installation completes and then the components and features are installed. On theCall Homepage, leave the default setting (unless Citrix instructs you otherwise). After you connect, selectNext
  10. SelectFinish.The machine restarts automatically.
  11. To ensure that the configuration is correct, launch one or more of the applications you installed on the VM.
  12. Shut down the VM. Do not Sysprep the image.

For more information about installing VDAs, seeInstall VDAs