Customize workspace interactions

Customize how subscribers interact with their workspaces inWorkspace Configuration > Customize > Preferences.

我f you want to customize workspace preferences that affect the sign-in experience to align with your company requirements, visitCustomize workspace security and privacy policies.

我f you want to customize the pre-login and post-login workspace appearance, visitCustomize the appearance of workspaces

Allow Caching

TheAllow Cachingsetting enhances performance for subscribers accessing Citrix Workspace through a web browser. When caching is enabled, subscribers experience faster loading of theirActivity Feedand can access resources inFiles更快。

Caching is supported when accessing Citrix Workspace with asupported web browser. Caching isn’t available when using a locally installed Citrix Workspace app.

启用高速缓存的时候,一些敏感数据be stored locally on subscribers’ devices. This data consists of file metadata and is encrypted with a key that’s unique to the subscriber’s authenticated identity. The encrypted data is stored in the web browser’slocalStorageproperty on the subscriber’s device.

我f you disable caching, the encrypted data is purged the next time the subscriber signs in to Citrix Workspace through their web browser. Also, the subscriber can purge this data manually by clearing browsing data from their web browser.

Allow Favorites

Customers who have access toWorkspace Configurationand the new Workspace experience can allow subscribers to favorite and unfavorite app and desktop resources. TheAllow Favoritesfeature is enabled by default.

Workspace Home Favorites Enabled


  • For some existing customers (new to Workspace between December 2017 and April 2018),Allow Favoritesdefaults toDisabled. The administrator can decide when to enable this feature for their subscribers.
  • Allow Favoritesdoesn’t affect the ability to favorite files. The ability to favorite files persists regardless of whetherAllow Favoritesis enabled or disabled inWorkspace Configuration.

The subscriber experience of Allow Favorites

When enabled (default), subscribers can add up to 250Favoritesusing the star icon at the top left-hand corner of each (non-mandatory) app and desktop card. The star changes from having no fill to a yellow fill when it’s favorited.

App cards with star icon states highlighted

我f a subscriber favorites more than 250 resources, the “oldest favorite” is removed (or as close as possible to preserve the most recentFavorites).

When disabled, workspace subscribers don’t see stars on app and desktop cards, or theAll AppsandFavoritessubmenus for these resources in the navigation bar. App and desktopFavoritesaren’t deleted and can be recovered if you re-enableFavorites.


我f your subscribers do not have access to desktops configured, the desktop selection in the sidebar does not display.

Workspace Favorites Disabled

App and desktop keywords

Administrators can automatically addFavorite Appsfor subscribers by usingKEYWORDS:AutoandKEYWORDS:Mandatorysettings in Citrix DaaS (Manage>Full Configuration>Applications).

Application Settings Identification

  • KEYWORDS:Auto. The app or desktop is added as aFavoriteand subscribers can remove theFavorite.
  • KEYWORDS:Mandatory. The app or desktop is added as aFavorite, and subscribers can’t remove theFavorite. Mandatory apps and desktops display a star icon with a padlock to indicate that it can’t be unfavorited.

    Favorited app with locked star icon


我f you use bothMandatoryandAutokeywords for an app, theMandatorykeyword overrides theAutokeyword, and the favorited app or desktop can’t be removed.

For a subscriber with access only to apps and desktops that have theMandatorykeyword:

  • The subscriber sees only theAppspage in the left navigation pane in Workspace. TheFavoritepage doesn’t appear in the left pane because there’s no difference in the apps that appear on theAppspage and theFavoritepage.
  • The subscriber doesn’t see theFavoritetab on the home page. Only theRecentstab is shown.

    Workspace home page with no Favorites navigation shown

Automatically Launch Desktop

Automatically Launch Desktopis available to customers who have access toWorkspace Configuration和新工作空间体验。The preference only applies to workspace access from a browser.

Preferences tab

When disabled (default), the setting prevents Citrix Workspace from automatically starting a desktop when a subscriber signs in. Subscribers must manually launch their desktop after signing in.

When enabled, if a subscriber has only one available desktop, the desktop automatically launches when the subscriber signs in to their workspace.

用户的应用程序没有连接,regardless of the Workspace control configuration.


To enable Citrix Workspace to launch desktops automatically, subscribers accessing the site through Internet Explorer must add the Workspace URL to the Local intranet or Trusted sites zones.

Federated identity provider sessions

When Workspace is configured to use a federated identity provider, the authentication session and its lifetime are typically controlled by the identity provider. TheFederated Identity Provider Sessionssetting allows the control to be handed off to the Service Provider. When enabled (default), Workspace forces a sign-in prompt with the identity provider when a new Workspace session is needed. When disabled, a subscriber will not be prompted to authenticate with the identity provider if accessing Workspace with a valid session.

我f this setting is enabled and you’re using Azure AD for workspace authentication, subscribers might be prompted to sign in again even if a valid Microsoft authentication token exists for their session. For more information about this scenario, seeCTX253779.

Opening Apps and Desktops

TheOpening Apps and Desktopssetting is available to customers who have access toWorkspace Configuration和新工作空间体验。我的偏好s available to new and existing customers. However, the introduction of this feature doesn’t change any settings for existing customers.

The preference applies to the way users open apps and desktops delivered byCitrix DaaSonly. This can be theCitrix DaaSservice or on-premises from theSite aggregationfeature.Opening Apps and Desktopsdoesn’t apply, for example, to SaaS apps delivered by the Citrix Gateway service.

Workspace Preferences settings

Choose one of the following settings:

  • 我n a native app(default). Uses a locally installed version of Citrix Workspace app and gives the best experience for the platform the subscriber is on.
  • 我n a browser. Uses Citrix Workspace app for HTML5. No client software is required.
  • Let users choose. Prompts subscribers to detect a locally installed version of Citrix Workspace app, or to use Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 in their browser.

An additional option for我n a native appandLet users chooseprompts users to install the latest version of Citrix Workspace app if a local app isn’t detected automatically. Remove this selection if your subscribers don’t have rights to install software.

我ntegrate Microsoft Teams with Workspace

With the Microsoft Teams integration, subscribers can share cards from their WorkspaceActivity Feedwith other subscribers through channels in Microsoft Teams.


  • You must be aFull Accessadministrator in Citrix Cloud to enable Microsoft Teams integration. Administrators withCustom Accessdon’t have the required permissions to enable Microsoft Teams integration.
  • You must configure Azure AD authentication in我dentity and Access Management. For more information about configuring Azure AD authentication, seeConnect Azure Active Directory to Citrix Cloud.
  • You can use only one Azure AD instance with Microsoft Teams. If the Azure AD instance you configure has Microsoft Teams enabled through another Citrix Cloud account, you can’t enable Microsoft Teams integration for your Citrix Cloud account.
  • You must have theMicroapps serviceenabled in your Citrix Cloud account. For more information, seeGetting started.
  • The feature toggle我wsMicrosoftTeamsmust be enabled.
  • You must have theActions and Activity Feedfeature enabled for workspaces.
  • Workspace subscribers must have the Microsoft Teams desktop client installed.

Enable Microsoft Teams integration

  1. After signing in to Citrix Cloud, selectWorkspace Configuration.
  2. SelectCustomize, and then thePreferencestab.
  3. UnderEnable Microsoft Teams, select the toggle to enable.

    Enable button in Workspace preference console

  4. SelectSave.

    Workspace users can now see theSend to Microsoft Teamsoption and share cards from Workspace. Users might need to refresh their screens (Ctrl+F5).

    Workspace Activity Feed with Send to Microsoft Teams highlighted

Accept Workspace permissions

There are other set-up steps that are required to enable this integration. TheMicrosoft Administratoraccount must accept the permissions of the integration in the Workspace UI so that users of your organization can share cards to Microsoft Teams.

  1. Sign in to any workspace account and try to share a card.
  2. The following message appears if theMicrosoft Administratoraccount hasn’t accepted permissions for integration with Microsoft Teams and you try to sign in with a non-administrator account:

    Need admin approval

  3. To accept permissions, sign in to your administrator account by selectingHave an admin account? Sign in with that account. The following permissions to access data are required to enable the Microsoft Teams integration with Citrix Workspace:

    Permissions requested

  4. When thePermissions accepteddialogue opens, review the options. TheConsent on behalf of your organizationgrants permissions to all Workspace subscribers for this administrator. Otherwise, permissions are granted only for the administrator account.
  5. SelectAccept.
Customize workspace interactions