Citrix Provisioning

vDisk properties

In the Console, the vDisk Properties dialogs allows you to modify vDisk configuration settings. To view an existing vDisk’s properties, choose one of the following methods:

  • Highlight a vDisk in the Console, then select Properties from the Action menu.
  • Right-click on the vDisk in the Console, then select Properties.
  • Double-click on the vDisk in the Console’s details pane.

General Tab

  • Site

    The name of the site where this vDisk is a member of its vDisk Pool. This property can not be modified in this dialog.

  • Store

    The name of the store where the vDisk resides. This property can not be modified in this dialog.

  • Filename

    The filename that was given to this vDisk when it was created. This property can not be modified in this dialog.

  • Size

    The file size of this vDisk.

  • Access mode

    Select the vDisk access mode

    Standard Image (multi-device, read only access with write cache options)

    Private Image for use with a single target device, which has read and write access.

    Local Hard Disk Drive (read/write)

    Select the Cache type

    For Standard Image only, select the write cache type:

    • Cache on device’s hard drive (NTFS file format)
    • Cache on device hard drive persisted (experimental stage only)
    • Cache in device RAM
    • Cache on device RAM with overflow on hard disk
    • Cache on server
    • Cache on server persisted

    Select the Cache Size (MBs)

    If you select Standard Image and Cache in target device RAM, select the cache size in megabytes. Default is 4096.

    For 32-bit systems, the max size of the RAM write cache is determined by the registry setting WcMaxRamCacheMB in the BNIStack Parameters. This is a DWORD parameter. The default value used is 3584 MB.

  • BIOS menu text

    This field is optional and allows you to enter a menu text that will display on the target device when that device starts. The user can then select which vDisk to boot from. Note: Important. If vDisks with the same name from different Stores are assigned to the same target device, they display as duplicate names in the menu unless different menu text or descriptions are provided.

  • Enable Active Directory machine account password management

    Enables the Active Directory password management features. If your target devices belong to a domain and share a vDisk, also refer to the Active Directory section on the Options tab of the Provisioning Server Properties dialog.

  • Enable printer management

    Enables the printer management option if you are not using a different printer system that installs valid printers on each target device. To view printer details for an individual target device, refer to the Target Device Properties’ vDisk tab, then click the Printers button.

  • Enable streaming of this vDisk

    使这vDiskstreamed to target devices.

Identification Tab

  • Description

    Provides a description for this vDisk.

  • Date

    For user’s informational use only. Initially set to a string representing the creation date of the image file.

  • Author

    For user’s informational use only. Set as appropriate for your installation.

  • Title

    For user’s informational use only. Set as appropriate for your installation.

  • Company

    For user’s informational use only. Set as appropriate for your installation.

  • Internal Name

    For user’s informational use only. Set as appropriate for your installation.

  • Original File

    For user’s informational use only. Set as appropriate for your installation.

  • Hardware Target

    For user’s informational use only. Set as appropriate for your installation.

Microsoft Volume Licensing Tab for vDisk file

  • Microsoft Volume Licensing

    If using Microsoft KMS or MAK volume licenses for target devices using this vDisk image, select that licensing option from those listed below. Otherwise, select None. Note: The vDisk license mode must be set before target devices can be activated.

    • None
    • Key Management Service (KMS)
    • Multiple Activation Key (MAK)Note: In order for MAK licensing to work, the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) must be installed on all login servers within the farm. This tool is available from Microsoft.

Auto Update Tab

Note: This vDisk update method can only be used on a base disk that has no VHDX versions associated with it.

  • Enable automatic updates for this vDisk

    Enables the Automatic Disk Update process on this vDisk file.

  • Class

    Enter a class to associate to the vDisk file. This field is used with Automatic Disk Update and the Managed Disk Feature in order to match new vDisk file to the appropriate target devices. Up to 40 characters can be entered.

  • Type

    Enter a type to associate with the vDisk file. This field is used in Automatic Disk Update, in order to match the new vDisk file to the old file. Up to 40 characters can be entered.

  • Major #, Minor #, Build #

    If the new vDisk version is greater than the old image version, the vDisk image is replaced for matching Class and Type images. Precedence is: Major, then Minor, then Build. Note: During the update process, if several vDisks exist with the same version number because the version number was not incremented, Provisioning Services uses the first updated vDisk presented in the list.

  • Serial #

    Initially set to a random Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).The user can set the serial number as needed. The serial number is used to ensure that a delta file is applied to the correct vDisk image file.

vDisk properties