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Customizing the on-premises Citrix Gateway authentication page to look identical to Citrix Cloud logon page

Applicable Products

  • Citrix Gateway


This article provides information on customizing the on-premises Citrix Gateway authentication page to look identical to Citrix Cloud logon page when on-premises Citrix Gateway is used as the identity provider for Citrix Cloud


Important! Citrix does not support customizations and cannot offer support to resolve the issue beyond reverting to a default theme.

Points to Note

这些陈ges are limited to RfWebUI theme and affects RfWebUI theme and any custom theme based on RfWebUI, because the RfWebUI theme source code is replaced. On making these changes, note that;

  • RfWebUI is supported only for the Citrix Gateway as an identity provider use case.
  • RfWebUI is not supported for any other on-premises use cases such as clientless VPN, VPN, or HDX proxy. For these use cases, classic authentication policies with any of the non-RfWebUI themes (Default, Green Bubble, X1) or any custom themes based on these must be used


  1. Take a backup of LogonPoint directory present in /var/netscaler/logon/
  2. Download theLogonPoint.zipavailablehere
  3. Unzip and replace /var/netscaler/logon/LogonPoint in the Citrix ADC with the LogonPoint folder in the tar.
  4. Bind either the RfWebUI theme or an RfWebUI based custom theme to the authentication virtual server that acts as the identity provider.

After making these changes, RfWebUI is expected to look like the following image

80712496 .png


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