
启用multi-session write-back for profile containers


For more information about the FSLogix Profile Container, seehttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/fslogix/configure-profile-container-tutorial. For more information about Citrix Profile Management profile container, seeCitrix Profile Management profile container


VHD-based profile solutions such as the FSLogix Profile Container and the Citrix Profile Management profile container do not support saving changes in multi-session scenarios. They let only one session (in read/write mode) write changes. Changes in other sessions (in read-only mode) are discarded.

However, multi-session scenarios are common in use cases of Citrix virtual apps. To ease these use cases, we provide the启用multi-session write-back for profile containerspolicy. The policy lets you enable multi-session write-back for both FSLogix Profile Container and Citrix Profile Management profile container. If the same user launches multiple sessions on different machines, Profile Management synchronizes and saves changes made in each session to the user’s profile container.

During user logon, the user’s profile container disk is mounted and I/O requests are redirected to the mounted disk. Profile Management then synchronizes changes from the user store to the local profile.

During the user logoff process, Profile Management works differently depending on which FSLogix Profile Container mode is used in the session:

  • If read-only mode is used, Profile Management writes back changes to the user store.
  • If read/write mode is used, Profile Management applies changes from the user store to the local profile. Then the changes are merged to the user’s profile container.


The multi-session write-back feature is not compatible with profile streaming if the FSLogix Profile Container is in use.

The following events qualify as changes:

  • Creation
  • Modification
  • Deletion
  • Rename

Write-back strategy

配置文件管理uses the “last write wins” strategy to apply changes.

  • For file/folder creation and modification, it writes back changes by comparing the file/folder last write time.
  • For file/folder deletion and rename, it writes back changes by comparing the time stamps associated with the changes. Profile Management logs time stamps when changes occur.

启用multi-session write-back for profile containers

You can use the multi-session write-back feature by setting the启用multi-session write-back for profile containerspolicy to启用d. The policy is set toDisabledby default.

  • To use the feature for the FSLogix Profile Container, complete the following steps:

    • FSLogix Profile Container

      • Verify that FSLogix Profile Container is installed and enabled.
      • Verify that the profile type is set toTry for read-write profile and fall back to read-only.
    • Citrix Profile Management

      • Set the启用配置文件管理policy to Enabled.
      • Set thePath to user storepolicy with a valid path.
      • (Optional) Set theProcessed groupsandExcluded groupspolicies. Verify that the user groups to process are consistent with those groups in the FSLogix Profile Container.
      • Set the启用multi-session write-back for profile containerspolicy to启用d. You can set the policy in a GPO or in Citrix Studio. See instructions later in this article.
  • To use the multi-session write-back feature for the Citrix Profile Management profile container, complete the following steps:


启用multi-session write-back for profile containersis not compatible with启用local caching for profile containers, and they can’t be enabled at the same time.

To enable the启用multi-session write-back for profile containerspolicy, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Group Policy Management Editor.
  2. UnderComputer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Citrix Components>配置文件管理>Advanced settings, double-click the启用multi-session write-back for profile containerspolicy.
  3. Select启用dand then clickOK.

For your changes to take effect, run thegpupdate /forcecommand from the command prompt on the machine where Profile Management is installed. Log off from all sessions and then log back on. For more information, seehttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/gpupdate.

启用multi-session write-back for profile containers