Citrix Application Delivery Management

Configure system prune and event prune settings

To limit the amount of reporting data being stored in your Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) software database, you can prune it. You can specify the interval for which you want Citrix ADM to retain network reporting data, events, audit logs, and task logs. By default, this data is pruned every 24 hours (at 00.00 hours).


The value you specify cannot exceed 30 days or be less than 15 days.

To configure system prune settings for performance reports using Citrix ADM:

  1. Navigate toSystem>Administration. UnderData Pruning, clickSystem and Instance Data Pruning.
  2. In theConfigure System Prune Settingspage, specify the number of days for which to retain data, and clickOK.

    configure sys prune settings

You can enable automatic pruning by selecting theEnable Automatic Data Prunecheck box. An alarm is triggered and an email is sent when disk usage breaches the configuredData Prune Threshold Value. To change the percentage of disk space (pruning threshold), clickEdit.

Note Pruning starts when any one of the criteria is met – data prune threshold value or data to keep (days). Whichever is met first, takes precedence over the other.

You can configure and enable thediskUtilizationHighalarm (by default) and specify the following:

  • Severity, such as, Critical.
  • Alarm Threshold. Type the value for which the event severity is calculated.
  • Time. Time length (in minutes) after which you want to trigger the alarm.

    configure alarm automatic purging

Configure Events Prune Settings by Using Citrix ADM

To limit the amount of event messages data being stored in your Citrix ADM database, you can specify the interval for which you want Citrix ADM to retain network reporting data, events, audit logs, and task logs. By default, this data is pruned every 24 hours (at 00.00 hours).

  • Navigate toSettings > Administration > Data Pruningand clickSystem and Instance Data Pruning. ClickInstance Events.

  • Enter the time interval, in days, for which you want to retain data on the Citrix ADM server and clickSave.

Configure system prune and event prune settings