Bind an HTTP DoS monitor and policy

To put HTTP DoS protection into effect after you have configured an HTTP DoS service, you must bind the monitor, and then bind the service to the HTTP DoS policy.

Bind the monitor to the service by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type the following commands to bind the monitor to the service and verify the configuration:

- bind lb monitor   - show lb monitor 


> bind lb monitor tcp ser-HTTP-DoS Done > show lb monitor 1) Name.......: ping-default Type......: PING State....ENABLED 2) Name.......: tcp-default Type......: TCP State....ENABLED 3) Name.......: ping Type......: PING State....ENABLED 4) Name.......: tcp Type......: TCP State....ENABLED 5) Name.......: http Type......: HTTP State....ENABLED . . . 17) Name.......: ldns-dns Type......: LDNS-DNS State....ENABLED Done 

Bind the policy to the service by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type the following commands to bind the policy to the service and verify the configuration:

bind service -policyName


> bind service ser-HTTP-DoS -policyName pol-HTTP-DoS Done > show service 1) srv-http-10 ( - HTTP State: DOWN Last state change was at Wed Jul 8 07:49:52 2009 Time since last state change: 34 days, 01:24:58.510 Server Name: Server ID : 0 Monitor Threshold : 0 Max Conn: 0 Max Req: 0 Max Bandwidth: 0 kbits Use Source IP: NO Client Keepalive(CKA): NO Access Down Service: NO TCP Buffering(TCPB): NO HTTP Compression(CMP): NO Idle timeout: Client: 180 sec Server: 360 sec Client IP: DISABLED Cacheable: NO SC: OFF SP: ON Down state flush: ENABLED . . . 4) ser-HTTP-Dos ( - HTTP State: DOWN Last state change was at Tue Aug 11 08:19:45 2009 Time since last state change: 0 days, 00:55:05.40 Server Name: Server ID : 0 Monitor Threshold : 0 Max Conn: 0 Max Req: 0 Max Bandwidth: 0 kbits Use Source IP: NO Client Keepalive(CKA): NO Access Down Service: NO TCP Buffering(TCPB): NO HTTP Compression(CMP): YES Idle timeout: Client: 180 sec Server: 360 sec Client IP: DISABLED Cacheable: NO SC: OFF SP: ON Down state flush: ENABLED 5) ser-HTTP-Dos1 ( - HTTP State: DOWN Last state change was at Tue Aug 11 08:23:40 2009 Time since last state change: 0 days, 00:51:10.110 Server Name: Server ID : 0 Monitor Threshold : 0 Max Conn: 0 Max Req: 20 Max Bandwidth: 0 kbits Use Source IP: NO Client Keepalive(CKA): NO Access Down Service: NO TCP Buffering(TCPB): NO HTTP Compression(CMP): YES Idle timeout: Client: 180 sec Server: 360 sec Client IP: DISABLED Cacheable: NO SC: OFF SP: OFF Down state flush: ENABLED Done 

Bind the monitor and policy to the service by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Services.
  2. In the details pane, select the service that you want to bind, and then click Open.
  3. In the Configure Service dialog box, select the Monitor tab, click the name of the monitor you want in the Monitors list, and then click Add. The selected monitor is added to the Configured frame.
  4. Select the Policies tab, then select the HTTP DoS tab.
  5. Select a policy from the Available Policies list, and then click Add. The policy appears in the Configured Policies list.
  6. Click OK, and then click Close. A message appears in the status bar, stating that the service has been configured.
Bind an HTTP DoS monitor and policy