Ease of troubleshooting with Web Application Firewall logs

When there is a security attack, it is important to capture detailed WAF logging on the appliance. For this, you can configure the “VerboseLogLevel” parameter on an Application Firewall profile.

Consider a web traffic having a security attack. When the appliance receives the traffic, violation details such as HTTP header details, log pattern, and pattern payload information are logged and sent to the ADM server. The ADM server monitors the detailed logs and displays it on the Security Insight page for monitoring and tracking purpose.

Configuring verbose log level by using the command interface

To capture detailed WAF logs, configure the following command. At the command interface, type:

set appfw profile -VerboseLogLevel (pattern|patternPayload|patternPayloadHeader)


set appfw profile profile1 –VerboseLogLevel patternPayloadHeader

The available log levels are:

  1. Pattern. Logs only violation pattern.
  2. Pattern payload. Logs violation pattern and 150 bytes of extra field element payload.
  3. Pattern payload header. Logs violation patter, 150 bytes of extra field element payload and HTTP header information.

Configuring verbose log level by using the NetScaler GUI

Complete the following procedure to configure the verbose log level in the WAF profile.

  1. On the navigation pane, navigate toSecurity>Profiles.
  2. In theProfilespage, clickAdd.
  3. In theNetScaler Web App Firewall Profilepage, clickProfile SettingsunderAdvanced Settings.
  4. In theProfile Settingssection, select the detailed WAF log level in the Verbose Log Level field.
  5. ClickOKandDone.

    Verbose log level configuration

Verbose logging for JSON security checks (SQL, CMD, and cross-site scripting)

When an incoming request type is of JSON, you can configure the verbose log level parameter to capture detailed violation logs such as pattern, pattern payload, and HTTP header information. The log details are then sent to the NetScaler ADM server for monitoring and troubleshooting JSON violations. The verbose log message is not stored in the ns.log file. Verbose logging for JSON content type security protection can be configured for the following violation types:

  • SQL Injection
  • Cross-site scripting
  • Command Injection

Configure verbose logging for JSON security protection by using the CLI

To capture detailed HTTP header information as logs, you can configure the verbose logging parameter in the Web App Firewall profile. At the command prompt, type:

set appfw profile  -VerboseLogLevel ( pattern | patternPayload | patternPayloadHeader ) 


set appfw profile profile1 -VerboseLogLevel patternPayloadHeader

The available log levels are:

Pattern. Logs only violation pattern.

Pattern payload. Logs violation pattern and 150 bytes of extra JSON payload.

Pattern payload header. Logs violation patter, 150 bytes of extra JSON payload and HTTP header information.

Configuring verbose log level by using the NetScaler GUI

Follow the procedure below to configure the verbose log level for JSON security protection.

  1. On the navigation pane, navigate toSecurity > Profiles.
  2. In theProfilespage, clickAdd.
  3. In theNetScaler Web App Firewall Profilepage, clickSecurity ChecksunderAdvanced Settings.
  4. In theSecurity Checkssection, selectJSONand clickAction Settings.
  5. In theJSON Security Settingspage, set theVerbose log levelparameter.
  6. ClickOKandDone.

Based on the details captured by NetScaler WAF JSON verbose logging, the following violation details can be inspected on the NetScaler ADM server.

Violation details on ADM

Ease of troubleshooting with Web Application Firewall logs