Citrix Analytics for Security

Microsoft Active Directory and Azure Active Directory integration

Connect your Active Directory or your Azure Active Directory and import the user details and the user groups from your organization’s domain to Citrix Analytics for Security.

This integration enhances the user profiles in Citrix Analytics for Security with user identity details such as job title, organization, office location, email, and contact details. On theUser profilepage, you can view these user details, which help you during risk investigation and analysis.


  • If you want to connect Active Directory with Citrix Analytics for Security, ensure that your Active Directory is first connected to your Citrix Cloud account. For more information, seeConnect Active Directory to Citrix Cloud.

  • If you want to connect Azure Active Directory with Citrix Analytics for Security, ensure that your Azure Active Directory is first connected to your Citrix Cloud account. For more information, seeConnect Azure Active Directory to Citrix Cloud.

Connect Microsoft Active Directory

To connect your Active Directory to Citrix Analytics for Security, do the following:

  1. Go toSettings>Data Sources>Securityand then navigate to theEXTERNAL DATA SOURCESsection.

  2. On theActive Directorysite card, click the plus+sign.

    Onboarding Active Directory

  3. Citrix Analytics prompts you to connect Active Directory to your Citrix Cloud account. For more information, seePrerequisites.

在你连接你的活动目录your Citrix Cloud account, Citrix Analytics automatically discovers this new data source. On theData Sourcespage, the Active Directory site card displaysData processing on.

AD data on

TheData processing onstatus indicates that the Active Directory is discovered and user information is being fetched from your Active Directory.

Connect Microsoft Azure Active Directory

To connect your Azure Active Directory to Citrix Analytics, do the following:

  1. Go toSettings > Data Sources > Securityand then navigate to theEXTERNAL DATA SOURCESsection.

  2. On theAzure Active Directorysite card, click the plus + sign.

    Add Azure Active Directory

  3. Citrix Analytics prompts you to connect Azure Active Directory to your Citrix Cloud account. For more information, seeConnect Azure Active Directory to Citrix Cloud.

After you have connected your Azure Active Directory to your Citrix Cloud account, Citrix Analytics automatically discovers this new data source. On theData Sourcespage, theAzure Active Directorysite card displaysData processing on. This status indicates that the Azure Active Directory is discovered and the user information is being fetched from your Azure Active Directory.

Azure Active Directory connected

View user information

From theSecuritytab, click a risky user to view the user profile page. If the user is available in Active Directory or Azure Active Directory, you can view their job title, organization, email, and contact number on the user profile page.

User profile

Microsoft Active Directory and Azure Active Directory integration