Citrix Gateway

How Authentication Policies Work

When users log on to Citrix Gateway, they are authenticated according to a policy that you create. The policy defines the authentication type. A single authentication policy can be used for simple authentication needs and is typically bound at the global level. You can also use the default authentication type, which is local. If you configure local authentication, you must also configure users and groups on Citrix Gateway.

You can configure multiple authentication policies and bind them to create a detailed authentication procedure and virtual servers. For example, you can configure cascading and two-factor authentication by configuring multiple policies. You can also set the priority of the authentication policies to determine which servers and the order in which Citrix Gateway checks user credentials. An authentication policy includes an expression and an action. For example, if you set the expression to True value, when users log on, the action evaluates user logon to true and then users have access to network resources.

After you create an authentication policy, you bind the policy at either the global level or to virtual servers. When you bind at least one authentication policy to a virtual server, any authentication polices that you bound to the global level are not used when users log on to the virtual server, unless the global authentication type has a higher precedence than the policy bound to the virtual server.

When a user logs on to Citrix Gateway, authentication is evaluated in the following order:

  • The virtual server is checked for any bound authentication policies.
  • If authentication policies are not bound to the virtual server, Citrix Gateway checks for global authentication policies.
  • If an authentication policy is not bound to a virtual server or globally, the user is authenticated through the default authentication type.

如果您配置LDAP和半径验证订单licies and want to bind the policies globally for two-factor authentication, you can select the policy in the configuration utility and then select if the policy is the primary or secondary authentication type. You can also configure a group extraction policy.

How Authentication Policies Work

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