

The ITM visualizer is an intuitive and intelligent tool that enables you to monitor and analyze the global performance of ISPs and services. The ITM Visualizer UI provides active alerts with information on the performance and availability of Clouds, Data Centers, CDNs, and other services. ITM community measures these alerts across the globe. ITM Radar collects billions of measurements from real users across the globe via the Radar community. It uses a crowd sourcing model to measure these alerts.

For a new user, the visualizer page opens with all available community alerts on the map. ITM Radar measures performance anomalies and generates alerts across almost every network, and in every location across the globe.

The four tiles over the Visualizer map show the following data.

Active Radar Alerts

Active Radar alerts are current and ongoing.

Radar Alerts

Active Radar alerts are current and ongoing. By default, this tile displays all alerts from the last 24 hours but changes depending on the time period a user selects.

Active Synthetic Alerts

These alerts occur real time. Sonar, our synthetic monitoring system that measures the global availability of a service or data center, generates these alerts.


The number of platforms configured in the customer account.

Visualizer Top Tiles

Viewing Options

You can view alerts and platforms on the map using the following criteria:

Entire Radar Community or Only Your Visitors

Choose雷达社区to view the performance of platforms across the Radar community. Or alternatively, to view the performance for just your visitors via your private platforms chooseOnly Your Visitors.

Response Time or Availability

Click any platform on the map or in the list to view its performance based onAvailabilityorResponse Time.

Best Performance or Average Performance

SelectAverage Performanceor best performance to view the average/best performance you would get for your platforms.

Average Performanceis similar to doing a Round robin between your platforms andBest Performanceis the performance we get by using ITM.

When you chooseBest Performanceyou see the performance on the map based on the best performing platform. For example, if you are looking at the performance for a specific country, and you have two platforms selected,Best Performancecolors the country map based on which platform had the best performance between the two (highest availability or lowest response time) for that country.

Alternatively, if you chooseAverage Performance, you see the performance on the map based on the average of all the selected platforms. It colors the country map with the average availability (or response time) of the two platforms.

Time Period

Alerts on the map can be generated with a time period ofLast 60 Minutes, Last 24 Hours, Last 48 Hours, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, or a custom range. The default view is the Last 24 Hours. Every time you change the time period it refreshes the data on the map and shows you the triggered alerts for that time period.


TheAlertstab is the default tab displayed when you land on the visualizer page. The default data source displayed for a new user with no alerts of their own isCommunity.This means that all alerts that you are viewing on the map as a new user are community alerts. Even if you’ve set up alerts, but don’t have any active or ongoing alerts, your view defaults to community alerts. However, if you’ve set up your alerts, and have active ongoing alerts, then your default view is your own alerts. For more information about Alerts, seeAlerts.

Visualizer Alerts


Community alerts are performance issues or anomalies as seen by ITM Radar occurring across the ITM community. These alerts are measured via end user networks from across the globe. When you first open theVisualizeras a new user, you see all the community alerts on the map. Once you’ve set up your own alerts you see those alerts instead of the community alerts.

However, if you have private platforms and alerts set up, you see your own alerts asMy Alerts, the default view.

My Alerts

These alerts are performance issues or anomalies of your private platforms. It uses end user networks across the globe to meassure these alerts.

As a new user, if you don’t see any alerts, that means you don’t have any alerts set up. You can go to theAlertspage from the left sidebar to set up alerts for the performance of your platforms. But you would need to first set up your private platforms. To set up platforms you can either go to thePlatformspage from the left sidebar or do it on the fly via thePlatformsTab.

Alert Details

You can hover over the alert on the map to view the country and services for which the alerts are being triggered. For more details on a specific alert,

  1. Click the alert icon on the map to check the box for the service triggers alert and highlights it on the list.
  2. Click the arrow on the right side of the selected platform or service to display the details of the alert including,
    1. AvailabilityorResponse Timeof the data source
    2. Durationof the alert
    3. Severityof the Alert
    4. Countryof the network from which the issues are measured
    5. Name of thePlatformfor which the alert is triggered.
    6. Name of theNetworkfrom which the issues are measured.

State-level Alerts: Active alerts with information about the performance and availability of Clouds, Data Centers, CDNs, and other services. These alerts are measured and viewed at the state level with-in the United States.

Visualizer State-level Alerts

To dive deeper into the details of the alert, clickSee Detailsto go to theAlertspage.

NOTE:You can view theSee Detailslink only for your own alerts.

Visualizer Alert Details

Alerts Page


TheTypemenu allows you to view the following type of alerts.

All Alerts

All alerts include active and historical alerts. Historical alerts are alerts that originated later in the selected time period.

Active Alerts

Active alerts include alerts that are ongoing. They are valid and current of the user specified time period.

Visualizer Alert Type

Alert Severity

Alerts can be filtered based onHigh, Medium, andLowseverity.All Severityis the default display.

Visualizer Alert Severity

Severity Logic

For Availability:

  • If more than 50% under threshold -> Severity isHigh
  • If more than 25% but less than 50% under threshold -> Severity isMedium
  • If less than 25% under threshold -> Severity isLow

For Response Time:

  • If more than 200% over threshold -> Severity isHigh
  • If more than 100% over threshold but less than 200% -> Severity isMedium
  • If less than 100% over threshold -> Severity isLow


When you select thePlatformstab, you see the list of the platforms that you added. However, if you’re a new user and haven’t set up any platforms yet, you can either add a community platform here on-the-fly, or set up a private platform by clicking theCreate and manage custom Platforms herelink.

Visualizer Add Platform

Add a Community Platform

  1. To add a community platform, click the + icon next to theAdd Platformbar.
  2. Give a name for the platform and select the platform from the list of community platforms in thePlatformmenu.
  3. ClickAdd Platform.

Add a Custom/Private Platform

  1. To add a private platform, click the + icon next to theAdd Platformbar.
  2. Click theCreate and manage custom Platforms herelink which takes you to thePlatformspage, where you can add a new private platform. Alternatively, you can go to thePlatformspage from the left sidebar.

Upload Existing Configuration: Citrix ADC and F5 BIG-IP DNS

This option allows you to choose a Citrix ADC or F5 BIG-IP DNS config file and import the configuration (of your existing platforms) directly. It automatically creates private platforms for your Citrix ADC or F5 BIG-IP DNS configuration.

Import Citrix GSLB from ADM Service

This option enables you to directly import all your GSLBs configured in the ADM Service.

If you are using Citrix Cloud ADM Service, you can import the GSLBs configured there. The basic site information - IP and name are imported as ITM platforms. ITM geo-locate the site and allow the platform to be displayed on the Visualizer for performance analysis.

Performance Report

The Radar Performance Report provides details about specific platforms, alerts triggered, and each network from which it was measured. The report displays Response Time or Availability measurements and the time period for the issue that was measured. It includes all the filters that were applied in theVisualizer.

To view the performance details of a specific platform for which the alert was triggered, do the following.

  1. Click the platform icon or the alert icon on the map to highlight it and check the box in the list on the right.
  2. Click the arrow next to the platform or alert to expand it.
  3. Click theView Performance Reportlink to go to the RadarPerformance Reportpage.

View Performance Report

Status Report

合成监控警报,警报details by expanding the platform to view details and then clickingView Status Report.

View Status Report

TheView Status Reportlink takes you to the SonarPlatform Statuspage and gives you details of the health of your platform based on real-time synthetic monitoring checks.

View Status Report
