Citrix Analytics for Security

Policies and actions

您可以创建Citrix政策分析来帮助p you perform actions on user accounts when unusual or suspicious activities occur. Policies let you automate the process of applying actions such as disable a user, add users to a watchlist. When you enable policies, a corresponding action is applied immediately after an anomalous event occurs and the policy condition is met. You can also manually apply actions on user accounts with anomalous activities.

What are the policies?

A policy is a set of conditions that must be met to apply an action. A policy contains one or more conditions and a single action. You can create a policy with multiple conditions and one action that can be applied to a user’s account.

Risk scoreis a global condition. Global conditions can be applied to a specific user for a specific data source. You can keep a watch on user accounts that show any unusual activities. Other conditions are specific to data sources and their risk indicators. The conditions contain combinations of risk scores, default risk indicators, and custom risk indicators. You can add up to 4 conditions when creating a policy.

Create policy

For example, if your organization uses sensitive data, you might want to restrict the amount of data shared or accessed by users internally. But if you have a large organization, it wouldn’t be feasible for a single administrator to manage and monitor many users. You can create a policy wherein, anyone who shares sensitive data excessively can be added to a watchlist or have their account disabled immediately.

Default policies

Default policies are predefined and enabled on thePoliciesdashboard. They are created based on pre-defined conditions and a corresponding action is assigned to every default policy. You can either use a default policy or modify it based on your requirements.

Citrix Analytics supports the following default policies:

  • Successful credentials exploit
  • Potential data exfiltration
  • Unusual access from a suspicious IP
  • First time access from device
  • Virtual Apps and Desktops and Citrix DaaS- Impossible travel on access
  • Gateway - Impossible travel on authentication
  • Content Collaboration - Impossible travel

For information about the preset conditions and actions regarding the preceding default policies, seeContinuous risk assessment.

Default policies

For information about the pre-defined policy for the geofencing use case, seePreconfigured policy.

How to add or remove conditions?

To add more conditions, selectAdd conditionin theIF THE FOLLOWING CONDITION IS METsection of theCreate Policypage. To remove a condition, select the-icon that is displayed next to the condition.

Add and remove condition

Default and custom risk indicators

The conditions menu is segregated based onDefault Risk IndicatorsandCustom Risk Indicatorstabs on theCreate Policypage. Using these tabs, you can easily identify the type of risk indicator that you want to choose when selecting a condition for policy configuration.

Add and remove condition

What are the actions?

Actions are responses to suspicious events that prevent future anomalous events from occurring. You can apply actions on user accounts that display unusual or suspicious behavior. You can either configure policies to apply action on the user’s account automatically or apply a specific action manually from the user’s risk timeline.

You can view global actions or actions for each Citrix data source. You can also disable previously applied actions for a user at any time.


Irrespective of the data source that triggers a risk indicator, actions pertaining to other data sources can be applied.

The following table describes the actions that you can take.

Action name Description Applicable data sources
Global actions
Add to watchlist When you want to monitor a user for future potential threats, you can add them to a watchlist. All data sources
TheUsers in Watchlistpane displays all the users that you want to monitor for potential threats based on the unusual activity on their account. Based on your organization’s policy, you can add a user to the watchlist using the Add to watchlist action.
To add a user to the watchlist, navigate to the user’s profile, from theActionsmenu, selectAdd to watchlist. ClickApplyto enforce the action.
Notify administrator(s) When a risk indicator is triggered for a user, you can manually notify to the administrators or create a policy for automatic notification. You can select the administrators from the Citrix Cloud domain and other non-Citrix Cloud domains in your organization. If you are a Citrix Cloud administrator with full access permissions, by default, the email notifications are disabled for your Citrix Cloud account. To receive email notifications, enable it on your Citrix Cloud account. For more information, seeReceive emailed notifications. If you are a Citrix Cloud administrator with custom access permissions (read-only and full access) to manage Security Analytics, the email notifications are enabled for your Citrix Cloud account. To stop receiving email notifications from Citrix Analytics, request your Citrix Cloud full access administrator to remove your name from the notify administrators distribution list. For information about, seeEmail distribution list.
Request end user response When there is any unusual or suspicious activity on the user’s account, you can notify the user to confirm if the user identifies the activity. Based on the activity, you can determine the next course of action to be taken on the user’s account. For more information, seeRequest end user response.
Notify End User When any unusual or suspicious activity occurs on the user’s account, you can notify the end user via an email notification. For more information, seeNotify End User.
Citrix Gateway actions
Log off active sessions When the action is applied, it logs off the user session that is currently active. It does not block any future user sessions. Citrix Gateway on-premises and Citrix Application Delivery Management
Lock user account When a user’s account is locked due to anomalous behavior, they cannot access any resource through Citrix Gateway until the Gateway administrator unlocks the account. Citrix Gateway on-premises
Unlock user account When a user’s account is accidentally locked although anomalous behavior was not detected, you can apply this action to unlock it and restore access to the account. Citrix Gateway on-premises
Citrix Content Collaboration actions
Disable user account Citrix分析使您能够限制或撤销the user’s access by disabling their Content Collaboration account. You can apply this action on your employee user and client user. Citrix Content Collaboration
After their account is disabled, the user will see a notification. The notification on the logon page of their account asks them to reach their Content Collaboration administrator for further information.
Expire all links Citrix Analytics enables you to expire all the active share links of the user. When the shared links are expired, the links become invalid and they are not accessible by other users with whom the links are shared.Note: This action works only when there are active share links associated with the user’s account. Citrix Content Collaboration
Change links to view-only sharing Citrix Analytics enables you to change the active share links of the user to view-only mode. This action prevents other users from downloading, copying, or printing the files associated with the share links. For more information, seeView-only sharing.Note: This action works only when there are active share links associated with the user’s account.
Remove folder access permission When a user uploads an infected file, you can block the access permission of the user. The user’s access is restricted to the folder where the infected file was uploaded.
Remove upload permission to folder When a user uploads an infected file, you can block the upload permission of the user. The user’s upload permission is restricted to the folder where the infected file was uploaded.
Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and Citrix DaaS actions
Log off active sessions When the action is applied, it logs off the user session that is currently active. It does not block any future user sessions. Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service)
Start session recording If there is an unusual event on the user’s Virtual Desktops account, the administrator can begin recording the user’s current active sessions. If the user is on Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7.18 or a later version, and logged in to the virtual session, an administrator can dynamically trigger start session recording action from Citrix Analytics for Security that starts the recording of the user’s current active session. Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service)


  • You can apply any action to a risk indicator irrespective of the data sources.

  • If you apply theDisable useraction for a Content Collaboration user, the user’s account is not disabled until the Content Collaboration administrator sees the notification. During the interim period, the user can use their Content Collaboration account and the data continue to be processed by Citrix Analytics. After the Content Collaboration administrator disables the user’s account, the user must contact their Content Collaboration administrator to have their account reactivated. The Citrix Analytics administratorcannotenable the Content Collaboration accounts that are disabled.
  • Administrators can now run dynamic session recording actions on Citrix DaaS sites and dynamically record users’ virtual sessions.
  • TheRequest End User ResponseandNotify End Useractions cannot be applied to anonymous users since they don’t have email addresses either inActive DirectoryorContent Collaboration. Therefore, ensure that either the email addresses of your users are available in theActive Directorywith aconnection established between your Active Directory and Citrix Cloudor the email addresses of your users (employees and clients) are available in theirContent Collaborationaccounts. For information on how to create and manage users inContent Collaboration, seePeople settings.

View-only sharing

Before applying theChange links to view-only sharingaction on a user’s account, ensure that the following conditions are met:


  • The administrator must have an Enterprise account in Content Collaboration to use theChange links to view-only sharingaction.

  • The View-Only Sharing is a feature available on a request in the Enterprise accounts of Citrix Content Collaboration. Before applying theChange links to view-only sharingaction in Citrix Analytics, ensure that the View-Only Sharing feature is already enabled in the Content Collaboration Enterprise accounts of the user and the administrator. For more information, see the Citrix support article-CTX208601.

Supported file types

The view-only sharing action applies only on the following file types:

  • Microsoft Office files

  • PDF

  • Image files (requires SZC v3.4.1 or later):

    • BMP

    • GIF

    • JPG

    • JPEG

    • PNG

    • TIF

    • TIFF

  • 音频和视频文件存储在一个Citrix-managed年代torage Zone.

Configure policies and actions

For example, following the steps below, you can create an Excessive file sharing policy. Using this policy, when a user in your organization shares an unusually large amount of data, the share links are automatically expired. You are notified when a user shares data that exceeds that user’s normal behavior. By applying the Excessive file sharing policy, and taking immediate action, you can prevent data exfiltration from any user’s account.

To create a policy, do the following:

  1. After signing in to Citrix Analytics, go toSecurity > Policies > Create Policy.

    Create policy

  2. From theIF THE FOLLOWING CONDITION IS METlist box, select the default or the custom risk indicator conditions upon which you want an action applied.

    Add and remove condition

  3. From theTHEN DO THE FOLLOWINGlist, select an action.

    Then do the following

  4. In thePolicy Nametext box, provide a name and enable the policy using the toggle button provided.

    Create policy

  5. ClickCreate Policy.

After creating a policy, the policy appears on thePoliciesdashboard.

ThePoliciesdashboard displays the policies associated with the data sources that are successfully discovered and connected to Citrix Analytics. The dashboard does not display the policies that have conditions defined for the undiscovered data sources.

For example, you have selected a risk indicator from Content Collaboration as a condition for your policy. But you do not have a subscription to use Citrix Content Collaboration and therefore Citrix Analytics does not discover this data source. So, your policy does not appear on thePoliciesdashboard.

However, turning off data processing for an already connected data source does not affect the existing policies on thePoliciesdashboard.

Request end user response

Request End User Responseis a global action using which you can alert a user immediately after you detect an unusual activity in their Citrix account. When you apply the action, an email notification is sent to the user. The user needs to response through the email about the legitimacy of their activity.

Determine what action you want to apply for your users:

Based on the user’s response, you can determine the next course of action that you want to take. You can apply a global action such as Add to watchlist, Notify administrators. Or you can apply a data source specific action such as Citrix Gateway- Lock user, Citrix Content Collaboration- Disable user.

If you receive a response that the user performed the reported activity, then the activity is not suspicious and you need not take action on the user’s account. The daily limit to send security alerts to the user is three emails.

Consider a Citrix Content Collaboration user whose risk score has exceeded 80 in a duration of 80 minutes. You can alert the user about this unusual behavior by applying theRequest End User Responseaction. A security alert is sent to the user from the email

The email contains the following information:

  • User’s activity that triggered the risk indicator

  • User’s device

  • Date and time of the user activity

  • Locations (cities and countries) from where products or services are successfully accessed. If the city or country is unavailable, the corresponding value is shown as “Unknown”

TheRequest End User Responseaction is added to the user’s risk timeline.

If the user does not recognize the activity detected in their Citrix account, Citrix Analytics applies the action that you have defined.

If the user fails to send their response within one hour of receiving the email, Citrix Analytics adds the user to the watchlist. You can monitor the user and their account for any suspicious activities and take actions accordingly.

Request end user response

How to set the user response time?

You can configure the user’s response time to your security alert email. If the user does not respond about the reported activity within the specified time period, the user is added to the watchlist for monitoring.

Follow the steps to configure the user’s response time:

  1. ClickSettings > Alert Settings > End User Email Settings.

    Time settings navigation

  2. On theEnd User Email Settingspage, enter the number of minutes on the text box.

    Time settings

  3. ClickSave Changes.

You can also add a banner, header text, and footer text in the security alert email to make it look legitimate, attract users’ attention, and increase the response time. For more information, seeEnd user email settings.

Notify End User

Notify End Useris a global action using which you can send email notifications to end users when unusual or suspicious behavior is detected on their Citrix accounts. The email subject line and message body are customizable. When the action is applied after a policy is triggered, an email notification is sent to the user. No response is requested from the end user and no disruptive actions are performed on the user’s account.

Notify end user

This action can help serve various compliance use cases based on a Built-In or Custom Risk Indicator Trigger(s). With the customizable email subject line and message body, it is also flexible enough to serve many generic end user notification use cases, which do not require a response or disruptive action performed on the user’s account.

The email contains the following information:

  • Policy Name associated with the action.

  • User’s device (if available)

  • Date and time of the user activity

The end user email notification is sent from the email


The daily limit across policies isthreeemails per user. Once this threshold is crossed, the action is not applied, and no email notification is sent out to the end user. The action is visible on the user’s timeline view with the messageDaily email limit reached for the user.

The action is added to the user’s risk timeline. However, it is not a manual action and cannot be applied to a user from the timeline view.

Customization of end-user email content

Previously, Citrix Analytics administrators manually reached out to end-users to provide remediation instructions on detection of suspected activity, which was a time-consuming process to close an incident.

Thecustomization of end-user email contentfeature is introduced for request end-user response, notify end user and informational emails. The end-user response email seeks user validation/response, however an informational email shows the kind of suspicious activity and what kind of remediation action has already been taken. The notify end user email informs the end user about compliance violations / suspicious activity on their Citrix account without requesting a response from them.

With theCustomization of end-user email contentfeature, Citrix Analytics administrators can add a custom message in the request end user response/notify end user/informational email body template. Using the rich text box editor, an administrator can alter the content per policy using various editing tools such as bold, italic, hyperlink, and so on.


The Customization of end-user email content feature is only available forpolicy based actionsand not for manual actions.

You can customize the content for three types of emails:

  • Request End User Response email.
  • Notify End User email
  • Email sent when any of the following end-user actions is performed:
    • Log off action underCitrix Apps and Desktop
    • Log off and lock user underCitrix Gateway

You can view the list of policies atSecurity > Policiestab.

View policies

One can view the customized email body by clicking the existing policy or while creating a new policy. On the right-hand pane, you can get a preview of the updated email content.

Customize email body


  • The administrator can set the content to the default template by clicking theReset to defaultlink. The character limit for the custom body is 1000.

  • For theNotify End Useraction, theSubject Linefield is also customizable by the administrator. It can be reset to default by clicking theReset to defaultlink. The character limit for the custom email subject is 500.

ClickSave Changesto create/update the policy. When the policy is triggered, the following email notification is sent to the end-user:

  • Request End User Response email: A policy action which sends an email requesting for user response.
  • Notify End User email: An email notification sent to end users informing them of compliance issues, suspicious activity, and so on. on their Citrix account.
  • Informational email: An informational email which is sent after an end-user action.

The end-user can read the email and complete the remediation actions as requested by the administrator.


The administrator with read only access cannot edit/add the email body.

Notify user after applying disruptive action

In this action type, you can apply a disruptive action such asLog off userandLock useron the user’s account when an unusual activity is detected. When an action is applied on the user’s account, services to their account might be interrupted. In such instances, the user must contact the administrator to be able to access their account like before.

Consider a Citrix Content Collaboration user whose risk score has exceeded 80 in a duration of 80 minutes. You can log the user off. Once this task is performed, the user cannot access their account and an email notification is sent to the user from the email The email contains details of the event such as the activity, device, date and time, and the IP address. The user must contact the administrator to access their account as before.

Apply disruptive action

Apply an action manually

Consider a user, Lemuel who signs in to a network by using a new device for the first time. To monitor her account since her behavior is unusual, you can use theNotify administrator(s)action.

To manually apply the action to the user, you must:

Navigate to a user’s profile and select the appropriate risk indicator. From theActionsmenu, select theNotify administrator(s)action and clickApply.

Action list

An email notification is sent to all or selected administrators to monitor her account. The action applied is added to her risk timeline, and the action details are displayed on the right pane of the risk timeline page.

Action applied


  • If you are a Citrix Cloud administrator with full access permissions, by default, the email notifications are disabled for your Citrix Cloud account. To receive email notifications, enable it on your Citrix Cloud account. For more information, seeReceive emailed notifications.

  • If you are a Citrix Cloud administrator with custom access permissions (read-only and full access) to manage Security Analytics, the email notifications are enabled for your Citrix Cloud account. To stop receiving email notifications from Citrix Analytics, request your Citrix Cloud full access administrator to remove your name from the notify administrators distribution list. For information about, seeEmail distribution list.

Manage policies

You can view the Policies dashboard to manage all the policies created on Citrix Analytics to monitor and identify inconsistencies on your network. On the Policies dashboard, you can:

  1. View the list of policies

  2. Details of the policy

    • Name of the policy

    • Status – Enabled or disabled.

    • Duration of the policy – Number of days the policy has been active or inactive.

    • Occurrences – The number of times the policy is triggered.

    • Modified – Timestamp, only if the policy has been modified.

  3. 删除the policy

    • To delete a policy, you can select the policy you want to delete and click删除.

    • Or you can click the policy’s name to be directed to the Modify Policy page. Click删除Policy. In the dialog, confirm your request to delete the policy.

  4. Create a policy

  5. Click a policy’s name to view more details. You can also modify the policy when you click its name. Other modifications that can be done are as follows:

    • Change the name of the policy.

    • Conditions of the policy.

    • The actions to be applied.

    • Enable or disable the policy.

    • 删除the policy.


  • If you don’t want to delete your policy, you can choose to disable the policy.

  • To re-enable the policy on the Policies dashboard, do the following:

    • On the Policies dashboard, click theStatusslider button and refresh the page. TheStatusslider button turns green.

    • On the Modify Policy page, click theEnabledslider button on the bottom of the page.

Supported modes

Citrix Analytics supports the following modes on policies:

  • Enforcement mode- In this mode, the configured policies impact user accounts.

  • Monitor mode- In this mode, the configured policies do not impact user accounts. You can set policies to this mode if you want to test any policy configurations.

Use the following instructions to configure modes on policies:

  1. Navigate toSecurity>Policies.

  2. On thePoliciespage, select the icon at the top right corner that is displayed next to theSearchbar. TheSELECT MODEwindow is displayed.

  3. Select the mode of your choice and clickSave Settings.


The default policies created by Analytics are set to monitor mode. As a result, the existing policies also inherit this mode. You can assess the impact of all the policies together and then, change them to enforcement mode.

Policy modes

自助搜索for Policies

On theself-service searchpage, you can view the user events that have satisfied the conditions defined in the policies. The page also displays the actions applied on these user events. Filter the user events based on the applied actions.

Policies and actions