Citrix Provisioning

Device collection properties

Device collection properties are located on the following tabs.

General Tab

Field/Button Description
Name The name of this device collection.
Description Describes this device collection.
Template target device To use the settings of an existing target device as the template to apply to all target devices that are added to this collection, select that device from the drop-down menu, then click OK.

Security Tab

Field/Button Description
Groups with Device Administrator access Assign or unassign device administrators to this collection using Add or Remove. Device administrators can perform tasks on all device collections to which they have privileges.
Groups with Device Operator access Assign or unassign device operators to this collection using Add or Remove. Device operators have the following privileges:
  • Boot and reboot a target device
  • Shut down a target device
  • View target device properties
  • View vDisk properties for assigned target devices

Auto-Add Tab

Field/Button Description
Template target device Displays the name of the target device, if a device was previously selected, or , if a device was not selected.

Use the drop-down menu to select a device to use as the template for adding new devices to this collection.

To view a selected device's properties, click Properties (read-only dialog appears).

Prefix Enter a static prefix that helps identify all devices that are being added to this collection. For example: 'Boston' to indicate devices located in Boston.

The prefix can be used in combination with the suffix, but is not required if a suffix is provided. The entire device name can have a maximum of 15 characters (the prefix length + number length + suffix length). For example, the following device names are considered valid:

  • Boston000Floor2(prefix, incrementing number length, and suffix provided; the maximum of 15 characters has been reached)
  • Boston000 (no suffix is provided)
  • 000Floor2(no prefix is provided)

The prefix cannot end with a digit.

The prefix and suffix combination must be unique in each collection.

Number Length

Enter the length of the incrementing number to associate with the devices being added to this collection. This number is incremented as each device is added. For example, if the number length is set to '3', Provisioning Services starts naming at '001' and stops naming or adding devices after the number reaches '999'.

Enable the Zero fill option to automatically add the necessary number of preceeding zeros to a numbers length. For example, if the numbers length is equal to 3, than the first target device number would be assigned as '001'.

Enable the Zero fill option to automatically add the necessary number of preceeding zeros to a numbers length. For example, if the numbers length is set to '4', than the first target device number would be assigned as '0001'.

The number length must have a minimum of three digits and a maximum of 9 digits.


Enter a static suffix that helps to identify all devices being added to this collection. For example: Boston001Floor2might be helpful to indicate the floor where these devices reside.

The suffix can be used in combination with the prefix, but is not required if a prefix is provided.

The entire device name can have a maximum of 15 characters (the prefix length + number length + suffix length).

The suffix cannot start with a digit.

The prefix and suffix combination must be unique in each collection.

Last incremental number

Indicates the last incremental number that was assigned to a device name in this collection.

This number can be reset to '0' but cannot be lower than the highest number for the same Prefix/Suffix combination.

Device collection properties