Citrix Provisioning

Target devices

A device, such as desktop computer or server, that boots and gets software from a virtual disk on the network is considered a target device. A device that is used to create the virtual disk image is a considered amaster target device.

The lifecycle of a target device includes:

  • Preparing
    • A Master target device used for creating a virtual disk image
    • A target device that boots from a virtual disk image
  • Adding target devices to a collection in the farm
    • From the Console
    • Using Auto-Add
    • Importing
  • Assigning the target device type
  • Maintaining target devices in the farm

After a target device is created, the device must be configured to boot from the network. The device must be configured to allow it to boot from the network. Also, a virtual disk must be assigned to the device, and a bootstrap file must be configured to provide the information necessary for that device to boot from the assigned virtual disk.

There are several types of target devices within a farm. For example, while a device is being used to create a virtual disk image, it is considered a Master target device. All other devices are configured as a particular device type. The device Type determines a devices current purpose, and determines if that device can access a particular virtual disk version that is in production, test, or maintenance.

The device Type is selected on theGeneraltab of theTarget Device Propertiesdialog, which includes the following options:

  • 生产: Select this option to allow this target device to stream an assigned virtual disk that is currently in production, the default.
  • Maintenance: Select this option to use this target device as a maintenance device. Only a maintenance device can access and alter a virtual disk version that is in maintenance mode. Only the first maintenance device to boot the version while in maintenance mode is allowed to access that version.
  • Test: Select this option to use this target device to access and test differencing disk versions that are currently in test mode.

A target device becomes a member of a device collection when it is added to the farm. The use of device collections simplifies the management of all target devices within that collection. A target device can only be a member in one device collection. However, a target device can exist in any number of views. If a target device is removed from the device collection, it is automatically removed from any associated views.

When target devices are added to a collection, that devices properties are stored in the Citrix Provisioning database. Target device properties include information such as the device name and description, boot method, and virtual disk assignments (seeTarget devicepropertiesfor details).

Target devices are managed and monitored using theConsole and Virtual Disk Status Trayutilities.

In the Citrix Provisioning console, actions can be performed on:

  • An individual target device
  • All target devices within a collection
  • All target devices within a view

Target device properties

When configuring a target device, consider the following:

  • A reboot is required if a target device is active when modifications are made to any of the following device properties: Boot from, MAC, Port, vDisks for this device.
  • BitLocker encryption is not supported on a provisioned target device virtual disk.

The following tables define the properties associated with a target device.

General tab

Field Description
Name The name of the target device or the name of the person who uses the target device. The name can be up to 15 bytes in length. However, the target device name cannot be the same as the machine name being imaged.Note:If the target device is a domain member, use the same name as in the Windows domain. Use the same name unless that name is the same as the machine name being imaged. When the target device boots from the virtual disk, the name entered here becomes the target device machine name.
Description Provides a description to associate with this target device.
Type Select the access type for this target device from the menu, which includes the following options:Maintenance- Select this option to use this target device as a maintenance device which applies updates to a new maintenance version of a virtual disk. A maintenance device has exclusive read-write access to a maintenance version.Test- Select this option to use this target device to access versions that are in test mode. Test devices have shared read-only access to the test versions of a virtual disk to facilitate QA testing of a virtual disk version in standard image mode. Perform this task before releasing that version to production machines.生产- Select this option to allow the target device to stream an assigned virtual disk that is currently in production. Production devices have shared, read-only access to production versions of a virtual disk. Production devices do not have access to maintenance or test versions. This prevents untested updates from accidentally being deployed on production machines.Note:The default Type for a new device is maintenance. The default type for an existing device is maintenance.
从光驱启动 The boot method used by this target device. Options include booting from a virtual disk, hard disk, or floppy disk.
MAC Enter the media access control (MAC) address of the NIC that is installed in the target device.
Port Displays the UDP port value. In most instances, you do not have to change this value. However, if target device software conflicts with any other IP/UDP software, that is, they are sharing port, you must change this value.
Class Class used for matching new vDisks to target devices when using automatic disk image update to match new vDisks images to the appropriate target devices.
Disable this device Enable this option to prevent target devices from booting. Regardless if enabled or disabled, new target devices that are added using Auto-add, have records created in the database.

Virtual disk tab

Field Description
vDisks for this device Displays the list of virtual disk assigned to this target device, including the following options: ClickAddto open theAssign vDisksdialog. To filter the displayed vDisks, select a specific store name and Provisioning Server or selectAll Stores and All Servers. This process lists all vDisks available to this target device. Highlight the vDisks to assign, then clickOK. ClickRemoveto remove vDisks from this device. ClickPrintersto open theTarget Devices vDisk Printersdialog. This dialog allows you to choose the default printer and any network and local printers to enable or disable for this target device.

Personality tab

Field Description
Options Provides secondary boot options: Include the local hard drive as a boot device; Include one or more custom bootstraps as boot options. If enabling a custom bootstrap, clickAdd, to enter the bootstrap file name and the menu text to appear (optional), then clickOK. If more than one virtual disk is listed in the table or if either (or both) secondary boot options are enabled, you are prompted with a disk menu when it is booted. Enter a menu option name to display to the target device. The target device can select which boot options to use. ClickEditto edit an existing custom bootstrap’s file name or menu text. ClickRemoveto remove a custom bootstrap file.
Name and string There are no fixed limit to the number of names you can add. However, the maximum name length is 250 characters and the maximum value length is 1000 characters. Use any name for the fieldName, but do not repeat a field name in the same target device. Field names are not case sensitive. In other words, the system interpretsFIELDNAMEandfieldnameas the same name. Blank spaces entered before or after the field name are automatically removed. A personality name cannot start with a $. This symbol is used for reserved values such as $DiskName and $WriteCacheType.

Authentication tab

Password information entered in this dialog is for the initial target device login process only. It does not affect the Windows account login.

Field Description
Authentication If authenticating with a user name and password, enter the user name for the account. Follow your organization’s user name conventions.Note:User names must be at least two characters and no more than 40 characters in length. User names are NOT case sensitive. Authentication methods include: None, user name and password, and External verification (user supplied method).
Username If the account exists, you cannot change the user name.
Password If authenticating with a user name and password: Click theChangebutton to open theChange Passworddialog. To create a password for a user account, type the old password, then type the new password. Confirm the new password. ClickOKto change the password.Note:Follow your organization’s password conventions. Requires passwords be at least three characters and no more than 20 characters in length. Passwords ARE case sensitive. Reenter the new password exactly as you entered it in the previous field to confirm it.

Status tab

Field Description
目标设备状态 The following target device status information appears:Status- current status of this device (active or inactive);IP Address- provides the IP Address or ‘unknown’;服务器- the provisioning server that is communicating with this device;Retries- the number of retries to permit when connecting to this device;vDisk- provides the name of the vDisk or displays as ‘unknown’;vDisk version- version of this vDisk currently being accessed;vDisk full name- the full file name for the version currently being accessed;vDisk access- identifies if the version is in production, maintenance, or test;License information- depending on the device vendor, displays product licensing information including; n/a, Desktop License, Datacenter License, or Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops License.

Logging tab

Field Description
Logging level Select the logging level or selectOffto disable logging:Off– Logging is disabled for this provisioning server.Fatal– logs information about an operation that the system might not recover from. Error log information about an operation that produces an error condition;Warning– logs information about an operation that completes successfully, but there are issues with the operation;Info– Default logging level. Logs information about workflow, which generally explains how operations occur.Debug– logs details related to a specific operation and is the highest level of logging. If logging is set to DEBUG, all other levels of logging information are displayed in the log file.Trace– logs all valid operations.

Setting the target device as the template for this collection

A target device can be set as the template for new target devices that are added to a collection. A new target device inherits the properties from the template target device, which allows you to quickly add new devices to a collection.


Target devices using virtual disks are created and added to a collection when running the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Setup Wizard. If a target device template exists, it is ignored when the target device using a virtual disk is added to the collection.

To set a target device as the template device for a collection, in the console, right-click on the target device, then select theSet device as templateoption.

Consider the following when using templates:

  • Disable the target device that serves as the template. Disabling it adds all target devices using this template to the database, but does not permit the target device to boot.
  • Target devices receive a message requesting that they first contact the administrator before being allowed to boot.
  • Tappears in light blue on the device serving as the template. New target devices automatically have a name generated and all other properties are taken from the default template target device. No user interaction is required.

Creating a VM with nested virtualization

Sometimes, you want to create a nested virtualization paradigm for a VM. If your environment uses Device Guard and you want to create a template from the VM running it, consider that Citrix Provisioning is unaware that it was set up for that particular VM. To resolve this issue, manually enable Device Guard on the Hyper-V host using a PowerShell command. Perform this operation after the VM has been created using the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Setup Wizard.

To configure a VM to use Device Guard:

  1. Create the VM using the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Setup Wizard.
  2. After creating the VM, run the following command for each VM on the physical Hyper-V host to enable nested virtualization:

    Set-VMProcessor -VMName -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true


See the Microsoft site for more information aboutnested virtualization.


To copy the properties of one target device, and paste those properties to other target device members:

Note:Target devices that use virtual disks can only inherit the properties of another target device that uses one.

  1. In the Citrix Provisioning console’sDetailspane, right-click on the target device that you want to copy properties from, then selectCopy device properties. TheCopy Device Propertiesdialog appears.
  2. Select the check box next to the properties that you want to copy, then clickCopy. The properties are copied to the clipboard and the dialog closes.
  3. Right-click on one or more target devices that inherit the copied properties, then select the粘贴menu option. The粘贴Device Propertiesdialog appears.
  4. ClickCloseto close the dialog.

Booting target devices

  1. Right-click on a collection to boot all target devices in the collection. Or, highlight only those target devices that you want to boot within the collection tree, then select theBoot devicesmenu option. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with the Boot devices menu option selected in theSettingsmenu.
  2. Click the Boot devices button to boot target devices. TheStatuscolumn displays theBoot Signal状态,直到目标设备成功发射es the signal, then status changes to Success.

Checking a target device’s status from the console

The target device status indicates whether it is active or inactive on the network.

To check the status of a target device:

  1. Double-click on the target device in the console window, then select thePropertiesmenu option. TheDevice Propertiestab appears.
  2. Select theStatustab and review the following status information:
    • Status, active, or inactive
    • IP address
    • Current provisioning server
    • Current virtual disk name
    • Provisioning server cache file size in bytes If the target device is active in the console window, the target device icon appears as a green computer screen. If the target device is inactive, the icon appears as a black computer screen.

Sending messages to target devices

To send a message to target devices members:

  1. Right-click on the collection to send a message to all members within the collection. Or, highlight only those target devices within the collection that receive the message, then select theSendmessage menu option. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with the Message to devices menu option selected in theSettingsmenu. Target devices are displayed in theDevicetable.

  2. Type a message to display on target devices in theMessagetext box.
  3. Click the Send message button. TheStatuscolumn displays theMessage Signal statusuntil target devices successfully receives the message, the status changes toSuccess.

Shutting down target devices

To shut down target devices:

  1. Right-click on the collection to shut down all target devices within the collection. Or, highlight only those target devices to shut down within a collection, then select theShutdown devicesmenu option. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with the Shutdown devices menu option selected in theSettingsmenu. Target devices display in the Device table.
  2. Type the number of seconds to wait before shutting down target devices in theDelaytext box.
  3. Type a message to display on target devices in theMessagetext box.
  4. Click theShutdown devicesbutton to shut down target devices. TheStatuscolumn displays the shutdown signal status until the target device shuts down. As each target device successfully shuts down, the status changes toSuccess.

Restarting target devices

To restart target devices:

  1. Right-click on a collection in the console tree or highlight only those target devices you want to restart within the collection. Select theRestart devicesmenu option. TheTarget Device Controldialog displays with theRestart devices菜单选项中选择Settingsmenu. Target devices display in theDevicetable.
  2. Type the number of seconds to wait before restarting target devices in theDelaytext box.
  3. Type a message to display on target devices in theMessagetext box.
  4. Click theRestart devicesbutton to restart target devices. TheStatuscolumn displays the重新启动信号状态,直到目标设备成功发射es the signal, then status changes toSuccess.

Moving target devices between collections

A target device can be moved from one collection to another collection within a site by dragging it into the console’sDetailspane. Drag the device from one collection, then drop the device into another collection. Alternatively, target devices can be moved using theMovemenu option.

To move a target device using theMovemenu option:

  1. In the console, expand the collection, right-click on the target device in theDetailspane, then select theMovemenu option.
  2. From the menu, select the collection to move this target device into. If necessary, apply the collection’s device template to the target device being moved by enabling the optionApply target collection’s template device properties.
  3. ClickMove.


There is a risk that moving target devices from site to site can cause them to be deleted in the future. This risk increases if the target device was created using the Streamed VM Setup Wizard. You can use the interface to move target devices from one site to another site, however, Citrix recommends that you avoid moving them from site to site using this method.

Managing target device personality

Normally, all target device’s sharing virtual disk must have identical configurations. TheTarget Device Personalityfeature allows you to define data for specific target devices and make it available to the target device at boot time. This data is used by your custom applications and scripts for various purposes.

For example, suppose you are using a provisioning server to support PCs in three classrooms. Each classroom has its own printer, and you want the PCs in each classroom to default to the correct printer. By using theTarget Device Personalityfeature, you can define a default printer field, and then enter a printer name value for each target device. You define the field and values underTarget Device Properties. This information is stored in the database. When the target device boots, the device-specific printer information is retrieved from the database and written to an .INI file on the virtual disk. Using a custom script or application that you develop, you can retrieve the printer value and write it to the registry. Using this method, each time a target device boots, it is set to use the correct default printer in its classroom.

The number of fields and amount of data that you can define for each target device is limited to 64 Kb or 65,536 bytes per target device. Each individual field contains up to 2,047 bytes.

Target device personality tasks

  • Define personality data for a single target device using the console
  • 人格定义为多个目标设备的数据s using the console
  • Using target device personality data

Define personality data from a single target device using the console

To define personality data for a single target device:

  1. In the Console, right-click on the target device that you want to define personality data for, then select thePropertiesmenu option.
  2. Select thePersonalitytab.
  3. Click theAddbutton. TheAdd/Edit Personality Stringdialog appears.Note:There is no fixed limit to the number of field names and associated strings you can add. However, the total amount of personality data assigned to a single string, names, and data, combined, is approximately 2,047 bytes. Also, the total amount of data contained in names, strings and delimiters is limited to approximately 64 Kb or 65,536 bytes per target device. This limit is checked when you attempt to add a string. If you exceed the limit, a warning message displays and you are prevented from creating an invalid configuration. Target device personality data is treated like all other properties. This data is inherited when new target devices are added automatically to the database. This inheritance occurs using theAdd New Target Device Silentlyoption, or with theAdd New Target Device with BIOS Promptsoption.
  4. Enter a name and string value.Note:You can use any name for the field.Name, but you cannot repeat a field name in the same target device. Field names are not case sensitive. In other words, the system interpretsFIELDNAMEandfieldnameas the same name. Blank spaces entered before or after the field name are automatically removed. A personality name cannot start with a $. This symbol is used for reserved values such as $DiskName and $WriteCacheType.
  5. ClickOK.

To add more fields and values, repeat Steps 5 and 6 as needed. When finished adding data, clickOKto exit theTarget Device Propertiesdialog.

人格定义为多个目标设备的数据s using the console

Define target device personality for multiple devices:

  1. 在控制台中,右键单击目标设备that has the personality settings that you want to share with other device, then selectCopy. TheCopy device propertiesdialog appears.
  2. Highlight the target devices in theDetailspane that you want to copy personality settings. Right-click and select the粘贴device propertiesmenu.
  3. Click thePersonality stringsoption, or, alternately choose to copy other properties. Click粘贴.

Using target device personality data

Once the file system becomes available to the target device, the personality data is written to a standard Windows .ini text file calledPersonality.ini. The file is stored in the root directory of the virtual disk file system, your custom scripts or applications access this file.

The file is formatted as follows:

`[StringData] FieldName1=Field data for first field FieldName2=Field data for second field`

This file is accessible to any custom script or application and is queried by the standard Windows .INI API. Also, a command line application, calledGetPersonality.exe, permits easier batch file access to the personality settings.

A target device’s virtual disk name and mode can be retrieved using GetPersonality.exe. The following reserve values are included in the [StringData] section of the Personality.ini file:

$DiskName= $WriteCacheType=<0 (Private image) All other values are standard image; 1 (Server Disk), 2 (Server Disk Encrypted), 3 (RAM), 4 (Hard Disk), 5 (Hard Disk Encrypted), 6 (RAM Disk), or 7 (Difference Disk). Min=0, Max=7, Default=0>

The xx field is the name of the disk. A virtual disk name cannot start with a $. This symbol is used for reserved values such as $DiskName and $WriteCacheType. The following message displays if a name that starts with $ is entered:

A name cannot start with a $. This is used for reserve values like $DiskName and $WriteCacheType. The $DiskName and $WriteCacheType values can be retrieved on the target device using GetPersonality.exe.


The command line utilityGetPersonality.exeallows users to access theTarget Device Personalitysettings from a Windows batch file. The program queries the INI file for the user and places the personality strings in the locations chosen by the user. GetPersonality.exe supports the following command line options:

`GetPersonality FieldName /r=RegistryKeyPath <- Place field in registry GetPersonality FieldName /f=FileName <- Place field in file GetPersonality FieldName /o <- Output field to STDOUT GetPersonality /? or /help <- Display help`


Setting a Registry Key Value:

The following example retrieves the Target Device Personality data value from theDefaultPrinterfield. It writes it to the target device registry to set the default printer for the device.

The Target Device Personality String Set inTarget DeviceProperties is:

`DefaultPrinter= \CHESBAY01\SAVIN 9935DPE/2035DPE PCL 5e,winspool,Ne03:`

A batch file run on the target device would include the following line:

`GetPersonality DefaultPrinter /r=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Device`


The key name is the UNC name of the network printer, such as\dc1\Main. The value entered for the key would be similar towinspool,Ne01:whereNe01is a unique number for each installed printer.

Setting environment variables

Setting environment variables with personality data is a two-step process:

  1. Use theGetPersonalitycommand with the /f option to insert the variable into a temporary file.
  2. Use the set command to set the variable. For example, to set the environment variable Path statement for the target device a personality name, define the Pathname with the string value:

    `%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tolls\Binn`

    The/foption creates a temporary file, allowing for a name to be assigned, in this casetemp.txt. The following lines are included in the batch file:

    `GetPersonality Pathname /f=temp.txt set /p Path= 


    If the file name specified with the/foption exists,Get Personalitydoes not append the line to the file. Instead, the existing line is overwritten in the file.

Changing the device status to down

Occasionally, a target device displays as active when it is down. This situation occurs when the status record is not refreshed properly in the database. To change the target device’s status in the database to down, Complete the following steps:

  1. In the console, right-click on the target device marked as down, then select theMark Device Downoption. A confirmation dialog appears.
  2. ClickOKmark the device as down.

Support for windows performance counters

Citrix Provisioning target devices provide Windows performance counters for each storage tier:

  • RAM cache
  • VHDX file
  • network streaming

Using these performance counters, you can monitor target device streaming IOPS, bandwidth usage, current RAM usage, and VHDX file size.

Performance monitor

Boot Device Management support for UEFI using the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Setup wizard

UEFI BDM integrates with the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Setup wizard, which allows you to set the BDM boot option to target UEFI firmware. With this support, Citrix Provisioning supports booting from:

  • ISO
  • USB
  • Boot partitions

Consider the following:

  • BDM support for UEFI can only be used by a provisioned VM with a BDM partition.
  • This functionality uses the Citrix Provisioning server IP address in the bootstrap of the server to which the user is connected.
  • BDM partition booting is a single stage BDM.

With this BDM support, the following new templates are included:

  • BIOS (Generation 1 VMs) usesBDMTeamplate.vhd.
  • UEFI (Generation 2 VMs) usesBDMTemplate.vhdx. These VMs are typically used for HDX integration with UEFI.

This functionality does not require PXE, TFTP, or TSB.


During UEFI boot, Provisioning server information is displayed in verbose mode without any additional configuration data.

Setting a target device for UEFI firmware

To use the BDM boot partition:

  1. Select the Citrix Provisioning Console node and right-click to display a context menu.
  2. In the context menu, selectCreate a Boot Device.

Create a boot device

In theBoot Device Management可控硅een:

  1. SelectTarget device is UEFI firmware.
  2. ClickNext.

You can access these options without connecting to a Citrix Provisioning server.BDM.exeprovides a shortcut in theStartmenu. See服务器lookup using DHCP to retrieve the device IP addressfor more information.

Boot device management


You can update the BDM partition, with server information and options, using the available bootstrap.

服务器look up using DHCP to retrieve the device IP address

When specifying a login server, you have the option to use either DNS to locate a server, or you can specify a static IP address to identify a server. If the server lookup method is set toUse DNS to find a Server, you can set extra UEFI options, including:

  • UEFI network. Use this option to set the boot NIC interface index value. By default, this value is set to 0. This value represents the first NIC.
  • Boot Device. Select theAdd an active boot partitioncheck box, and use the drop-down menu to select from the following device options:
    • Citrix ISO Image Recorder. This is the default choice for UEFI networks.
    • USB. Use this device option if a USB drive is connected to the Provisioning server.
    • HDD. When the boot device is a directly connected hard disk drive.

After specifying BDM configuration options, clickBurnto create a BDM device.

Burn the boot device


Citrix recommends that you do not use HDD as a boot option when connected to the Provisioning server.

Updating a BDM partition

A BDM partition can only be upgraded if it is created using the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Setup wizard in one of three ways:

  • Using a collection.
  • Specifying a group of highlighted devices.
  • Using a single device.


Provisioned devices must be turned off when updating a BDM boot partition.

The BDM boot partition upgrade does not require PXE, TFTP, or TSB. It’s considered a single stage bootloader. At boot time it automatically finds all relevant Provisioning server information and does not need external services provided by PXE, TFTP, or TSB.

When using a BDM partition, consider the following:

  • 这个功能类似于w等行为aking on a LAN or to shut down on a provisioned client. Stop or close long running processes at any time. If you close, or otherwise halt a process, it continues to run in the background.
  • A BDM boot partition is considered asingle state partition, as a result, BDM boot times are fast, or faster, than conventional PXE-based boot times.

To update BDM partitions:

  1. In the Citrix Provisioning Console, expandDevice Collections.
  2. Select the appropriate BDM update. Right-click to expose a context menu.
  3. In the context menu, selectTarget Device, then selectUpdate BDM Partitions.

Update boot partitions

In theTarget Device Update BDM可控硅een:

  1. ClickUpdate Devices. Once selected, Citrix Provisioning begins updating all target devices with the BDM update.
  2. Click停止to immediately halt the update process.
  3. ClickCloseto dismiss the Target Device Update BDM screen. The process continues to run in the background.

Update devices