Advertisement of SNIP and VIP Routes to Selective Areas

To advertise some SNIP addresses to selective areas, enabling DRADV mode or redistribute connect ZebOS operations cannot be used. This is because these operations send all the connected routes to ZebOS. Also, adding dummy static routes in ZebOS for the required subnets, or adding ACLs in ZebOS to filter unwanted connected routes, is a cumbersome and tedious task.

The Network Route and the Tag options address this issue. You can enable the Network Route option for only one SNIP address per subnet. The connected route for that SNIP address is sent as a kernel route to ZebOS.

For VIP and SNIP addresses, Tag, can be assigned an integer from 1 to 4294967295. This parameter can be set only when Host Route or Network Route is enabled for VIP or SNIP addresses. The tag value associated with VIP and SNIP addresses are also sent along with their routes to ZebOS. Tags with different values can be set for VIP and SNIP routes. These tag values can then be matched in route maps in ZebOS and advertised to selective areas.

To configure the network route and tag parameters of a SNIP address by using the CLI:

At the command prompt, type:

  • If adding a new SNIP address:

    • add ns ip@ -type SNIP-networkroute(ENABLED|DISABLED) -tag
    • show ns ip
  • If reconfiguring an existing SNIP address:

    • set ns ip@ -type SNIP-networkroute(ENABLED|DISABLED) -tag
    • show ns ip

To configure the network route and tag parameters of a SNIP address by using GUI:

  1. Navigate toSystem>Network>IPs>IPV4s.
  2. Set theNetwork RouteandTagparameters while adding a Subnet IP (SNIP) address or modifying an existing Subnet IP address.

To configure the host route and tag parameters of a VIP address by using the CLI:

At the command prompt, type one of the following sets of commands.

  • If adding a new VIP address:

    • add ns ip@ -type VIP-hostRoute(ENABLED|DISABLED) -tag
    • show ns ip
  • If reconfiguring an existing VIP address:

    • set ns ip@ -type VIP-hostRoute(ENABLED|DISABLED) -tag
    • show ns ip

To configure the network route and tag parameters of a VIP address by using the GUI:

  1. Navigate toSystem>Network>IPs>IPV4s.
  2. Set theHost RouteandTagparameters while adding a VIP address or modifying an existing VIP address.
Advertisement of SNIP and VIP Routes to Selective Areas