Storage zones controller

Reference: Storage zones controller configuration files

This reference provides an overview to the storage zones controller configuration files:

  • 配置存储区域控制器ShareFile data on Microsoft Azure
  • AppSettingsRelease.config
  • FileDeleteService.exe.config
  • SFAntiVirus.exe.config
  • Web.config

The storage zones controller installer creates those files. Changes you make in the storage zones controller console are saved to the files.

To use or configure certain features, you must manually add or update some settings in the configuration files. This reference lists those settings and provides links to related information.

ShareFile Data on Microsoft Azure Storage

Customer-managed storage zones supports hosting Citrix ShareFile data natively within your Microsoft Azure account. Using compatible third-party storage helps IT build a cost-effective and customized solution for their organization. This solution integrates ShareFile with Microsoft Azure’s Binary Large Object (Blob) storage. This storage is a cloud service for storing large amounts of unstructured data that can be accessed from anywhere using HTTP or HTTPS.

配置存储区域控制器ShareFile data on Microsoft Azure

Before creating a storage zone with ShareFile Data on Microsoft Azure, please review System Requirements and installation steps:

Once the storage zones controller software is installed go toCitrix ShareFile Storage Zones Controllerand selectConfiguration Page.

  1. Log on to ShareFile using your assigned administrator account.


  2. Select the option toCreate New Zoneand enter a unique name for the new zone.
  3. Enter theHostname, typically the computer name of the server will be used.
  4. Enter theExternal Addressfor this zone. This is the publicly resolvable FQDN address to this server or load balancer.

    Azure有限公司nfiguration step 4

  5. Check theEnable StorageZones for ShareFile Databox.
  6. SelectWindows Azure storage containerfrom theStorage Repositorydrop-down menu.
  7. Enter theShared Cache Locationcreated during the pre-requisites installation, seeCreate a network share for private data storage. Enter a username and password with access to the Shared Cache folder.

    Azure有限公司nfiguration step 7

  8. EnterStorage Account NameandAccess Key. This information comes from your Microsoft Azure account.

  9. SelectValidate.

  10. Once validated you are presented with the containers you have available to you from Azure. Select the appropriate container from theContainer Namedrop down menu.

    Azure有限公司nfiguration step 9

  11. At the bottom of the page, enter a Passphrase and re-enter it for verification.

  12. SelectRegister.

    Once complete the following message displays: StorageZone has been configured successfully!!


  13. Select theMonitoringtab and verify the StorageZones Controller Status. The Citrix Cloud Storage Uploader Service (Azure) monitors the background uploader service for Azure.


TheCloudStorageUploader Queuemonitors the Azure upload queue folder.



AppSettingsRelease.config files are contained in the following folders in the storage zones controller installation path (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\):

  • StorageCenter

    Defines global settings for storage zones controller.

  • StorageCenter\cifs

    Defines settings for storage zones connectors for Network File Shares.

  • StorageCenter\sp

    Defines settings for storage zones connectors for SharePoint.

Before editing an AppSettingsRelease.config file, verify that you are working in the correct location.


FileDeleteService.exe.config provides controls used by storage zones controller to manage the persistent storage cache. This configuration file is located in:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\StorageCenter\SCFileCleanSvc

For more information, seeCustomize storage cache operations.


SFAntiVirus.exe.config provides the scanner software with information about your storage zones controller configuration, the location of the scanner software, and various command options. This configuration file is located in:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\StorageCenter\Tools\SFAntiVirus

For more information, seeConfigure antivirus scans of uploaded files.


In general,C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\StorageCenter\ConfigService\Web.configcontains controls that typically should not be changed. You will, however, need to update it if you are using older storage zones controllers with a proxy server.

For StorageZones Controller 2.2 through 2.2.2 only:If a zone has multiple storage zones controllers and all HTTP traffic uses a proxy server, you must add a bypass list to Web.config for each secondary server.

Note: As of release 2.2.3, the bypass setting is included in the Network page of the storage zones controllers console.

  1. Open the file in a text editor and locate thesection. Here is a sample of that section after a proxy server is configured:

    < > < defaultProxy启用= " true " >    
  2. Add a bypass list to that section, as shown:

    < > < defaultProxy启用= " true " >       

    The primaryServer is either an IP address or host name (

    If you later change the primary storage zones controller IP address or host name, you must update that information in ConfigService\Web.config for each secondary server.

  3. Restart the IIS server of all zone members.

Reference: Storage zones controller configuration files