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How to Monitor XenMobile Servers through SCOM

Applicable Products

  • XenMobile


Citrix added IT infrastructure monitoring through SNMP in XenMobile Server 10.8. For details, seeSNMP monitoring.

You can use various monitoring applications that support SNMP monitoring. This section discusses how to use SCOM for monitoring your XenMobile Server nodes. SCOM is a part of the Microsoft System Center suite of systems management products. For more information about the Microsoft System Center and SCOM, refer Microsoft documentation.


To configure SCOM to monitor XenMobile Server nodes and receive traps

Important: There are various approaches to monitoring in SCOM. Consult a SCOM expert for specific configuration steps. The steps in this article are only examples.

  1. Enable SNMP monitoring in the XenMobile console.

  2. Discover XenMobile Server nodes.

    1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Administration. Right-click Network Management and then open Discovery Wizard.

    2. To discover XenMobile Server nodes, select Network devices.
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    3. Because XenMobile Server supports only SNMP V3, select/add SNMP V3 Run As Account. Access mode can be either SNMP or ICMP and SNMP.
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  3. To create Run As Account for SNMP v3 devices, the user should be the same user you added in the XenMobile console in the SNMP settings. Ensure that you add the correct password and protocols.
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  4. This wizard creates a Discovery Rule to discover XenMobile Server nodes. After the rule is created, do one of the following:

    • Either allow the discovery rule to be run after the wizard is closed.

    • Run the rule manually.
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  5. To run the discovery rule manually, go to Network Management > Discovery Rules. Select the Rule and then click Run from Tasks pane.
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  6. To confirm the XenMobile Server nodes are successfully discovered, go to Network Management > Network Devices. If the discovery is successful, the XenMobile Server nodes appear. Check the Properties of each XenMobile Server. The Certification field should be CERTIFIED.

To create a Management Pack

打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Administration. Right-click Management Packs and then click Create Management Pack. Type the appropriate values and then click Create to create a Management Pack.

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To create a group for XenMobile Servers

打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Authoring. Right-click Groups and then select Create a new group.

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Grouping can be done based on Location (XenMobile). There could be other approaches to Grouping.

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To Create the State View

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Monitoring. Create a folder. Right-click the folder and then select New > State View. Select the Target as Node.
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  2. Select the group created in the previous step. This will only show the XenMobile Server nodes.

To Create the Diagram View

打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Monitoring. Create a folder. Right-click the folder and select New > Diagram View. Select the Target as the group created earlier. This will only show XenMobile Server nodes.

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To create a rule to receive all traps as events

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Authoring. Right-click Rules and then select Create a new rule. Follow the wizard to complete Rule creation.

  2. Click Collection Rules > Event Based > SNMP Trap (Event).
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  3. Enter Rule Name and Description. Select Rule Target as Node. Ensure that Rule Category is Event Collection.
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  4. Do not enter an OID here. Click Create to complete Rule creation.
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To create an Event View

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Monitoring.

  2. Create a folder. Right-click the folder and then select New > Event View. Select the Target as Node. Select the group created earlier. This will only show Traps from XenMobile Server nodes. In addition, you can select generated by specific rules and select XenMobile Server specific rules.
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To create a rule to receive all traps as alerts

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Authoring.

  2. Right-click Rules and then select Create a new rule. Follow the wizard to complete Rule creation.

  3. Select Alert Generating Rules > Event Based > SNMP Trap (Alert)
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  4. Enter Rule Name and Description. Select Rule Target as Node. Ensure that Rule Category is Alert.
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  5. Do not enter any OID. Click Next.
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  6. Enter Alert name. Add appropriate Alert description. Set the Priority and Severity for the alert.
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To create the alert view

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Monitoring.

  2. Create a folder. Right-click the folder and select New > Alert View. Select the Target as Node. Select the group created earlier. This will only show Alerts from XenMobile Servers.
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  3. In addition, you can select generated by specific sources and select XenMobile Server specific rules.
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To create a rule based on a specific OID

Note: There could be multiple approaches.

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Authoring.

  2. Right-click Rules and then select Create a new rule. Follow the wizard to complete Rule creation. Select Alert Generating Rules > Event Based > SNMP Trap (Alert)
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  3. Enter Rule Name and Description. Select Rule Target as Node. Ensure that Rule Category is Alert.
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  4. Enter OID (mteTriggerFired).
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  5. Enter Alert name. Add appropriate Alert description. Set the Priority and Severity for the alert.
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  6. Export the Management Pack and edit the .xml file as shown below.

    1. Add the following in the xml file:
      For details, see the Microsoft blog post.
      Note: There could be other ways to configure this. This specific example is based on the blog post mentioned above.



      < / >表达

    2. Update the version number appropriately:
      <版本> > < /版本

  7. Import the .xml file as a management pack.

  8. In Authoring > Rules, right-click the Rule created and go to Properties.

  9. In Configuration, the added condition should be visible. Click Edit to view and edit the condition.
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Create SNMP probe unit monitor

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Authoring.

  2. Right-click Monitors and then select Create a monitor > Unit Monitor.

  3. Select SNMP > Probe Based Detection > Single Event Detection > SNMP Probe Monitor.
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  4. Enter Monitor name and Description. Select Monitor Target as Node.
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  5. Enter the OID to be monitored. Select Frequency.
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  6. Enter appropriate threshold value: /DataItem/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[1]/Value
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  7. Enter the OID to be monitored. Select Frequency.
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  8. Enter appropriate threshold value for the second SNMP probe: /DataItem/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[1]/Value.
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  9. Set appropriate Health State for the two SNMP Probes.
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  10. Select how the alert will be generated. Enter Alert name and description. Set Priority and Severity for this alert.
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To create performance rules to plot graphs

  1. 打开SCOM Operations Console and go to Authoring. Right-click Rules and the select Create a new rule.

  2. Select Collection Rules > Performance Based > SNMP Performance.
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  3. 输入规则名称和描述。选择规则圆盾t as Node. Ensure that Rule Category is Performance Collection.
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  4. Enter the required OID. Select Frequency.
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To create performance views

  1. Open SCOM Operations Console and go to Monitoring. Create a folder. Right-click the folder and select New > Performance View. Select the Target as Node.
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  2. Create multiple performance views for multiple rules or add all the rules in a single view.
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