Citrix Provisioning

Assigning vDisks to target devices

Assign a vDisk to a single target device or to all devices within a target device collection. If a target device has more than one vDisk assigned to it, a list of disks appears at boot time. This process allows you to select the appropriate vDisk to boot.

If one or more vDisk versions exist, the version target devices use in Production is either the highest numbered production version or an override version. For details seeAccessing a vDisk Version. Maintenance and Test devices with non-production versions are labeled appropriately.

Assigning vDisks to a target device

vDisks can be assigned to a single target device using:

  • Drag
  • Target Device Properties dialog

To assign a vDisk, using drag, to one or all target devices within a collection:

  1. In the Citrix Provisioning console tree, expand the vDisk Pool within a given site. Or, alternately expandStoresto display the assigned vDisk in the right pane of the window.
  2. 左击并莫use on the vDisk, then drag it onto the target device or onto the collection.

To assign one or more vDisks to a single target device from theTarget DeviceProperties dialog:

  1. In the Citrix Provisioning console tree, expand theDevice Collectionsfolder, then click the collection folder where this target device is a member. The target device displays in the details pane.
  2. Right-click on the target device, then selectProperties. TheTarget Device Propertiesdialog appears.
  3. On theGeneraltab, select the boot method that this target device uses from theBoot frommenu options.
  4. On the vDisks tab, select theAddbutton within the vDisk for this Device section. TheAssign vDisksdialog appears.
  5. To locate assignable vDisks for this target device, select a specific store or server. These stores or servers are located under the Filter options. You can alternately accept the default setting, which includesAll StoresandAll Servers.
  6. In theSelect the desired vDiskslist, highlight the vDisk(s) to assign, then clickOK, thenOKagain to close theTarget Device Propertiesdialog.
Assigning vDisks to target devices