Storage zones controller


Upgrade storage zones controller 5.7 or later to the latest version

Upgrade storage zones controller 5.7 utilizing the following steps.

  1. To get the latest version, seeCitrix Product Software.


    Storage zone controllers are unavailable during the upgrade and server reboots. To avoid a data loss, we recommend scheduling a maintenance window with users. Let them know the zone is unavailable for file transfers during the upgrade.

  2. Identify the primary storage zones controller from the配置page:

    • On a controller server, navigate tohttp://localhost/configservice/login.aspxor start the configuration tool from the Start menu. The permission to “create and manage zones” is required to access the configuration.

    • On theDatatab, check the Primary Zone Controller field. The field lists the primary zone controller’s server host name ashttp://server/ConfigService.

    Storage zones primary controller field

    Note the localhost inhttp://localhost/ConfigServiceindicates this server is the primary zone controller.

  3. Identify the primary storage zones controller from the Registry:

    • On a controller server, open Registry Editor (regedit.exe).

    • Locate the Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\StorageCenter

    • Verify the key valueisPrimaryConfigServeris true.


  4. Start the upgrade on the primary storage zone controller:

    • Run StorageCenter.msi to start the ShareFile storage zones controller Setup wizard.


    Installing the storage zones controller package changes the default website on the server to the installation path of the controller. Use servers dedicated to storage zones controllers.

    • Respond to the prompts. When the installation completes, the wizard displays the message “Completed Citrix ShareFile storage zones controller Setup Wizard.”

    • 重新启动server.

  5. On each secondary storage zone controller:

    • Run StorageCenter.msi to start the ShareFile storage zones controller Setup wizard.

    • Respond to the prompts and then selectFinish.

    • 重新启动server.

  6. On all storage zone controllers, restart the IIS server of all zone members.

    • Launch the CMD prompt and Run as Administrator.

    • Typeiisresetthen hit theEnterkey. If successful, the prompt indicates “Internet services successfully restarted.”

    • Verify the registry settings on the primary storage zones controller are correct after the upgrade.


    Not all upgrade paths add registry settings to increase the number of files per zone. To enable that feature, verify that the settings are included in the registry. For more information, seeIncrease the number of files per zone.

  7. After the upgrade installation, choose to Launch the storage zones Configuration page on any zone member to log in and modify any configuration settings.

    • To return to the storage zones controller console at any time, openhttp://localhost/configservice/login.aspx. After you clickFinishor return to the storage zones controller console, the Logon page opens.

    • To change any of the displayed information, selectModify, make your changes, and selectSave.


    Verify data transfers to each storage zone controller are functional before ending the maintenance window.
