SNMP support for admin partitions

A partitioned Citrix ADC appliance uses SNMP infrastructure for partition rate limiting and for monitoring partition resource utilization details.

SNMP traps for admin partition rate limiting

On a partitioned Citrix ADC appliance, a PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT alarm can generate nine SNMP traps for notifying a partition resource (such as bandwidth, connection, or memory) has reached its limit or returned to normal.

The following nine SNMP traps are generated when:

  • partitionCONNThresholdReached. The number of active connections for a partition exceeds its high threshold percentage.
  • partitionCONNThresholdNormal. The number of active connections is less than or equal to the normal threshold percentage.
  • partitionBWThresholdReached. The partition’s bandwidth usage reaches its high threshold percentage.
  • partitionMEMThresholdReached. The current memory usage of the partition exceeds its high threshold percentage.
  • partitionMEMThresholdNormal. The current memory usage of the partition becomes less than or equal to the normal threshold percentage.
  • partitionMEMLimitExceeded.The current memory usage of the partition exceeds its memory limit percentage.
  • partitionCONNLimitExceeded. The number of active connections for a partition exceeds its configured limit and new connections are being dropped.
  • partitionCONNLimitNormal. The number of active connections for a partition goes below its configured limit and the partition can now accept a new connection.
  • partitionBWLimitExceeded. The current bandwidth usage for a partition has exceeded its configured limit.

The threshold values for the SNMP traps are non-configurable and are as follows are:

  • High threshold = 80% (applicable for all partition rate limit traps)
  • Low threshold = 60 % (applicable for all partition rate limit traps)
  • Memory limit = 95% (applicable only for partition memory traps)

Configuring PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT alarm

To configure PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT alarm in a specific partition and enable generation of the SNMP trap messages.

  2. Configure PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT Alarm
  3. Configure SNMP Trap Destination

To enable PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT alarm by using the Citrix ADC CLI

At the command prompt, type the following commands:

enable snmp alarm PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT show snmp alarm PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT

To configure PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT Alarm by using the Citrix ADC CLI

At the command prompt, type the following command

set snmp alarm PARTITION-RATE-LIMIT [-state ( ENABLED | DISABLED )] [-severity ] [-logging ( ENABLED | DISABLED )] 

To configure SNMP trap destination by using the Citrix ADC CLI

At the command prompt, type the following command:

add snmp trap   [-version ] [-td ] [-destPort ] [-communityName ] [-srcIP ] [-severity ] [-allPartitions ( ENABLED | DISABLED )] 

To configure PARTITION-Rate-Limit alarm by using the Citrix ADC GUI

Navigate toSystem > SNMP > Alarms, selectPARTITION-RATE-LIMITalarm and configure the alarm parameters.

To configure SNMP trap destination by using the Citrix ADC GUI

Navigate toSystem > SNMP > Trap, specify the IP address of the destination device.

SNMP monitoring for partition resource utilization

使用SNMP,您可以监视一个分区的资源(such as bandwidth, connection, and memory) utilization details at real time on a Citrix ADC appliance. This is done by sending a SNMP request (such as SNMP GET, SNMP GET BULK, SNMP GETNEXT, or SNMP WALK) from the SNMP Manager.


In order to monitor partition resources, you must configure the SNMP community in the default partition. Wherein, thepartitionTableis maintained in the default partition, and the SNMP communication is done through the NSIP address of the appliance.

Consider a scenario where a Citrix ADC administrator wants to know the bandwidth usage of partition P1 on the appliance. The SNMP Manager retrieves this information by sending an SNMP GET request on the corresponding OID (partitionCurrentBandwidth) to the NSIP address of the appliance. The SNMP agent on the default partition retrieves and sends the current bandwidth usage of P1 to the SNMP Manager through the NSIP address.

The following table lists the SNMP counters which are part ofpartitionTableand its description:

SNMP Parameter SNMP OID Description
partitionName Partition name
partitionCurrentBandwidth Current bandwidth usage of the partition.
partitionCurrentConnections Current number of active connections of the partition.
partitionMemoryUsagePcnt Current Memory usage (in percentage) of the partition.
SNMP support for admin partitions