NetScaler SDX

Configure the Management Service

The Management Service lets you manage client sessions and perform configuration tasks, such as creating and managing user accounts and tweaking backup and pruning policies according to your requirements. You can also restart the Management Service and upgrade the version of the Management Service. You can further create tar files of the Management Service and the Citrix Hypervisor and send it to technical support.

Manage client sessions

A client session is created when a user logs on to the Management Service. You can view all the client sessions on the appliance in theSessionspane.

In theSessionspane, you can view the following details:

  • User Name:The user account that is being used for the session.
  • IP Address:The IP address of the client from which the session has been created.
  • Port:端口用于会话。
  • Login Time:The time at which the current session was created on the SDX appliance.
  • Last Activity Time:The time at which user activity was last detected in the session.
  • Session Expires In:Time left for session expiry.

To view client sessions, on theConfigurationtab, navigate to系统> Sessions.

To end a client session, in theSessionspane, click the session you want to remove, and then clickEnd Session.

You cannot end a session from the client that has initiated that session.

Configure policies

To keep the size of logged data within manageable limits, the SDX appliance runs backup and data-pruning policies automatically at a specified time.

The prune policy runs at 00:00 A.M every day and specifies the number of days of data to retain on the appliance. By default, the appliance prunes data older than 3 days, but you can specify the number of days of data that you want to keep. Only event logs, audit logs, and task logs are pruned.

The backup policy runs at 00:30 A.M. every day and creates a backup of logs and configuration files. By default, the policy retains three backups, but you can specify the number of backups you want to keep. And, using the backup policy, you can:

  • Encrypt the backup files.
  • Configure the SDX appliance to transfer the backup files to an external backup server using FTP, SFTP, and SCP.

To specify the number of days for which logged data is pruned:

  1. On theConfigurationtab, in the navigation pane, click系统.
  2. In the系统pane, underPolicy Administration, clickPrune Policy.
  3. In theModify Prune Policydialog box, inData to keep (days), specify the number of days of data that the appliance must retain at any given time.
  4. ClickOK.

To configure the backup policy:

  1. On theConfigurationtab, in the navigation pane, click系统.
  2. In the系统pane, underPolicy Administration, clickBackup Policy.
  3. In theModify Backup Policydialog box, inPrevious Backupsto retain, specify the number of backups that the appliance must retain at any given time.
  4. SelectEncrypt Backup Fileto encrypt the backup file.
  5. SelectExternal Transferand do the following to transfer the backup file to an external backup server:
    1. In theServerfield, enter the host name or IP address of the external backup server.
    2. In theUser NameandPasswordfields, enter the user name and password to access the external backup server.
    3. In thePortfield, enter the port number.
    4. In theTransfer Protocolfield, select the protocol you want to use to transfer the backup file to the external backup server.
    5. In theDirectory Pathfield, enter the path of the directory in the external backup server where you want to store the backup files.
  6. Delete file from Management Service after transfer:Select if you want to delete the backup file from the SDX appliance after you have transferred the backup file to the external backup server.
  7. ClickOK.

Restart the Management Service

You can restart the Management Service from the系统pane. Restarting the Management Service does not affect the working of the instances. The instances continue to function during the Management Service restart process.

To restart the Management Service:

  1. On theConfigurationtab, in the navigation pane, click系统.
  2. In the系统pane, under系统Administration, clickReboot Management Service.

Remove Management Service files

You can remove any unneeded Management Service build and documentation files from the SDX appliance.

To remove a Management Service file:

  1. On theConfigurationtab, in the navigation pane, expandManagement Service, and then click the file that you want to remove.
  2. In thedetailspane, select the file name, and then clickDelete.

Generate a tar archive for technical support

You can use the Technical Support option to generate a tar archive of data and statistics for submission to Citrix technical support. This tar can be generated for the Management Service or the Citrix Hypervisor, or for both at the same time. You can then download the file to your local system and send it to Citrix technical support.

In theTechnical Supportpane, you can view the following details.

  • Name:The name of the tar archive file. The file name indicates whether the tar is for the Management Service or the Citrix Hypervisor server.
  • Last Modified:The date when this file was last modified.
  • Size:The size of the tar file.

To generate the tar archive for technical support:

  1. On theConfigurationtab, navigate toDiagnostics > Technical Support.
  2. In thedetailspane, from theActionlist, selectGenerate Technical Support File.
  3. In theGenerate Technical Support Filedialog box, from theModelist, select the appropriate option.
  4. ClickOK.

To download the tar archive for technical support:

  1. In theTechnical Supportpane, select the technical support file that you want to download.
  2. From theActionlist, selectDownload. The file is saved to your local computer.

CLI support for Management Service

You can now use the CLI to perform operations on the Management Service. The following operations are supported:

  • Add, Set, Delete—To configure the resources.
  • Do—To perform system level operations. For example, management service upgrade or shutdown, or reboot.
  • Save—To add interfaces, which are used for provisioning.

To access the CLI, start the secure shell (SSH) client from any workstation connected to the Management Service IP address. Log on by using the administrator credentials.

You can access detailed information about command usage and syntax from the man pages.

Note:CLI is not supported over console access.

Configure the Management Service