
Creating Virtual Servers

虚拟服务器是一个用户访问点log on. Each virtual server has its own IP address, certificate, and policy set. A virtual server consists of a combination of an IP address, port, and protocol that accepts incoming traffic. Virtual servers contain the connection settings for when users log on to the appliance. You can configure the following settings on virtual servers:

  • Certificates
  • Authentication
  • Policies
  • Bookmarks
  • Address pools (also known as IP pools or intranet IPs)
  • Double-hop DMZ deployment with Citrix Gateway
  • Secure Ticket Authority
  • SmartAccess ICA Proxy Session Transfer

If you run the Citrix Gateway wizard, you can create a virtual server during the wizard. You can configure additional virtual servers in the following ways:

  • From the virtual servers node. This node is on the navigation pane in the configuration utility. You can add, edit, and remove virtual servers by using the configuration utility.
  • With the Quick Configuration wizard. If you deploy Citrix Endpoint Management, StoreFront or the Web Interface in your environment, you can use the Quick Configuration wizard to create the virtual server and all of the policies needed for your deployment.

If you want users to log on and use a specific authentication type, such as RADIUS, you can configure a virtual server and assign the server a unique IP address. When users log on, they are directed to the virtual server and then prompted for their RADIUS credentials.

You can also configure the ways users log on to Citrix Gateway. You can use a session policy to configure the type of user software, the access method, and the home page users see after logging on.

Creating Virtual Servers