Citrix Application Delivery Management service

Release Notes for Citrix ADM service August 20, 2021 Release

This release notes document describes the enhancements and changes, fixed and known issues that exist for the Citrix ADM service release Build August 20, 2021.


This release notes document does not include security related fixes. For a list of security related fixes and advisories, see the Citrix security bulletin.

What’s New

The enhancements and changes that are available in Build August 20, 2021.

User interface improvements

Several enhancements are added to the ADM user interface to improve user experience. These enhancements automate and simplify the process of onboarding ADC instances to ADM. Also, the new simpler and intuitive interface makes it easier to navigate. Here’s a summary of the GUI changes:

Add ADC instance workflow: Sometimes you might skip onboarding the ADC instances in the开始冷杉工作流而设置ADM服务t time. In such cases, you can onboard the instances from the ADM GUI dashboard. If ADC instances are not yet added, the GUI prompts you to add the instances.

Add instance workflow

Navigation menu: The left-hand navigation menu has been reorganized and regrouped. The new modules in the menu are Security, Gateway, and Infrastructure. Some of the old modules, Networks, Analytics, and Orchestration, are now merged into the new modules. If you’ve not added ADC instances yet, when you click any module on the navigation bar, a tabular preview of the features of that module appears.

Menu comparison

The following image helps you map the old modules and topics with the new navigation.

Menu navigation

For more information, seeOnboard ADC instances by using the ADM GUI dashboard.


WAF recommendation

Citrix ADM now enables you to scan applications and get recommendations for:

  • WAF profiles

  • WAF signatures

Navigate toSecurity > WAF Recommendationand underApplications, clickStart Scanto configure the WAF scan settings for an application.

Using these recommendations, you can apply the required WAF profiles and signatures to the application and ensure that the application is secured.

For more information, seeWAF recommendations.


Invite users with a limited access to ADM

As a super administrator, you can now invite users with a group level access to ADM service. With this feature, you can limit the users’ access to a group in their first login. In Citrix Cloud, navigate toIdentity Access Management > Administrators. Under theCustom accessoption, selectApplication Delivery Management. Then, select the group to which you want to add this user.

The invitation link is sent to the specified user email address. When the user logs in to ADM using this link, the user is added to the specified group. Earlier, the invited users were able to access all ADM features. You were not able to limit users’ access to a group. For more information, seeConfigure users on Citrix ADM.


Select labels in service graph for microservices

In service graph for microservices, you can now change the Service Info labels fromSettings. TheFilterstab in settings enables you to select the labels (based on the selected duration and the active transactions from the services). After selecting the labels from settings, theService Infotab in theFilterssection enables you to apply filters on the selected labels to filter results. This feature ensures better visibility to the service graph.


Enhancement: Update a StyleBook definition inline

Updating a StyleBook definition inline allows you to modify the StyleBook without upgrading its version. You can now update the custom StyleBook definitions that are imported from a StyleBook bundle. And, you can also update a StyleBook definition or StyleBook bundle that has configuration packs with it. Earlier, you were only able to update StyleBook definitions that are imported as a file.


Before you update the StyleBook definition, ensure it is backward compatible. So, all parameters can be retained in the updated StyleBook. And, the newly added parameters appear as optional.

For more information, seeUpdate custom StyleBooks.


IPv6 support in IP Reputation violation

InSecurity > Security Violations,IP Reputationviolation now displays the IPv6 address for the client IP.

IP reputation


Release Notes for Citrix ADM service August 20, 2021 Release