Product Lifecycle Support Policy

While Citrix strives to produce the best quality software, it is virtually impossible to test against all scenarios and software environments. Occasionally, issues may arise which impact product performance or functionality. Customers should address these situations through the technical support programs described in the吃晚饭port Programs and Servicessection of the Citrix web site.

Citrix lets you choose the right technical support program for your needs, with options including free web-based tools, our extensive network of solutions providers and technical support directly from Citrix.

Citrix支持项目的目标是提供our customers with the tools and knowledge needed to identify any technical issue they have experienced. Once identified, Citrix may recommend the next steps required to resolve or prevent the issue. This may include recommendations to apply configuration changes, existing product updates or upgrades. In some situations, Citrix may determine that an escalation is required in order to further isolate the issue and potentially resolve it with a new product update. Your Citrix support representative will tell you the appropriate steps to resolve technical product issues.

For the purpose of this policy, the following support definitions apply:


  • General troubleshooting of a specific issue to isolate potential causes
  • Issue resolution through applying configuration changes, existing product updates or upgrades


  • Resolving an issue through product code modification
  • Typically delivered via product update or upgrade
  • If a subsequent release contains the fix, the customer may be required to the upgrade to the new release

Citrix products progress through lifecycle phases

When Citrix initiates a product or release through lifecycle phases, an announcement is made on the Notice of Status Change (NSC) date and theProduct Matrix Tableis updated to include the specific dates for each phase. For definitions of the various lifecycle dates, refer toLifecycle Definitions.

The Product Lifecycle Support Policy is intended exclusively for the benefit of Citrix customers with respect to the perpetual and subscription license software, appliance and Saas products they purchase. It is not intended to benefit any third parties or apply to any third party products. Citrix reserves the right to make changes to its Product Lifecycle Support Policy, for all products or a particular product, at its sole discretion, from time to time, as business needs require, without notice. The Product Lifecycle Support Policy web pages will be updated with respect to any changes as of their effective date.

Lifecycle Phases for Products

Last updated: August 1, 2022

To help you plan and prepare for your product, maintenance and support needs, this page describes the key lifecycle phases and support policies in the product lifecycle.

Lifecycle Definitions

The date that signifies when a new product release may be ordered and fulfilled in all applicable languages, discount programs, delivery methods, and worldwide geographies.

With GA of a new release, some applicable offerings of the previous release may be phased out:

  • Evaluations and Not for Resale offerings based on the previous product release will be replaced by offerings based on the new release.
  • Downloads of software product releases will remain available until EOL date. Services for Saas subscriptions will remain available until the EOSRV date.

The date on which Citrix publicly communicates the specific dates for a product's a product's transition to a new lifecycle phase. This information is posted within theProduct Matrix TableorLegacy Product Matrix Table.

The date that signifies when a specific software or appliance release or a SaaS service will no longer be available for purchase. EOS does not include the end of availability of a particular license model provided the software or appliance release or SaaS service remains available for purchase under other license models.

For the majority of Citrix products which incorporate a date-based license model, the EOS date is generally not applicable since new connection licenses work with previous product versions. Citrix products that have been added to the portfolio via an acquisition, or that have yet to transition to the date-based license model, will typically offer a licensing method that associates connection licenses to the product version.

The date that signifies when additional licenses for a Saas service will no longer be available for customers with existing subscriptions for that service. EOE normally coincides with EOS. Where EOE occurs after EOS, EOE will be announced separately, and designates that customers with existing SaaS subscriptions can continue to purchase additional licenses even though new customers cannot purchase licenses. EOE does not apply to software or appliances.

The date that signifies when subscriptions for a SaaS service, subscription licenses for a product, or maintenance subscriptions for a product will no longer be available for renewal. EOR normally coincides with EOS. Where EOR occurs after EOS it will be announced separately.

The date that signifies when a specific software or appliance release will have no further code-level maintenance. Code-level maintenance is typically delivered in the form of a product update. The release of a product update may define a new maintenance baseline. Citrix customers may be required to upgrade or update their product to receive continued maintenance. After the EOM date, Software Support Programs and Hardware Support Programs continue as before. EOM does not apply to SaaS services since code-level maintenance will be delivered throughout all purchased subscriptions.

Once a product release reaches its End of Life (EOL) date, the customer may continue to use the product within the terms of the applicable product licensing agreement on an as-is basis. The available support options as of the EOL date will be limited. While there may be historical information in the Knowledge Center or other online resources, it is no longer updated and is provided on an as-is basis. If the issues cannot be corrected through this method, then an upgrade path or migration to the latest version or product replacement is recommended. EOL does not apply to SaaS services.

The date that signifies when a Saas service ends. Saas subscriptions will not be sold for dates beyond EOSRV. EOSRV does not apply to software or appliances.

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