API for iOS

The XenMobile API for iOS is based on Objective-C. This article summarizes the Citrix Endpoint Management APIs by feature and provides the API definitions.

App management

  • isAppManaged

Interaction with Secure Hub

  • isMDXAccessManagerInstalled
  • logonMdxWithFlag
  • isAppLaunchedByWorxHome

MDX policies

  • getValueOfPolicy

Shared vault

  • getVaultDataFromVault
  • saveVaultData
  • updateAndSynchronizeVaultItem
  • updateAndSynchronizeVaultItems
  • deleteVault
  • deleteVaultWithError

User data

  • managedUserInformation

Class MdxManager


  • getValueOfPolicy

    +(NSString*) getValueOfPolicy:(NSString*)policyName error:(NSError **) error;

    For managed apps, returns the policy value set by Citrix Endpoint Management administrators. For unmanaged Premium apps, returns the policy value set in Applications/Citrix/MDXToolkit/data/MDXSDK/default_policies.xml. For unmanaged General apps, returnsnil.


    policyName– The name of the policy to search for in default_policies.xml.


    +(NSString*) getValueOfPolicy:(NSString*)DisableCamera error:(NSError **) error;

  • isMDXAccessManagerInstalled

    + (BOOL) isMDXAccessManagerInstalled:(西里诺克斯ror **) error;

    Checks if Secure Hub is installed, which means that MDX control of the app is enabled even if the app isn’t managed. Returnstrueif Secure Hub is installed.

  • isAppManaged

    +(BOOL) isAppManaged;

    检查应用程序目前由MDX, which means that the MDX policy bundle is embedded in the app as an XML file. The Citrix Endpoint Management backend infrastructure (key vaults) are queried for data encryption partial keys (secrets), which MDX will use to encrypt app database data (iOS 9 and later). Returnstrueif the app is managed.

  • logonMdxWithFlag

    +(BOOL) logonMdxWithFlag:(BOOL)force error:(NSError**) error;

    Initiates an MDX Logon request with Secure Hub.

  • isAppLaunchedByWorxHome

    +(BOOL) isAppLaunchedByWorxHome;

    Checks whether an inter-application URL request is from Secure Hub or some other app on the device, which is necessary if an app needs to be aware of MDX control communication. On iOS, apps can register for specific URL schemes. A URL scheme is the first part of a URL, up to but not including the colon. If a URL starts withhttp://, the scheme is http.

    MDX-enabled apps and Secure Hub communicate using custom URL schemes. For example, to handle mailto: URLs from other apps, Secure Mail requires the URL scheme ctxmail. To handle http or https URLs from other apps, Secure Web requires the URL scheme ctxmobilebrowser or ctxmobilebrowsers, respectively. For details about the MDX App URL schemes policy and Allowed URLs policy, seeMDX policies for iOS apps.

    Returns accurate results when queried anytime or anywhere during or after the following UIApplication delegate event calls:

    • When the app loads from springboard or anopenURLcall:

      application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: applicationDidFinishLaunching:
    • When the app is activated or re-activated by users from the device springboard



    You must not query during applicationWillEnterForeground:.

    • When the app is activated or re-activated by anopenURLcall:

      application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: application:handleOpenURL:
  • managedUserInformation

    extern __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) NSString *const kXenMobileUsername; +(NSDictionary*) managedUserInformation;

    Returns a string containing the UserName of an enrolled user running an MDX-managed app, regardless of the user sign-on status. Returns an empty string if the user isn’t enrolled, the app isn’t managed, or the app isn’t wrapped.

Class XenMobileSharedKeychainVault


  • initWithVaultName

    - (instancetype) initWithVaultName:(NSString*)vaultName accessGroup:(NSString*)accessGroup;

    Initializes a Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault.

    Use the shared vault API to share managed content between apps that have the same keychain access group. For example, you can share user certificates through an enrolled app so that apps can obtain a certificate from the secure vault instead of from Secure Hub.


    vaultName– The name of the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault.

    accessGroup– The name of the keychain access group. This can be the default MDX access group, named TEAMID_A.appOriginalBundleID, or a keychain access group you will use to share data between apps.

  • Vault Data Type Properties

    @property(nonatomic,readonly) BOOL exists; @property(nonatomic,readonly) BOOL isAccessible; @property(nonatomic,strong) NSMutableDictionary\* vaultData 

    After you initialize a vault, these vault data type properties are returned:

    exists– Indicates whether the vault with the specifiedvaultNamewas found.

    isAccessible– Indicates whether the vault is in the specifiedaccessGroupand can be accessed.

    vaultData– Is the contents of the shared vault. When you first initialize the vault,vaultDatais a nil dictionary.

  • getVaultDataFromVault

    + (NSDictionary*) getVaultDataFromVault:(NSString*)vaultName accessGroup:(NSString*)accessGroup error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;

    Reads data from the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault. This is one of three ways to read vault data, as follows:

    • Directly use getVaultDataFromVault:accessGroup:error.

    • Create the XenMobileSharedKeychainVault instance and then read the vaultData property.

    • Create the XenMobileSharedKeychainVault instance and then reload vault data using-(BOOL) loadDataWithError:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;and reading the vaultData property.

    For example code, see the Shared Vault Example in this article.


    vaultName– The name of the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault.

    accessGroup– The name of the keychain access group. This can be the default MDX access group, named TEAMID_A.appOriginalBundleID, or a keychain access group you will use to share data between apps.

  • saveVaultData

    + (BOOL) saveVaultData:(NSDictionary*)vaultData toVault:(NSString*)vaultName accessGroup:(NSString*)accessGroup error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;

    Saves data in the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault. This is one of three ways to save vault data, as follows:

    • Directly usesaveVaultData:toVault:accessGroup:error:.

    • UseupdateAndSynchronizeVaultItem:orupdateAndSynchronizeVaultItems(described next in this table).

    • Use -(BOOL)synchronizeWithError:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;by creating theXenMobileSharedKeychainVaultinstance, loading the vault data, modifying the vault data, and then synchronizing the data.

    For example code, see Shared Vault Example in this article.


    vaultData– The data to save to the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault. Data stored in the share vault is a dictionary of key/value pairs, such as @{@”username”:@”;andreo”}.

    vaultName– The name of the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault.

    accessGroup– The name of the keychain access group. This can be the default MDX access group, named TEAMID_A.appOriginalBundleID, or a keychain access group you will use to share data between apps.

  • updateAndSynchronizeVaultItem


    - (BOOL)updateAndSynchronizeVaultItem:(NSString*)vaultItem withValue:(id)itemValue error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;

    - (BOOL)updateAndSynchronizeVaultItems:(NSDictionary*)vaultItems error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;

    Updates data in the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault. To use this method, create theXenMobileSharedKeychainVaultinstance and then synchronize it by adding or updating vault data items. For example, if the existing vault entry has {a:123, b:234, c:305} and we use this API with data to update {c:345, d:456}, this API will update the vault data to {a:123, b:234, c:345, d:456}. For example code, see Shared Vault Example in this article.



    vaultItem– A single key/value pair, in the form@{@";username::@";andreo"}.

    vaultItems– A list of key/value pairs.

  • deleteVault

    + (BOOL) deleteVault:(NSString*)vaultName accessGroup:(NSString*)accessGroup error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;

    Deletes the specified shared vault.


    vaultName– The name of the Citrix Endpoint Management shared vault.

    accessGroup– The name of the keychain access group used by the vault you want to delete.

  • deleteVaultWithError

    (保龄球)deleteVaultWithError:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;

    Deletes the shared vault returned by theXenMobileSharedKeychainVaultinstance. You must free the object after deleting it withdeleteVaultWithError.

Shared Vault Example

#import "XenMobileSharedKeychainVault.h" @interface ClassA () ... @property(nonatomic,strong) XenMobileSharedKeychainVault* XenMobileSharedKeychainVault; ... @end @implementation ClassA ... @synthesize XenMobileSharedKeychainVault = _XenMobileSharedKeychainVault; ... #ifdef USE_CLASS_INSTANCE_METHODS -(XenMobileSharedKeychainVault*)XenMobileSharedKeychainVault { if(_XenMobileSharedKeychainVault==nil) { _XenMobileSharedKeychainVault = [[XenMobileSharedKeychainVault alloc] initWithVaultName: accessGroup:kXenMobileKeychainAccessGroup]; } return _XenMobileSharedKeychainVault; } #endif -(void)read { NSError* error=nil; #ifdef USE_CLASS_INSTANCE_METHODS NSDictionary* vaultDictionary = nil; if([self.XenMobileSharedKeychainVault loadDataWithError:&error]) { vaultDictionary = [self.XenMobileSharedKeychainVault vaultData]; } #else NSDictionary* vaultDictionary = [XenMobileSharedKeychainVault getVaultDataFromVault: accessGroup:kXenMobileKeychainAccessGroup error:&error]; #endif } -(void)save { NSError* error=nil; /// check error handling here... NSDictionary* dictToSave = @{}; #ifdef USE_CLASS_INSTANCE_METHODS #ifdef USE_CLASS_INSTANCE_METHODS_TO_UPDATE BOOL result = [self.XenMobileSharedKeychainVault updateAndSynchronizeVaultItems:dictToSave error:&error]; #else self.XenMobileSharedKeychainVault.vaultData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dictToSave]; BOOL result = [self.XenMobileSharedKeychainVault synchronizeWithError:&error]; #endif #else BOOL result = [XenMobileSharedKeychainVault saveVaultData:dictToSave toVault: accessGroup:kXenMobileKeychainAccessGroup error:&error]; #endif } -(void)delete { NSError* error=nil; #ifdef USE_CLASS_INSTANCE_METHODS BOOL result = [self.XenMobileSharedKeychainVault deleteVaultWithError:&error]; #else BOOL result = [XenMobileSharedKeychainVault deleteVault: accessGroup:kXenMobileKeychainAccessGroup error:&error]; #endif } ... @end 
API for iOS