Creating Web App Firewall profiles

You can create a Web App Firewall profile in one of two ways: by using the command line, and by using the GUI. Creating a profile by using the command line requires that you specify options on the command line. The process is similar to that ofconfiguring a profile, and with a few exceptions the two commands take the same parameters.


Core profile: This profile is available in the build 33.x and later. It contains limited but fundamental security checks enabled by default whereas the basic and advanced profiles have many other security checks enabled by default. The core profile contains the following security checks:

  • Grammar-based SQL injection
  • Grammar-based CMD injection
  • Cross-site scripting
  • Buffer overflow
  • Block keywords

CVE profile: This profile is available in the build 42.x and later. Use this profile to only add and bind a signature. It disables all checks from the NetScaler Web App Firewall except the CVE check.

When creating a profile, specify one of these options: basic, advanced, core, or CVE. The default configuration for the various security checks and settings that are part of that profile are applied. You can also, optionally, add a comment. After you create the profile, you must then configure it by selecting it in the data pane, and then clickingEdit.

如果您计划使用的学习特性或enable and configure many advanced protections, you must choose advanced defaults. In particular, if you plan to configure either of the SQL injection checks, either of the cross-site scripting checks, any check that provides protection against Web form attacks, or the cookie consistency check, you must plan to use the learning feature. Unless you include the proper exceptions for your protected websites when configuring these checks, they can block legitimate traffic. Anticipating all exceptions without creating any that is too broad is difficult. The learning feature makes this task much easier. Otherwise, basic defaults are quick and must provide the protection that your web applications need.

There are three profile types:

  • HTML.Protects standard HTML-based websites.
  • XML.Protects XML-based web services and websites.
  • Web 2.0 (HTML XML).Protects websites that contain both HTML and XML elements, such as ATOM feeds, blogs, and RSS feeds.

There are also a few restrictions on the name that you can give to a profile. A profile name cannot be the same as the name assigned to any other profile or action in any feature on the NetScaler appliance. Certain action or profile names are assigned to built-in actions or profiles, and can never be used for user profiles. A complete list of disallowed names can be found in the Web App Firewall ProfileSupplemental Information. If you attempt to create a profile with a name that has already been used for an action or a profile, an error message is displayed and the profile is not created.

To create a Web App Firewall profile by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type the following commands:

  • add appfw profile [-defaults ( basic | advanced | core | cve)]
  • set appfw profile -type ( HTML | XML | HTML XML )
  • set appfw profile -comment ""
  • save ns config


The following example adds a profile namedpr-basic, with basic defaults, and assigns a profile type of HTML. This is the appropriate initial configuration for a profile to protect an HTML website.

add appfw profile pr-basic -defaults basic -comment "Simple profile for websites." set appfw profile pr-basic -type HTML save ns config 

To create a Web App Firewall profile by using the GUI

Complete the following procedure to create a Web App Firewall profile:

  1. Navigate toSecurity > NetScaler Web App Firewall > Profiles.
  2. In the details pane, clickAdd.
  3. In theCreate Web App Firewall Profilepage, set the following basic parameters:

    1. Name
    2. Profile Type
    4. Defaults
    5. Description
  4. ClickOK.
  5. Select the profile that you created and clickEdit.
  6. In theAdvanced Settingssection, complete the following configurations:

    1. Security Checks
    2. Profile Settings
    3. Dynamic Profiling
    4. Relaxation Rules
    5. Deny Rules
    6. Learned Rule
    7. Extended Logging

    NetScalerWeb App Firewall Profile Advanced Settings

  7. In theSecurity Checks部分,并点击选择一个安全保护Action Settings.
  8. In the security check page, set the parameters.


    TheActive Rulesetting is available only forHTML SQL Injectioncheck to activate relaxation rule or deny rule for SQL injection check. For more information, seeRelaxation and Deny Rulestopic.

  9. ClickOKandClose.

  10. In theProfile Settingssection, set the profile parameters. For more information, seeConfigure Web App Firewall Profile settingstopic.
  11. In theDynamic Profilingsection, select a security check to add dynamic profile settings. For more information, seeDynamic Profiletopic.
  12. In theRelaxation Rulessection, clickEditto add a relaxation rule for a security check. For more information, seeRelaxation Rulefor details.
  13. In theDeny Rulessection, add a deny rule for the HTML SQL Injection check. For more information, seeHTML Deny Rulestopic.
  14. In theLearnt Rulesection, set the learning settings. For more information, seeWeb App Firewall Learningtopic.
  15. In theExtended loggingsection, clickAddfor masking sensitive data. For more information, seeExtended loggingtopic.
  16. ClickDone, and then clickClose.

    NetScalerWeb App Firewall Creation

Configure fake account detection rules

Fake account creation is an automated process of creating many user accounts that are not associated to a real person or creating user accounts with the real person’s details without their consent. Fake accounts that non-legitimate users create use registration details that do not correspond to a person’s true identify. These accounts are created to abuse services offered by a web application for non-legitimate purposes such as phishing attacks, spreading of fake news, scalping and so forth. Most often, these accounts are created by bots run by malicious users.

The NetScaler appliance is enhanced to detect fake accounts by binding fake account detection rules to a Web App Firewall profile. The rule consists of form URLs and form parameters for each URL. If an incoming request matches an expression or form URL (sign up pages) configured for a fake account detection rule, the evaluation is true for a suspicious sign-up attempt and the request data is sent to the ADM server for further inspection.

Complete the following steps to configure fake account detection by using the command interface:

  1. 在able fake account detection feature
  2. Bind fake account rules

在able fake account detection feature

At the command prompt, type:

add/set appfw profile -FakeAccountDetection ( ON | OFF )


add appfw profile profile1 -FakeAccountDetection ON

Bind fake account rules

At the command prompt, type:

bind appfw profile -FakeAccount (string|expression) isFieldNameRegex (ON|OFF) -tag ([-formUrl ]| [-formExpression )]) –state (ENABLED|DISABLED)


  • formUrl: HTTP form action URL. formExpression: Form expression to be evaluated.
  • fakeaccount: Name of the fake account. tag: Tag expression.
  • isFieldNameRegex: Specifies whether the fieldName is regex. Default value OFF.


bind appfw profile profile1 -FakeAccount john -formURL “/signup.php" -tag "smith"bind appfw profile profile2 -FakeAccount Will -formExpression "HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"Authorization\").CONTAINS(\"/test_accounts\").NOT && HTTP.REQ.URL.CONTAINS(\"/login.php\")" -fieldName -tag "smith"

Example input for an HTTP post request forexample.comsignup page. Input Example
1 Signup HTTP POST request endpoint URL
2 Email Field name in HTTP post request Email address
3 First name Field name in HTTP post request First name
4 Last name Field name in HTTP post request Last name

Configure Web App Firewall fake account detection rule by using the GUI

Complete the following steps to configure the fake account detection rule by using the GUI.

  1. Navigate toConfiguration>Security>NetScalerWeb App Firewall>Profile.
  2. Select a profile and clickEdit.
  3. In theNetScalerWeb App Firewall Profilepage, clickSecurity ChecksfromAdvanced Settings.
  4. In theChecks Integrated with Citrix Cloudsection, select a fake account rule and clickEdit.
  5. In theAppFirewall Fake Account Bindingslider, select a rule to edit or clickAdd.
  6. In theFake Account rulepage, set the following parameters:

    1. 在abled. Select to activate the fake account rule.
    2. Fake Account Name. Name of the fake account rule.
    3. Tag. First name in the fake account registration form.
    4. Is Field Name Regex?Select if the form field is a regular expression.
    5. Form Expression. Regular expression that defines the fake account.
    6. Form URL. Enter the fake account detection URL.
    7. Comments. A brief description about the fake account detection rule.
  7. ClickCreate.

Configure Web App Firewall fake account detection rule

Creating Web App Firewall profiles