Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Policy support list

Linux VDA policy support list

Studio Policy Key Name Type Module Default Value
Use local time of client UseLocalTimeOfClient User ICA\Time Zone Control Use server time zone
ICA round trip calculation IcaRoundTripCheckEnabled Computer ICA\End User Monitoring Enabled (1)
ICA round trip calculation interval IcaRoundTripCheckPeriod Computer ICA\End User Monitoring 15
ICA round trip calculations for idle connections IcaRoundTripCheckWhenIdle Computer ICA\End User Monitoring Disabled (0)
Overall session bandwidth limit LimitOverallBw User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Audio redirection bandwidth limit LimitAudioBw User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Audio redirection bandwidth limit percent LimitAudioBwPercent User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Client USB device redirection bandwidth limit LimitUSBBw User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Client USB device redirection bandwidth percent LimitUSBBwPercent User ICA\Bandwidth 0
File redirection bandwidth limit LimitCdmBw User ICA\Bandwidth 0
File redirection bandwidth limit percent LimitCdmBwPercent User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Printer redirection bandwidth limit LimitPrinterBw User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Printer redirection bandwidth limit percent LimitPrinterBwPercent User ICA\Bandwidth 0
WebSockets connections AcceptWebSocketsConnections Computer ICA\WebSockets Prohibited
WebSockets port number WebSocketsPort Computer ICA\WebSockets 8008
WebSockets trusted origin server list WSTrustedOriginServerList Computer ICA\WebSockets *
ICA keep alives SendICAKeepAlives Computer ICA keep alive Do not send ICA keep alive messages (0)
ICA keep alive timeout ICAKeepAliveTimeout Computer ICA keep alive 60 seconds
ICA listener port number IcaListenerPortNumber Computer ICA 1494
HDX adaptive transport HDXoverUDP Computer ICA Preferred(2)
Session reliability connections AcceptSessionReliabilityConnections Computer ICA \会话可靠性 Allowed(1)
Reconnection UI transparency level ReconnectionUiTransparencyLevel Computer ICA\Auto Client Reconnect 80%
Session reliability port number SessionReliabilityPort Computer ICA \会话可靠性 2598
Session reliability timeout SessionReliabilityTimeout Computer ICA \会话可靠性 180 s
Auto Client Reconnect AllowAutoClientReconnect User ICA\Auto Client Reconnect Allowed (1)
Client audio redirection AllowAudioRedirection User Audio Allowed (1)
Client printer redirection AllowPrinterRedir User Printing Allowed (1)
Auto-create PDF Universal Printer AutoCreatePDFPrinter User Printing Disabled (0)
Printer driver mapping and compatibility DriverMappingList User Printing "Microsoft XPS Document Writer *, Deny;Send to Microsoft OneNote *, Deny"
Client clipboard redirection AllowClipboardRedir User Clipboard Allowed (1)
Limit clipboard client to session transfer size LimitClipboardTransferC2H User ICA Disabled (0)
Limit clipboard session to client transfer size LimitClipboardTransferH2C User ICA Disabled (0)
Clipboard redirection bandwidth limit LimitClipbdBW User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Clipboard redirection bandwidth limit percent LimitClipbdBWPercent User ICA\Bandwidth 0
Restrict client clipboard write RestrictClientClipboardWrite User Clipboard Disabled (0)
Client clipboard write allowed formats ClientClipboardWriteAllowedFormats User Clipboard N/A
Restrict session clipboard write RestrictSessionClipboardWrite User Clipboard Disabled (0)
Session clipboard write allowed formats SessionClipboardWriteAllowedFormats User Clipboard N/A
Client USB device redirection AllowUSBRedir User USB Prohibited (0)
Client USB device redirection rules USBDeviceRules User USB ”\0”
Moving image compression MovingImageCompressionConfiguration User Thinwire Enabled (1)
Extra color compression ExtraColorCompression User Thinwire Disabled (0)
Target minimum frame rate TargetedMinimumFramesPerSecond User Thinwire 10 fps
Target frame rate FramesPerSecond User Thinwire 30 fps
Visual quality VisualQuality User Thinwire Medium (3)
Use video codec for compression VideoCodec User Thinwire Use when preferred (3)
Use hardware encoding for video codec UseHardwareEncodingForVideoCodec User Thinwire Enabled (1)
Allow visually lossless compression AllowVisuallyLosslessCompression User Thinwire Disabled (0)
Optimize for 3D graphics workload OptimizeFor3dWorkload User Thinwire Disabled (0)
Preferred color depth for simple graphics PreferredColorDepth User Thinwire 24 bits per pixel(1)
Audio quality SoundQuality User Audio High – high definition audio (2)
Client microphone redirection AllowMicrophoneRedir User Audio Allowed (1)
Maximum number of sessions MaximumNumberOfSessions Computer Load Management 250
Concurrent logons tolerance ConcurrentLogonsTolerance Computer Load Management 2
Enable auto update of Controllers EnableAutoUpdateOfControllers Computer Virtual Delivery Agent Settings Allowed (1)
Clipboard selection update mode ClipboardSelectionUpdateMode User Clipboard 3
Primary selection update mode PrimarySelectionUpdateMode User Clipboard 3
Max speex quality MaxSpeexQuality User Audio 5
Auto connect client drives AutoConnectDrives User File redirection\CDM Enabled (1)
Client optical drives AllowCdromDrives User File redirection\CDM Allowed (1)
Client fixed drives AllowFixedDrives User File redirection\CDM Allowed (1)
Client floppy drives AllowFloppyDrives User File redirection\CDM Allowed (1)
Client network drives AllowNetworkDrives User File redirection\CDM Allowed (1)
Client drive redirection AllowDriveRedir User File redirection\CDM Allowed (1)
Read-only client drive access ReadOnlyMappedDrive User File redirection\CDM Disabled (0)
Automatic keyboard display AllowAutoKeyboardPopUp User MRVC Disabled (0)
Allow file transfer between desktop and client AllowFileTransfer User File Transfer Allowed
Download file from desktop AllowFileDownload User File Transfer Allowed
Upload file to desktop AllowFileUpload User File Transfer Allowed
Session idle timer EnableSessionIdleTimer User Session Timers Enabled (1)
Session idle timer interval SessionIdleTimerInterval User Session Timers 1440 minutes
Disconnected session timer EnableSessionDisconnectTimer User Session Timers Disabled (0)
Disconnected session timer interval SessionDisconnectTimerPeriod User Session Timers 1440 minutes
Browser Content Redirection WebBrowserRedirection Computer ICA\Multimedia Allowed
Browser Content Redirection ACL Configuration WebBrowserRedirectionAcl User ICA\Multimedia*
Browser Content Redirection Blacklist Configuration WebBrowserRedirectionBlacklist User ICA\Multimedia Null
Browser Content Redirection Proxy Configuration WebBrowserRedirectionProxy User ICA\Multimedia Null


Only the Windows Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) supports audio over User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The Linux VDA does not. For more information, seeAudio over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Real-time Transport.

You can use the following Citrix policy settings to configure session connection timers in Citrix Studio:

  • Session idle timer: Determines whether to enforce a time limit for idle sessions.
  • Session idle timer interval: Sets a time limit for idle sessions. IfSession idle timerisEnabledand an active session has not received user input during the set time, the session disconnects.
  • Disconnected session timer: Determines whether to enforce a time limit for disconnected sessions.
  • Disconnected session timer interval: Sets an interval before a disconnected session is logged off.

When you update any of the policy settings, ensure that they are consistent across your deployment.

A warning message appears when your time limit for idle sessions expires. See the following screen capture for an example. PressingOKcloses the warning message but cannot keep your session active. To keep your session active, provide user input to reset the idle timer.

Warning message

的following policies can be configured in Citrix Studio Version 7.12 and later.

  • MaxSpeexQuality

    Value (integer): [0–10]

    Default value: 5


    Audio redirection encodes audio data with the Speex codec when audio quality is medium or low (see the policy Audio quality). Speex is a lossy codec, which means that it achieves compression at the expense of fidelity of the input speech signal. Unlike some other speech codecs, it is possible to control the tradeoff made between quality and bit rate. The Speex encoding process is controlled most of the time by a quality parameter that ranges from 0 to 10. The higher the quality is, the higher the bit rate.

    的max Speex quality chooses the best Speex quality to encode audio data according to audio quality and bandwidth limit (see the policy Audio redirection bandwidth limit). If the audio quality is medium, the encoder is in wide band mode, which means a higher sampling rate. If the audio quality is low, the encoder is in narrow band mode, which means a lower sampling rate. The same Speex quality has different bit rates in different modes. The best Speex quality is when the largest value meets the following conditions:

    • It is equal to or less than the max Speex quality.
    • Its bit rate is equal to or less than the bandwidth limit.

    Related Settings: Audio quality, Audio redirection bandwidth limit

  • PrimarySelectionUpdateMode

    Value (enum): [0, 1, 2, 3]

    Default value: 3


    Primary selection is used when you select data and paste it by pressing the middle mouse button.

    This policy controls whether primary selection changes on the Linux VDA and the client can update the clipboard on each other. There are four value options:

    image of primary selection update mode

    • Selection changes are not updated on neither client nor host
      主要选择Linux VDA不变化update the clipboard on the client. Primary selection changes on the client do not update the clipboard on the Linux VDA.

    • Host selection changes are not updated to client
      主要选择Linux VDA不变化update the clipboard on the client. Primary selection changes on the client update the clipboard on the Linux VDA.

    • Client selection changes are not updated to host
      Primary selection changes on the Linux VDA update the clipboard on the client. Primary selection changes on the client do not update the clipboard on the Linux VDA.

    • Selection changes are updated on both client and host
      Primary selection changes on the Linux VDA update the clipboard on the client. Primary selection changes on the client update the clipboard on the Linux VDA. This option is the default value.

    Related Setting: Clipboard selection update mode

  • ClipboardSelectionUpdateMode

    Value (enum): [0, 1, 2, 3]

    Default value: 3


    使用剪贴板选择当您选择一些data and explicitly request it to be “copied” to the clipboard, such as by selecting “Copy” from the shortcut menu. Clipboard selection is primarily used in connection with Microsoft Windows clipboard operations while primary selection is unique to Linux.

    This policy controls whether clipboard selection changes on the Linux VDA and the client can update the clipboard on each other. There are four value options:

    image of clipboard selection update mode

    • Selection changes are not updated on neither client nor host
      Clipboard selection changes on the Linux VDA do not update the clipboard on the client. Clipboard selection changes on the client do not update the clipboard on the Linux VDA.

    • Host selection changes are not updated to client
      Clipboard selection changes on the Linux VDA do not update the clipboard on the client. Clipboard selection changes on the client update the clipboard on the Linux VDA.

    • Client selection changes are not updated to host
      Clipboard selection changes on the Linux VDA update the clipboard on the client. Clipboard selection changes on the client do not update the clipboard on the Linux VDA.

    • Selection changes are updated on both client and host
      Clipboard selection changes on the Linux VDA update the clipboard on the client. Clipboard selection changes on the client update the clipboard on the Linux VDA. This option is the default value.

    Related Setting: Primary selection update mode


的Linux VDA supports both clipboard selection and primary selection. To control the copy and paste behaviors between the Linux VDA and the client, we recommend that you set both clipboard selection update mode and primary selection update mode to the same value.

Policy support list